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# nim-eth - Node Discovery Protocol v5
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
## Node Discovery Protocol v5
## Node discovery protocol implementation as per specification:
## This node discovery protocol implementation uses the same underlying
## implementation of routing table as is also used for the discovery v4
## implementation, which is the same or similar as the one described in the
## original Kademlia paper:
## This might not be the most optimal implementation for the node discovery
## protocol v5. Why?
## The Kademlia paper describes an implementation that starts off from one
## k-bucket, and keeps splitting the bucket as more nodes are discovered and
## added. The bucket splits only on the part of the binary tree where our own
## node its id belongs too (same prefix). Resulting eventually in a k-bucket per
## logarithmic distance (log base2 distance). Well, not really, as nodes with
## ids in the closer distance ranges will never be found. And because of this an
## optimisation is done where buckets will also split sometimes even if the
## nodes own id does not have the same prefix (this is to avoid creating highly
## unbalanced branches which would require longer lookups).
## Now, some implementations take a more simplified approach. They just create
## directly a bucket for each possible logarithmic distance (e.g. here 1->256).
## Some implementations also don't create buckets with logarithmic distance
## lower than a certain value (e.g. only 1/15th of the highest buckets),
## because the closer to the node (the lower the distance), the less chance
## there is to still find nodes.
## The discovery protocol v4 its `FindNode` call will request the k closest
## nodes. As does original Kademlia. This effectively puts the work at the node
## that gets the request. This node will have to check its buckets and gather
## the closest. Some implementations go over all the nodes in all the buckets
## for this (e.g. go-ethereum discovery v4). However, in our bucket splitting
## approach, this search is improved.
## In the discovery protocol v5 the `FindNode` call is changed and now the
## logarithmic distance is passed as parameter instead of the NodeId. And only
## nodes that match that logarithmic distance are allowed to be returned.
## This change was made to not put the trust at the requested node for selecting
## the closest nodes. To counter a possible (mistaken) difference in
## implementation, but more importantly for security reasons. See also:
## The result is that in an implementation which just stores buckets per
## logarithmic distance, it simply needs to return the right bucket. In our
## split-bucket implementation, this cannot be done as such and thus the closest
## neighbours search is still done. And to do this, a reverse calculation of an
## id at given logarithmic distance is needed (which is why there is the
## `idAtDistance` proc). Next, nodes with invalid distances need to be filtered
## out to be compliant to the specification. This can most likely get further
## optimised, but it sounds likely better to switch away from the split-bucket
## approach. I believe that the main benefit it has is improved lookups
## (due to no unbalanced branches), and it looks like this will be negated by
## limiting the returned nodes to only the ones of the requested logarithmic
## distance for the `FindNode` call.
## This `FindNode` change in discovery v5 will also have an effect on the
## efficiency of the network. Work will be moved from the receiver of
## `FindNodes` to the requester. But this also means more network traffic,
## as less nodes will potentially be passed around per `FindNode` call, and thus
## more requests will be needed for a lookup (adding bandwidth and latency).
## This might be a concern for mobile devices.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
std/[tables, sets, options, math, sequtils, algorithm],
stew/shims/net as stewNet, json_serialization/std/net,
stew/[endians2, results], chronicles, chronos, stint, bearssl, metrics,
eth/[rlp, keys, async_utils],
"."/[transport, messages, messages_encoding, node, routing_table, enr, random2, ip_vote, nodes_verification]
import nimcrypto except toHex
export options, results, node, enr
declareCounter discovery_message_requests_outgoing,
"Discovery protocol outgoing message requests", labels = ["response"]
declareCounter discovery_message_requests_incoming,
"Discovery protocol incoming message requests", labels = ["response"]
declareCounter discovery_unsolicited_messages,
"Discovery protocol unsolicited or timed-out messages"
declareCounter discovery_enr_auto_update,
"Amount of discovery IP:port address ENR auto updates"
topics = "discv5"
