dankrad 86fb82b221
Test generators for kzg-4844 libraries (#3274)
Arkworks integration and test generators for kzg-4844 libraries
2023-03-02 20:49:10 +00:00

316 lines
8.4 KiB

from py_ecc.bls import G2ProofOfPossession as py_ecc_bls
from py_ecc.bls.g2_primatives import signature_to_G2 as _signature_to_G2
from py_ecc.optimized_bls12_381 import ( # noqa: F401
G1 as py_ecc_G1,
G2 as py_ecc_G2,
Z1 as py_ecc_Z1,
add as py_ecc_add,
multiply as py_ecc_mul,
neg as py_ecc_neg,
pairing as py_ecc_pairing,
final_exponentiate as py_ecc_final_exponentiate,
FQ12 as py_ecc_GT,
from py_ecc.bls.g2_primitives import ( # noqa: F401
G1_to_pubkey as py_ecc_G1_to_bytes48,
pubkey_to_G1 as py_ecc_bytes48_to_G1,
G2_to_signature as py_ecc_G2_to_bytes96,
signature_to_G2 as py_ecc_bytes96_to_G2,
from py_arkworks_bls12381 import (
G1Point as arkworks_G1,
G2Point as arkworks_G2,
Scalar as arkworks_Scalar,
GT as arkworks_GT,
import milagro_bls_binding as milagro_bls # noqa: F401 for BLS switching option
import py_arkworks_bls12381 as arkworks_bls # noqa: F401 for BLS switching option
class fastest_bls:
G1 = arkworks_G1
G2 = arkworks_G2
Scalar = arkworks_Scalar
GT = arkworks_GT
_AggregatePKs = milagro_bls._AggregatePKs
Sign = milagro_bls.Sign
Verify = milagro_bls.Verify
Aggregate = milagro_bls.Aggregate
AggregateVerify = milagro_bls.AggregateVerify
FastAggregateVerify = milagro_bls.FastAggregateVerify
SkToPk = milagro_bls.SkToPk
# Flag to make BLS active or not. Used for testing, do not ignore BLS in production unless you know what you are doing.
bls_active = True
# To change bls implementation, default to PyECC for correctness. Milagro is a good faster alternative.
bls = py_ecc_bls
STUB_SIGNATURE = b'\x11' * 96
STUB_PUBKEY = b'\x22' * 48
G2_POINT_AT_INFINITY = b'\xc0' + b'\x00' * 95
def use_milagro():
Shortcut to use Milagro as BLS library
global bls
bls = milagro_bls
def use_arkworks():
Shortcut to use Arkworks as BLS library
global bls
bls = arkworks_bls
def use_py_ecc():
Shortcut to use Py-ecc as BLS library
global bls
bls = py_ecc_bls
def use_fastest():
Shortcut to use Milagro for signatures and Arkworks for other BLS operations
global bls
bls = fastest_bls
def only_with_bls(alt_return=None):
Decorator factory to make a function only run when BLS is active. Otherwise return the default.
