fathom/docs/Installation instructions.md

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Installation instructions for Fathom

To install Fathom on your server, start by downloading an official binary distribution from the releases page and place it in /usr/local/bin.

wget https://github.com/usefathom/fathom/releases/download/latest-development/fathom-linux-amd64
mv fathom-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/fathom
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fathom

Confirm that Fathom is installed properly by running fathom --version

$ fathom --version
Fathom version 1.0.0

Starting the Fathom web server

To run the Fathom web server we will need to configure Fathom so that it can connect with your database of choice.

Let's create a new directory where we can store our configuration file & SQLite database.

mkdir ~/my-fathom-site
cd ~/my-fathom-site

Then, create a file named .env with the following contents.


If you now run fathom server then Fathom will start serving up a website on port 9000 using a SQLite database file named fathom.db. If that port is exposed then you should now see your Fathom instance running by browsing to http://server-ip-address-here:9000.

Check out the configuration file documentation for all possible configuration values, eg if you want to use MySQL or Postgres instead.

Register your admin user

To register a user in the Fathom instance we just created, run the following command from the directory where your .env file is.

fathom user add --email="john@email.com" --password="strong-password"

Note: if you're running Fathom v1.0.1 or older, the command is fathom register --email="john@email.com" --password="strong-password"

Using NGINX with Fathom

We recommend using NGINX with Fathom it, as it simplifies running multiple sites from the same server and handling SSL certificates with LetsEncrypt.

Create a new file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/my-fathom-site with the following contents. Replace my-fathom-site.com with the domain you would like to use for accessing your Fathom installation.

server {
	server_name my-fathom-site.com;

	location / {
		proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
		proxy_set_header Host $host;

Test your NGINX configuration and reload NGINX.

nginx -t
service nginx reload

If you now run fathom server again, you should be able to access your Fathom installation by browsing to http://my-fathom-site.com.

Automatically starting Fathom on boot

To ensure the Fathom web server keeps running whenever the system reboots, we should use a process manager. Ubuntu 16.04 and later ship with Systemd.

Create a new file called /etc/systemd/system/my-fathom-site.service with the following contents. Replace $USER with your actual username.

Description=Starts the fathom server

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/fathom server


Reload the Systemd configuration & enable our service so that Fathom is automatically started whenever the system boots.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable my-fathom-site

You should now be able to manually start your Fathom web server by issuing the following command.

systemctl start my-fathom-site

Tracking snippet

To start tracking pageviews, copy the tracking snippet shown in your Fathom dashboard to all pages of the website you want to track.

SSL certificate

With Certbot for LetsEncrypt installed, adding an SSL certificate to your Fathom installation is as easy as running the following command.

certbot --nginx -d my-fathom-site.com