alpha = 3 ## Kademlia concurrency factor
lookupRequestLimit = 3 ## Amount of distances requested in a single Findnode
## message for a lookup or query
findNodeResultLimit = 16 ## Maximum amount of ENRs in the total Nodes messages
## that will be processed
maxNodesPerMessage = 3 ## Maximum amount of ENRs per individual Nodes message
refreshInterval = 5.minutes ## Interval of launching a random query to
## refresh the routing table.
revalidateMax = 10000 ## Revalidation of a peer is done between 0 and this
## value in milliseconds
ipMajorityInterval = 5.minutes ## Interval for checking the latest IP:Port
## majority and updating this when ENR auto update is set.
initialLookups = 1 ## Amount of lookups done when populating the routing table
responseTimeout* = 4.seconds ## timeout for the response of a request-response
## call
DiscoveryConfig* = object
tableIpLimits*: TableIpLimits
bitsPerHop*: int
Protocol* = ref object
localNode*: Node
privateKey: PrivateKey
transport*: Transport[Protocol] # exported for tests
routingTable*: RoutingTable
awaitedMessages: Table[(NodeId, RequestId), Future[Option[Message]]]
refreshLoop: Future[void]
revalidateLoop: Future[void]
ipMajorityLoop: Future[void]
lastLookup: chronos.Moment
bootstrapRecords*: seq[Record]
ipVote: IpVote
enrAutoUpdate: bool
talkProtocols*: Table[seq[byte], TalkProtocol] # TODO: Table is a bit of
# overkill here, use sequence
rng*: ref BrHmacDrbgContext
TalkProtocolHandler* = proc(p: TalkProtocol, request: seq[byte], fromId: NodeId, fromUdpAddress: Address): seq[byte]
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
TalkProtocol* = ref object of RootObj
protocolHandler*: TalkProtocolHandler
DiscResult*[T] = Result[T, cstring]
defaultDiscoveryConfig* = DiscoveryConfig(
tableIpLimits: DefaultTableIpLimits,
bitsPerHop: DefaultBitsPerHop)
proc addNode*(d: Protocol, node: Node): bool =
## Add `Node` to discovery routing table.
## Returns true only when `Node` was added as a new entry to a bucket in the
## routing table.
if d.routingTable.addNode(node) == Added:
return true
return false
proc addNode*(d: Protocol, r: Record): bool =
## Add `Node` from a `Record` to discovery routing table.
## Returns false only if no valid `Node` can be created from the `Record` or
## on the conditions of `addNode` from a `Node`.
let node = newNode(r)
if node.isOk():
return d.addNode(node[])
proc addNode*(d: Protocol, enr: EnrUri): bool =
## Add `Node` from a ENR URI to discovery routing table.
## Returns false if no valid ENR URI, or on the conditions of `addNode` from
## an `Record`.
var r: Record
let res = r.fromURI(enr)
if res:
return d.addNode(r)
proc getNode*(d: Protocol, id: NodeId): Option[Node] =
## Get the node with id from the routing table.
proc randomNodes*(d: Protocol, maxAmount: int): seq[Node] =
## Get a `maxAmount` of random nodes from the local routing table.
proc randomNodes*(d: Protocol, maxAmount: int,
pred: proc(x: Node): bool {.gcsafe, noSideEffect.}): seq[Node] =
## Get a `maxAmount` of random nodes from the local routing table with the
## `pred` predicate function applied as filter on the nodes selected.
d.routingTable.randomNodes(maxAmount, pred)
proc randomNodes*(d: Protocol, maxAmount: int,
enrField: (string, seq[byte])): seq[Node] =
## Get a `maxAmount` of random nodes from the local routing table. The
## the nodes selected are filtered by provided `enrField`.
d.randomNodes(maxAmount, proc(x: Node): bool = x.record.contains(enrField))
proc neighbours*(d: Protocol, id: NodeId, k: int = BUCKET_SIZE,
seenOnly = false): seq[Node] =
## Return up to k neighbours (closest node ids) of the given node id.
d.routingTable.neighbours(id, k, seenOnly)
proc neighboursAtDistances*(d: Protocol, distances: seq[uint16],
k: int = BUCKET_SIZE, seenOnly = false): seq[Node] =
## Return up to k neighbours (closest node ids) at given distances.
d.routingTable.neighboursAtDistances(distances, k, seenOnly)