def runner(fn):
def entry(*args, **kw):
if bls_active:
return fn(*args, **kw)
return alt_return
return entry
return runner
def Verify(PK, message, signature):
if bls == arkworks_bls: # no signature API in arkworks
result = py_ecc_bls.Verify(PK, message, signature)
result = bls.Verify(PK, message, signature)
except Exception:
result = False
return result
def AggregateVerify(pubkeys, messages, signature):
if bls == arkworks_bls: # no signature API in arkworks
result = py_ecc_bls.AggregateVerify(list(pubkeys), list(messages), signature)
result = bls.AggregateVerify(list(pubkeys), list(messages), signature)
except Exception:
result = False
return result
def FastAggregateVerify(pubkeys, message, signature):
if bls == arkworks_bls: # no signature API in arkworks
result = py_ecc_bls.FastAggregateVerify(list(pubkeys), message, signature)
result = bls.FastAggregateVerify(list(pubkeys), message, signature)
except Exception:
result = False
return result
def Aggregate(signatures):
if bls == arkworks_bls: # no signature API in arkworks
return py_ecc_bls.Aggregate(signatures)
return bls.Aggregate(signatures)
def Sign(SK, message):
if bls == arkworks_bls: # no signature API in arkworks
return py_ecc_bls.Sign(SK, message)
elif bls == py_ecc_bls:
return bls.Sign(SK, message)
return bls.Sign(SK.to_bytes(32, 'big'), message)
def signature_to_G2(signature):
return _signature_to_G2(signature)
def AggregatePKs(pubkeys):
if bls == py_ecc_bls:
assert all(bls.KeyValidate(pubkey) for pubkey in pubkeys)
elif bls == milagro_bls:
# milagro_bls._AggregatePKs checks KeyValidate internally
if bls == arkworks_bls: # no signature API in arkworks
return py_ecc_bls._AggregatePKs(list(pubkeys))
return bls._AggregatePKs(list(pubkeys))
def SkToPk(SK):
if bls == py_ecc_bls or bls == arkworks_bls: # no signature API in arkworks
return py_ecc_bls.SkToPk(SK)
return bls.SkToPk(SK.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
def pairing_check(values):
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
p_q_1, p_q_2 = values
g1s = [p_q_1[0], p_q_2[0]]
g2s = [p_q_1[1], p_q_2[1]]
return arkworks_GT.multi_pairing(g1s, g2s) == arkworks_GT.one()
p_q_1, p_q_2 = values
final_exponentiation = py_ecc_final_exponentiate(
py_ecc_pairing(p_q_1[1], p_q_1[0], final_exponentiate=False)
* py_ecc_pairing(p_q_2[1], p_q_2[0], final_exponentiate=False)
return final_exponentiation == py_ecc_GT.one()
def add(lhs, rhs):
Performs point addition of `lhs` and `rhs`.
The points can either be in G1 or G2.
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return lhs + rhs
return py_ecc_add(lhs, rhs)
def multiply(point, scalar):
Performs Scalar multiplication between
`point` and `scalar`.
`point` can either be in G1 or G2
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
int_as_bytes = scalar.to_bytes(32, 'little')
scalar = arkworks_Scalar.from_le_bytes(int_as_bytes)
return point * scalar
return py_ecc_mul(point, scalar)
def neg(point):
Returns the point negation of `point`
`point` can either be in G1 or G2
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return -point
return py_ecc_neg(point)
def Z1():
Returns the identity point in G1
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return arkworks_G1.identity()
return py_ecc_Z1
def G1():
Returns the chosen generator point in G1
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return arkworks_G1()
return py_ecc_G1
def G2():
Returns the chosen generator point in G2
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return arkworks_G2()
return py_ecc_G2
def G1_to_bytes48(point):
Serializes a point in G1.
Returns a bytearray of size 48 as
we use the compressed format
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return bytes(point.to_compressed_bytes())
return py_ecc_G1_to_bytes48(point)
def G2_to_bytes96(point):
Serializes a point in G2.
Returns a bytearray of size 96 as
we use the compressed format
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return bytes(point.to_compressed_bytes())
return py_ecc_G2_to_bytes96(point)
def bytes48_to_G1(bytes48):
Deserializes a purported compressed serialized
point in G1.
- No subgroup checks are performed
- If the bytearray is not a valid serialization
of a point in G1, then this method will raise
an exception
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return arkworks_G1.from_compressed_bytes_unchecked(bytes48)
return py_ecc_bytes48_to_G1(bytes48)
def bytes96_to_G2(bytes96):
Deserializes a purported compressed serialized
point in G2.
- No subgroup checks are performed
- If the bytearray is not a valid serialization
of a point in G2, then this method will raise
an exception
if bls == arkworks_bls or bls == fastest_bls:
return arkworks_G2.from_compressed_bytes_unchecked(bytes96)
return py_ecc_bytes96_to_G2(bytes96)
def KeyValidate(pubkey):
return py_ecc_bls.KeyValidate(pubkey)