2022-05-06 14:13:10 -04:00

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Go-Waku v2 C Bindings draft go-waku Richard Ramos <richard@status.im>

This specification describes the API for consuming go-waku when built as a dynamic or static library




All the API functions return a JSONResponse unless specified otherwise. JSONResponse is a char * whose format depends on whether the function was executed sucessfully or not:

// On failure:
{ "error": "the error message" }

// On success:
{ "result": ...  } // result format depends on the function response


Asynchronous events require a callback to be registered. An example of an asynchronous event that might be emitted is receiving a message. When an event is emitted, this callback will be triggered receiving a json string with the following format:

	"nodeId": 0, // go-waku node that emitted the signal
	"type": "message", // type of signal being emitted. Currently only "message" is available
	"event": ... // format depends on the type of signal. In the case of "message", a waku message can be expected here

extern void waku_set_event_callback(void* cb)

Register callback to act as signal handler and receive application signals, which are used to react to asyncronous events in waku. Parameters

  1. void* cb: callback that will be executed when an async event is emitted. The function signature for the callback should be void myCallback(char* signalJSON)

Node management

extern char* waku_new(char* configJSON)

Initialize a go-waku node.


  1. char* configJSON: JSON string containing the options used to initialize a go-waku node. It can be NULL to use defaults. All the keys from the configuration are optional. If a key is undefined, or null, a default value will be set
    // example config:
        "host": "", 
        "port": 60000, 
        "advertiseAddr": "",
        "nodeKey": "0x123...567",
        "keepAliveInterval": 20,
        "relay": true,
        "minPeersToPublish": 0
    • host - String (optional): Listening IP address. Default
    • port - Number (optional): Libp2p TCP listening port. Default 60000. Use 0 for random
    • advertiseAddr - String (optional): External address to advertise to other nodes.
    • nodeKey - String (optional): secp256k1 private key in Hex format (0x123...abc). Default random
    • keepAliveInterval - Number (optional): Interval in seconds for pinging peers to keep the connection alive. Default 20
    • relay - Boolean (optional): Enable relay protocol. Default true
    • minPeersToPublish - Number (optional). The minimum number of peers required on a topic to allow broadcasting a message. Default 0

Returns JSONResponse with a NULL result. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_start()

Initialize a go-waku node mounting all the protocols that were enabled during the waku node initialization.

Returns JSONResponse containing a null result if the function executes successfully. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_stop()

Stops a go-waku node

Returns JSONResponse containing a null result if the function executes successfully. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_peerid()

Obtain the peer ID of the go-waku node.

Returns JSONResponse containing the peer ID (base58 encoded) if the function executes successfully. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_listen_addresses()

Obtain the multiaddresses the wakunode is listening to

Returns JSONResponse containing an array of multiaddresses if the function executes successfully. An error message otherwise

Connecting to peers

extern char* waku_add_peer(char* address, char* protocolID)

Add node multiaddress and protocol to the wakunode peerstore


  1. char* address: multiaddress of the peer being added
  2. char* protocolID: protocol supported by the peer

Returns JSONResponse containing the peer ID (base58 encoded) of the peer that was added if the function executes successfully. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_connect(char* address, int ms)

Connect to peer at multiaddress.


  1. char* address: multiaddress of the peer being dialed
  2. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse with a null result if the function executes successfully. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_connect_peerid(char* id, int ms)

Connect to peer using peerID.


  1. char* peerID: peerID to dial. The peer must be already known. It must have been added before with waku_add_peer or previously dialed with waku_dial_peer
  2. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse with a null result if the function executes successfully. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_disconnect(char* peerID)

Disconnect a peer using its peerID.


  1. char* peerID: peerID to disconnect.

Returns JSONResponse with a null result if the function executes successfully. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_peer_cnt()

Obtain number of connected peers

Returns JSONResponse containing an int with the number of connected peers. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_peers()

Retrieve the list of peers known by the go-waku node

Returns JSONResponse containing a list of peers. An error message otherwise. The list of peers has this format:


Waku Relay

extern char* waku_content_topic(char* applicationName, unsigned int applicationVersion, char* contentTopicName, char* encoding)

Create a content topic string according to RFC 23


  1. char* applicationName
  2. unsigned int applicationVersion
  3. char* contentTopicName
  4. char* encoding: depending on the payload, use proto, rlp or rfc26

Returns char * containing a content topic formatted according to RFC 23



extern char* waku_pubsub_topic(char* name, char* encoding)

Create a pubsub topic string according to RFC 23


  1. char* name
  2. char* encoding: depending on the payload, use proto, rlp or rfc26

Returns char * containing a content topic formatted according to RFC 23


extern char* waku_default_pubsub_topic()

Returns the default pubsub topic used for exchanging waku messages defined in RFC 10

Returns char * containing the default pubsub topic:


extern char* waku_relay_publish(char* messageJSON, char* topic, int ms)

Publish a message using waku relay.