proc nodesDiscovered*(d: Protocol): int = d.routingTable.len
func privKey*(d: Protocol): lent PrivateKey =
func getRecord*(d: Protocol): Record =
## Get the ENR of the local node.
proc updateRecord*(
d: Protocol, enrFields: openArray[(string, seq[byte])]): DiscResult[void] =
## Update the ENR of the local node with provided `enrFields` k:v pairs.
let fields = mapIt(enrFields, toFieldPair(it[0], it[1]))
d.localNode.record.update(d.privateKey, fields)
# TODO: Would it make sense to actively ping ("broadcast") to all the peers
# we stored a handshake with in order to get that ENR updated?
proc sendResponse(d: Protocol, dstId: NodeId, dstAddr: Address,
message: SomeMessage, reqId: RequestId) =
## send Response using the specifid reqId
d.transport.sendMessage(dstId, dstAddr, encodeMessage(message, reqId))
proc sendNodes(d: Protocol, toId: NodeId, toAddr: Address, reqId: RequestId,
nodes: openArray[Node]) =
proc sendNodes(d: Protocol, toId: NodeId, toAddr: Address,
message: NodesMessage, reqId: RequestId) {.nimcall.} =
trace "Respond message packet", dstId = toId, address = toAddr,
kind = MessageKind.nodes
d.sendResponse(toId, toAddr, message, reqId)
if nodes.len == 0:
# In case of 0 nodes, a reply is still needed
d.sendNodes(toId, toAddr, NodesMessage(total: 1, enrs: @[]), reqId)
var message: NodesMessage
# TODO: Do the total calculation based on the max UDP packet size we want to
# send and the ENR size of all (max 16) nodes.
# Which UDP packet size to take? 1280? 576? = ceil(nodes.len / maxNodesPerMessage).uint32
for i in 0 ..< nodes.len:
if message.enrs.len == maxNodesPerMessage:
d.sendNodes(toId, toAddr, message, reqId)
if message.enrs.len != 0:
d.sendNodes(toId, toAddr, message, reqId)
proc handlePing(d: Protocol, fromId: NodeId, fromAddr: Address,
ping: PingMessage, reqId: RequestId) =
let pong = PongMessage(enrSeq: d.localNode.record.seqNum, ip: fromAddr.ip,
port: fromAddr.port.uint16)
trace "Respond message packet", dstId = fromId, address = fromAddr,
kind = MessageKind.pong
d.sendResponse(fromId, fromAddr, pong, reqId)
proc handleFindNode(d: Protocol, fromId: NodeId, fromAddr: Address,
fn: FindNodeMessage, reqId: RequestId) =
if fn.distances.len == 0:
d.sendNodes(fromId, fromAddr, reqId, [])
elif fn.distances.contains(0):
# A request for our own record.
# It would be a weird request if there are more distances next to 0
# requested, so in this case lets just pass only our own. TODO: OK?
d.sendNodes(fromId, fromAddr, reqId, [d.localNode])
# TODO: Still deduplicate also?
if fn.distances.all(proc (x: uint16): bool = return x <= 256):
d.sendNodes(fromId, fromAddr, reqId,
d.routingTable.neighboursAtDistances(fn.distances, seenOnly = true))
# At least one invalid distance, but the polite node we are, still respond
# with empty nodes.
d.sendNodes(fromId, fromAddr, reqId, [])
proc handleTalkReq(d: Protocol, fromId: NodeId, fromAddr: Address,
talkreq: TalkReqMessage, reqId: RequestId) =
let talkProtocol = d.talkProtocols.getOrDefault(talkreq.protocol)
let talkresp =
if talkProtocol.isNil() or talkProtocol.protocolHandler.isNil():
# Protocol identifier that is not registered and thus not supported. An
# empty response is send as per specification.
TalkRespMessage(response: @[])
TalkRespMessage(response: talkProtocol.protocolHandler(talkProtocol,
talkreq.request, fromId, fromAddr))
trace "Respond message packet", dstId = fromId, address = fromAddr,
kind = MessageKind.talkresp
d.sendResponse(fromId, fromAddr, talkresp, reqId)
proc handleMessage(d: Protocol, srcId: NodeId, fromAddr: Address,
message: Message) =
case message.kind
of ping:
d.handlePing(srcId, fromAddr,, message.reqId)
of findNode:
d.handleFindNode(srcId, fromAddr, message.findNode, message.reqId)
of talkReq:
d.handleTalkReq(srcId, fromAddr, message.talkReq, message.reqId)
of regTopic, topicQuery: = ["no_response"])
trace "Received unimplemented message kind", kind = message.kind,
origin = fromAddr
var waiter: Future[Option[Message]]
if d.awaitedMessages.take((srcId, message.reqId), waiter):
