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migrate can be used as CLI or can be imported into your existing Go code.

Available Drivers

Need another driver? Just implement the Driver interface and open a PR.

Usage from Terminal

# install
go get github.com/mattes/migrate

# create new migration
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations create add_field_to_table

# apply all *up* migrations
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations up

# apply all *down* migrations
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations down

# roll back the most recently applied migration, then run it again.
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations redo

# down and up again
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations reset

# show current migration version
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations version

# apply the next n migrations
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations migrate +1
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations migrate +2
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations migrate +n

# apply the *down* migration of the current version 
# and the previous n-1 migrations
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations migrate -1
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations migrate -2
migrate -url postgres://user@host:port/database -path ./db/migrations migrate -n

Usage from within Go

See http://godoc.org/github.com/mattes/migrate/migrate

import "github.com/mattes/migrate/migrate"

migrate.Up("postgres://user@host:port/database", "./db/migrations")
// ... 
// ... 

Migrations format


Why two files? This way you could do sth like psql -f ./db/migrations/001_initial.up.sql.