  1. char* messageJSON: json string containing the Waku Message
        "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this
        "contentTopic: "...",
        "version": 1,
        "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds
  2. char* topic: pubsub topic. Set to NULL to use the default pubsub topic
  3. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse containing the message ID. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_relay_publish_enc_asymmetric(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* publicKey, char* optionalSigningKey, int ms)

Publish a message encrypted with a secp256k1 public key using waku relay


  1. char* messageJSON: json string containing the Waku Message
        "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this
        "contentTopic: "...",
        "version": 1,
        "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds
  2. char* topic: pubsub topic. Set to NULL to use the default pubsub topic
  3. char* publicKey: hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 public key.
  4. char* optionalSigningKey: optional hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 private key for signing the message. Use NULL otherwise
  5. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse containing the message ID. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_relay_publish_enc_symmetric(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* symmetricKey, char* optionalSigningKey, int ms)

Publish a message encrypted with a 32 bytes symmetric key using waku relay


  1. char* messageJSON: json string containing the Waku Message
        "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this
        "contentTopic: "...",
        "version": 1,
        "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds
  2. char* topic: pubsub topic. Set to NULL to use the default pubsub topic
  3. char* symmetricKey: hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a 32 bytes symmetric key
  4. char* optionalSigningKey: optional hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 private key for signing the message. Use NULL otherwise
  5. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse containing the message ID. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_enough_peers(char* topic)

Determine if there are enough peers to publish a message on a topic.


  1. char* topic: pubsub topic to verify. Use NULL to verify the number of peers in the default pubsub topic

Returns JSONResponse with a boolean indicating if there are enough peers or not. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_relay_subscribe(char* topic)

Subscribe to a WakuRelay topic to receive messages.


  1. char* topic: pubsub topic to subscribe to. Use NULL for subscribing to the default pubsub topic

Returns JSONResponse with a subscription ID. An error message otherwise

Events When a message is received, a ``"message" event is emitted containing the message, and pubsub topic in which the message was received. Here's an example event that could be received:

      "payload":"...", // base64 encoded message. Use waku_decode_data to decode
      "timestamp":1647826358000000000 // in nanoseconds

extern char* waku_relay_unsubscribe(char* topic)

Closes the subscription to a pubsub topic.


  1. char* topic: pubsub topic to unsubscribe from. Use NULL for unsubscribe from the default pubsub topic

Returns JSONResponse with null response if successful. An error message otherwise

Waku LightPush

extern char* waku_lightpush_publish(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* peerID, int ms)

Publish a message using waku lightpush.


  1. char* messageJSON: json string containing the Waku Message
        "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this
        "contentTopic: "...",
        "version": 1,
        "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds
  2. char* topic: pubsub topic. Set to NULL to use the default pubsub topic
  3. char* peerID: should contain the ID of a peer supporting the lightpush protocol. Use NULL to automatically select a node
  4. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse containing the message ID. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_lightpush_publish_enc_asymmetric(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* publicKey, char* optionalSigningKey, char* peerID, int ms)

Publish a message encrypted with a secp256k1 public key using waku lightpush


  1. char* messageJSON: json string containing the Waku Message
        "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this
        "contentTopic: "...",
        "version": 1,
        "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds
  2. char* topic: pubsub topic. Set to NULL to use the default pubsub topic
  3. char* publicKey: hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 public key.
  4. char* optionalSigningKey: optional hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 private key for signing the message. Use NULL otherwise
  5. char* peerID: should contain the ID of a peer supporting the lightpush protocol. Use NULL to automatically select a node
  6. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse containing the message ID. An error message otherwise

extern char* waku_lightpush_publish_enc_symmetric(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* symmetricKey, char* optionalSigningKey, char* peerID, int ms)

Publish a message encrypted with a 32 bytes symmetric key using waku relay


  1. char* messageJSON: json string containing the Waku Message
        "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this
        "contentTopic: "...",
        "version": 1,
        "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds
  2. char* topic: pubsub topic. Set to NULL to use the default pubsub topic
  3. char* symmetricKey: hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a 32 bytes symmetric key
  4. char* optionalSigningKey: optional hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 private key for signing the message. Use NULL otherwise
  5. char* peerID: should contain the ID of a peer supporting the lightpush protocol. Use NULL to automatically select a node
  6. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse containing the message ID. An error message otherwise

Waku Store

extern char* waku_store_query(char* queryJSON, char* peerID, int ms)

Query historic messages using waku store protocol.


  1. char* queryJSON: json string containing the query. If the message length is greater than 0, this function should be executed again, setting the cursor attribute with the cursor returned in the response
  "pubsubTopic": "...", // optional string
  "startTime": 1234, // optional, unix epoch time in nanoseconds
  "endTime": 1234, // optional, unix epoch time in nanoseconds
  "contentFilters": [ // optional
      "contentTopic": "..."
    }, ...
  "pagingOptions": { // optional pagination information
    "pageSize": 40, // number
    "cursor": { // optional
      "digest": ...,
      "receiverTime": ...,
      "senderTime": ...,
      "pubsubTopic" ...,
    "forward": true, // sort order
  1. char* peerID: should contain the ID of a peer supporting the store protocol. Use NULL to automatically select a node
  2. int ms: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use 0 for unlimited duration

Returns JSONResponse containing the store response. An error message otherwise

  "result": {
    "messages": [ ... ], // array of waku messages
    "pagingOptions": { // optional pagination information
      "pageSize": 40, // number
      "cursor": { // optional
        "digest": ...,
        "receiverTime": ...,
        "senderTime": ...,
        "pubsubTopic" ...,
      "forward": true, // sort order

Waku Message Utils

extern char* waku_utils_base64_encode(char* data)

Encode a byte array to base64 useful for creating the payload of a waku message in the format understood by waku_relay_publish


  1. char* data: byte array to encode

Returns A char * containing the base64 encoded byte array

extern char* waku_utils_base64_decode(char* data)

Decode a base64 string (useful for reading the payload from waku messages)


  1. char* data: base64 encoded byte array to decode

Returns JSONResponse with the decoded payload. An error message otherwise. The decoded payload has this format:

extern void waku_utils_free(char* data)

Frees a char* since all strings returned by gowaku are allocated in the C heap using malloc.


  1. char* data: variable to free


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