trace "Timed out or unrequested message", kind = message.kind,
origin = fromAddr
proc registerTalkProtocol*(d: Protocol, protocolId: seq[byte],
protocol: TalkProtocol): DiscResult[void] =
# Currently allow only for one handler per talk protocol.
if d.talkProtocols.hasKeyOrPut(protocolId, protocol):
err("Protocol identifier already registered")
proc replaceNode(d: Protocol, n: Node) =
if n.record notin d.bootstrapRecords:
# For now we never remove bootstrap nodes. It might make sense to actually
# do so and to retry them only in case we drop to a really low amount of
# peers in the routing table.
debug "Message request to bootstrap node failed", enr = toURI(n.record)
proc waitMessage(d: Protocol, fromNode: Node, reqId: RequestId):
Future[Option[Message]] =
result = newFuture[Option[Message]]("waitMessage")
let res = result
let key = (, reqId)
sleepAsync(responseTimeout).addCallback() do(data: pointer):
if not res.finished:
d.awaitedMessages[key] = result
proc waitNodes(d: Protocol, fromNode: Node, reqId: RequestId):
Future[DiscResult[seq[Record]]] {.async.} =
## Wait for one or more nodes replies.
## The first reply will hold the total number of replies expected, and based
## on that, more replies will be awaited.
## If one reply is lost here (timed out), others are ignored too.
## Same counts for out of order receival.
var op = await d.waitMessage(fromNode, reqId)
if op.isSome:
if op.get.kind == nodes:
var res = op.get.nodes.enrs
let total =
for i in 1 ..< total:
op = await d.waitMessage(fromNode, reqId)
if op.isSome and op.get.kind == nodes:
# No error on this as we received some nodes.
return ok(res)
else: = ["invalid_response"])
return err("Invalid response to find node message")
else: = ["no_response"])
return err("Nodes message not received in time")
proc sendRequest*[T: SomeMessage](d: Protocol, toId: NodeId, toAddr: Address, m: T):
RequestId =
reqId = RequestId.init(d.rng[])
message = encodeMessage(m, reqId)
trace "Send message packet", dstId = toId, toAddr, kind = messageKind(T)
d.transport.sendMessage(toId, toAddr, message)
return reqId
proc sendRequest*[T: SomeMessage](d: Protocol, toNode: Node, m: T):
RequestId =
reqId = RequestId.init(d.rng[])
message = encodeMessage(m, reqId)
trace "Send message packet", dstId =,
address = toNode.address, kind = messageKind(T)
d.transport.sendMessage(toNode, message)
return reqId
proc ping*(d: Protocol, toNode: Node):
Future[DiscResult[PongMessage]] {.async.} =
## Send a discovery ping message.
## Returns the received pong message or an error.
let reqId = d.sendRequest(toNode,
PingMessage(enrSeq: d.localNode.record.seqNum))
let resp = await d.waitMessage(toNode, reqId)
if resp.isSome():
if resp.get().kind == pong:
return ok(resp.get().pong)
d.replaceNode(toNode) = ["invalid_response"])
return err("Invalid response to ping message")
d.replaceNode(toNode) = ["no_response"])
return err("Pong message not received in time")
proc findNode*(d: Protocol, toNode: Node, distances: seq[uint16]):
Future[DiscResult[seq[Node]]] {.async.} =
## Send a discovery findNode message.
## Returns the received nodes or an error.
## Received ENRs are already validated and converted to `Node`.
let reqId = d.sendRequest(toNode, FindNodeMessage(distances: distances))
let nodes = await d.waitNodes(toNode, reqId)
if nodes.isOk:
let res = verifyNodesRecords(nodes.get(), toNode, findNodeResultLimit, distances)
return ok(res)
return err(nodes.error)
proc talkReq*(d: Protocol, toNode: Node, protocol, request: seq[byte]):
