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Ana. Open Source Web Analytics.

Go Report Card MIT licensed

This is nowhere near being usable, let alone stable. Please treat as a proof of concept while we work on getting this to a stable state. Do not run Ana in production yet unless you like spending time on it. Things will keep changing for the next few months.

Screenshot of the Ana dashboard


For getting a development version of Ana up & running, please go through the following steps.

  1. get code: go get -u github.com/dannyvankooten/ana (or git clone repo into your $GOPATH )
  2. run npm install (in code directory) to install all required dependencies
  3. Rename .env.example to .env and set your database credentials.
  4. Compile into binary: make
  5. Create your user account: ana register <email> <password>
  6. Run default Gulp task to build static assets: gulp
  7. Start the webserver: ana server --port=8080 & visit localhost:8080 to access your analytics dashboard.

To start tracking, include the following JavaScript on your site and replace ana.dev with the URL to your Ana instance.

<!-- Ana tracker -->
(function(d, w, u, o){
	a.async=1; a.src=u;
})(document, window, '//ana.dev/tracker.js', 'ana');
ana('setTrackerUrl', '//ana.dev/collect');
<!-- / Ana tracker -->


MIT licensed.