Jakub Sokołowski e79a602d12
rename faucet to faucet-api role
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sokołowski <jakub@status.im>
2019-05-28 08:20:37 -04:00

1.1 KiB


This role configures the faucet service which provides a REST API for receiving funds from our Ropsten and Rinkeby miner cluster.


This role assumes it has a geth container with JSON RPC port open.

The container needs to match these settings:

faucet_geth_cont_name: 'faucet-geth'
faucet_geth_cont_alias: 'geth'
faucet_geth_cont_rpc_port: 8545
faucet_account_pass: 'my-secret-pass'


The only required settings are:

faucet_network: 'rinkeby-faucet.example.org'
faucet_domain: 'rinkeby'
faucet_cors_rule: '.*'


admin@master-01.gc-us-central1-a.faucet.ropsten:~ % curl -s http://localhost:3001/ | jq .
  "message": "Status.im Ropsten Faucet",
  "methods": [
    "GET /",
    "POST /queue",
    "GET /donate/{address}",
    "GET /faucet-info"


To check sync state you can use the ageth wrapper for attaching to geth RPC port:

admin@master-01.gc-us-central1-a.faucet.ropsten:~ % ageth eth.syncing
  currentBlock: 202432,
  highestBlock: 5120931,
  knownStates: 0,
  pulledStates: 0,
  startingBlock: 149504