Future[DiscResult[seq[byte]]] {.async.} =
## Send a discovery talkreq message.
## Returns the received talkresp message or an error.
let reqId = d.sendRequest(toNode,
TalkReqMessage(protocol: protocol, request: request))
let resp = await d.waitMessage(toNode, reqId)
if resp.isSome():
if resp.get().kind == talkResp:
return ok(resp.get().talkResp.response)
d.replaceNode(toNode) = ["invalid_response"])
return err("Invalid response to talk request message")
d.replaceNode(toNode) = ["no_response"])
return err("Talk response message not received in time")
proc lookupDistances*(target, dest: NodeId): seq[uint16] =
let td = logDistance(target, dest)
let tdAsInt = int(td)
var i = 1
while result.len < lookupRequestLimit:
if tdAsInt + i < 256:
result.add(td + uint16(i))
if tdAsInt - i > 0:
result.add(td - uint16(i))
inc i
proc lookupWorker(d: Protocol, destNode: Node, target: NodeId):
Future[seq[Node]] {.async.} =
let dists = lookupDistances(target,
# Instead of doing max `lookupRequestLimit` findNode requests, make use
# of the discv5.1 functionality to request nodes for multiple distances.
let r = await d.findNode(destNode, dists)
if r.isOk:
# Attempt to add all nodes discovered
for n in result:
discard d.addNode(n)
proc lookup*(d: Protocol, target: NodeId): Future[seq[Node]] {.async.} =
## Perform a lookup for the given target, return the closest n nodes to the
## target. Maximum value for n is `BUCKET_SIZE`.
# `closestNodes` holds the k closest nodes to target found, sorted by distance
# Unvalidated nodes are used for requests as a form of validation.
var closestNodes = d.routingTable.neighbours(target, BUCKET_SIZE,
seenOnly = false)
var asked, seen = initHashSet[NodeId]()
asked.incl( # No need to ask our own node
seen.incl( # No need to discover our own node
for node in closestNodes:
var pendingQueries = newSeqOfCap[Future[seq[Node]]](alpha)
while true:
var i = 0
# Doing `alpha` amount of requests at once as long as closer non queried
# nodes are discovered.
while i < closestNodes.len and pendingQueries.len < alpha:
let n = closestNodes[i]
if not asked.containsOrIncl(
pendingQueries.add(d.lookupWorker(n, target))
inc i
trace "discv5 pending queries", total = pendingQueries.len
if pendingQueries.len == 0:
let query = await one(pendingQueries)
trace "Got discv5 lookup query response"
let index = pendingQueries.find(query)
if index != -1:
error "Resulting query should have been in the pending queries"
let nodes =
# TODO: Remove node on timed-out query?
for n in nodes:
if not seen.containsOrIncl(
# If it wasn't seen before, insert node while remaining sorted
closestNodes.insert(n, closestNodes.lowerBound(n,
proc(x: Node, n: Node): int =
cmp(distance(, target), distance(, target))
if closestNodes.len > BUCKET_SIZE:
d.lastLookup = now(chronos.Moment)
return closestNodes
proc query*(d: Protocol, target: NodeId, k = BUCKET_SIZE): Future[seq[Node]]
{.async.} =
## Query k nodes for the given target, returns all nodes found, including the
## nodes queried.
## This will take k nodes from the routing table closest to target and
## query them for nodes closest to target. If there are less than k nodes in
## the routing table, nodes returned by the first queries will be used.
var queryBuffer = d.routingTable.neighbours(target, k, seenOnly = false)
var asked, seen = initHashSet[NodeId]()
asked.incl( # No need to ask our own node
seen.incl( # No need to discover our own node
for node in queryBuffer:
var pendingQueries = newSeqOfCap[Future[seq[Node]]](alpha)
while true:
var i = 0
while i < min(queryBuffer.len, k) and pendingQueries.len < alpha:
let n = queryBuffer[i]
if not asked.containsOrIncl(
pendingQueries.add(d.lookupWorker(n, target))
inc i
trace "discv5 pending queries", total = pendingQueries.len
if pendingQueries.len == 0:
let query = await one(pendingQueries)
trace "Got discv5 lookup query response"
let index = pendingQueries.find(query)
if index != -1:
error "Resulting query should have been in the pending queries"
let nodes =
# TODO: Remove node on timed-out query?
for n in nodes:
if not seen.containsOrIncl(
d.lastLookup = now(chronos.Moment)
return queryBuffer
proc queryRandom*(d: Protocol): Future[seq[Node]] =
## Perform a query for a random target, return all nodes discovered.
proc queryRandom*(d: Protocol, enrField: (string, seq[byte])):
Future[seq[Node]] {.async.} =
## Perform a query for a random target, return all nodes discovered which
## contain enrField.
let nodes = await d.queryRandom()
var filtered: seq[Node]
for n in nodes:
if n.record.contains(enrField):
return filtered
proc resolve*(d: Protocol, id: NodeId): Future[Option[Node]] {.async.} =
## Resolve a `Node` based on provided `NodeId`.
## This will first look in the own routing table. If the node is known, it
## will try to contact if for newer information. If node is not known or it
## does not reply, a lookup is done to see if it can find a (newer) record of
## the node on the network.
if id ==
return some(d.localNode)
let node = d.getNode(id)
if node.isSome():
let request = await d.findNode(node.get(), @[0'u16])
# TODO: Handle failures better. E.g. stop on different failures than timeout
if request.isOk() and request[].len > 0:
return some(request[][0])
let discovered = await d.lookup(id)
for n in discovered:
if == id:
if node.isSome() and node.get().record.seqNum >= n.record.seqNum:
return node
return some(n)
return node
proc seedTable*(d: Protocol) =
## Seed the table with known nodes.
for record in d.bootstrapRecords:
if d.addNode(record):
debug "Added bootstrap node", uri = toURI(record)
debug "Bootstrap node could not be added", uri = toURI(record)
# Persistent stored nodes could be added to seed from here
# See:
proc populateTable*(d: Protocol) {.async.} =
## Do a set of initial lookups to quickly populate the table.
# start with a self target query (neighbour nodes)
let selfQuery = await d.query(
trace "Discovered nodes in self target query", nodes = selfQuery.len
# `initialLookups` random queries
for i in 0..<initialLookups:
let randomQuery = await d.queryRandom()
trace "Discovered nodes in random target query", nodes = randomQuery.len
debug "Total nodes in routing table after populate",
total = d.routingTable.len()
proc revalidateNode*(d: Protocol, n: Node) {.async.} =
let pong = await
if pong.isOk():
let res = pong.get()
if res.enrSeq > n.record.seqNum:
# Request new ENR
let nodes = await d.findNode(n, @[0'u16])
if nodes.isOk() and nodes[].len > 0:
discard d.addNode(nodes[][0])
# Get IP and port from pong message and add it to the ip votes
let a = Address(ip: ValidIpAddress.init(res.ip), port: Port(res.port))
d.ipVote.insert(, a)
proc revalidateLoop(d: Protocol) {.async.} =
## Loop which revalidates the nodes in the routing table by sending the ping
## message.
while true:
await sleepAsync(milliseconds(d.rng[].rand(revalidateMax)))
let n = d.routingTable.nodeToRevalidate()
if not n.isNil:
traceAsyncErrors d.revalidateNode(n)
except CancelledError:
trace "revalidateLoop canceled"
proc refreshLoop(d: Protocol) {.async.} =
## Loop that refreshes the routing table by starting a random query in case
## no queries were done since `refreshInterval` or more.
## It also refreshes the majority address voted for via pong responses.
await d.populateTable()
while true:
let currentTime = now(chronos.Moment)
if currentTime > (d.lastLookup + refreshInterval):
let randomQuery = await d.queryRandom()
trace "Discovered nodes in random target query", nodes = randomQuery.len
debug "Total nodes in discv5 routing table", total = d.routingTable.len()
await sleepAsync(refreshInterval)
except CancelledError:
trace "refreshLoop canceled"
proc ipMajorityLoop(d: Protocol) {.async.} =
## When `enrAutoUpdate` is enabled, the IP:port combination returned
## by the majority will be used to update the local ENR.
## This should be safe as long as the routing table is not overwhelmed by
## malicious nodes trying to provide invalid addresses.
## Why is that?
## - Only one vote per NodeId is counted, and they are removed over time.
## - IP:port values are provided through the pong message. The local node
## initiates this by first sending a ping message. Unsolicited pong messages
## are ignored.
## - At interval pings are send to the least recently contacted node (tail of
## bucket) from a random bucket from the routing table.
## - Only messages that our node initiates (ping, findnode, talkreq) and that
## successfully get a response move a node to the head of the bucket.
## Additionally, findNode requests have typically a randomness to it, as they
## usually come from a query for random NodeId.
## - Currently, when a peer fails the respond, it gets replaced. It doesn't
## remain at the tail of the bucket.
## - There are IP limits on the buckets and the whole routing table.
while true:
let majority = d.ipVote.majority()
if majority.isSome():
if d.localNode.address != majority:
let address = majority.get()
let previous = d.localNode.address
if d.enrAutoUpdate:
let res = d.localNode.update(d.privateKey,
ip = some(address.ip), udpPort = some(address.port))
if res.isErr:
warn "Failed updating ENR with newly discovered external address",
majority, previous, error = res.error
info "Updated ENR with newly discovered external address",
majority, previous, uri = toURI(d.localNode.record)
warn "Discovered new external address but ENR auto update is off",
majority, previous
debug "Discovered external address matches current address", majority,
current = d.localNode.address
await sleepAsync(ipMajorityInterval)
except CancelledError:
trace "ipMajorityLoop canceled"
func init*(
T: type DiscoveryConfig,
tableIpLimit: uint,
bucketIpLimit: uint,
bitsPerHop: int): T =
tableIpLimits: TableIpLimits(
tableIpLimit: tableIpLimit,
bucketIpLimit: bucketIpLimit),
bitsPerHop: bitsPerHop
proc newProtocol*(
privKey: PrivateKey,
enrIp: Option[ValidIpAddress],
enrTcpPort, enrUdpPort: Option[Port],
localEnrFields: openArray[(string, seq[byte])] = [],
bootstrapRecords: openArray[Record] = [],
previousRecord = none[enr.Record](),
bindPort: Port,
bindIp = IPv4_any(),
enrAutoUpdate = false,
config = defaultDiscoveryConfig,
rng = newRng()):
Protocol =
# TODO: Tried adding bindPort = udpPort as parameter but that gave
# "Error: internal error: environment misses: udpPort" in nim-beacon-chain.
# Anyhow, nim-beacon-chain would also require some changes to support port
# remapping through NAT and this API is also subject to change once we
# introduce support for ipv4 + ipv6 binding/listening.
let extraFields = mapIt(localEnrFields, toFieldPair(it[0], it[1]))
# - Defect as is now or return a result for enr errors?
# - In case incorrect key, allow for new enr based on new key (new node id)?
var record: Record
if previousRecord.isSome():
record = previousRecord.get()
record.update(privKey, enrIp, enrTcpPort, enrUdpPort,
extraFields).expect("Record within size limits and correct key")
record = enr.Record.init(1, privKey, enrIp, enrTcpPort, enrUdpPort,
extraFields).expect("Record within size limits")
info "ENR initialized", ip = enrIp, tcp = enrTcpPort, udp = enrUdpPort,
seqNum = record.seqNum, uri = toURI(record)
if enrIp.isNone():
if enrAutoUpdate:
notice "No external IP provided for the ENR, this node will not be " &
"discoverable until the ENR is updated with the discovered external IP address"
warn "No external IP provided for the ENR, this node will not be discoverable"
let node = newNode(record).expect("Properly initialized record")
# TODO Consider whether this should be a Defect
doAssert rng != nil, "RNG initialization failed"
result = Protocol(
privateKey: privKey,
localNode: node,
bootstrapRecords: @bootstrapRecords,
ipVote: IpVote.init(),
enrAutoUpdate: enrAutoUpdate,
routingTable: RoutingTable.init(
node, config.bitsPerHop, config.tableIpLimits, rng),
rng: rng)
result.transport = newTransport(result, privKey, node, bindPort, bindIp, rng)
proc open*(d: Protocol) {.raises: [Defect, CatchableError].} =
info "Starting discovery node", node = d.localNode
proc start*(d: Protocol) =
d.refreshLoop = refreshLoop(d)
d.revalidateLoop = revalidateLoop(d)
d.ipMajorityLoop = ipMajorityLoop(d)
proc close*(d: Protocol) =
doAssert(not d.transport.closed)
debug "Closing discovery node", node = d.localNode
if not d.revalidateLoop.isNil:
if not d.refreshLoop.isNil:
if not d.ipMajorityLoop.isNil:
proc closeWait*(d: Protocol) {.async.} =
doAssert(not d.transport.closed)
debug "Closing discovery node", node = d.localNode
if not d.revalidateLoop.isNil:
await d.revalidateLoop.cancelAndWait()
if not d.refreshLoop.isNil:
await d.refreshLoop.cancelAndWait()
if not d.ipMajorityLoop.isNil:
await d.ipMajorityLoop.cancelAndWait()
await d.transport.closeWait()