
1033 lines
37 KiB

from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Command
from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py
from distutils import dir_util
from distutils.util import convert_path
from pathlib import Path
import os
import re
import string
import textwrap
from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, List, Sequence, Optional, TypeVar
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import ast
# NOTE: have to programmatically include third-party dependencies in ``.
RUAMEL_YAML_VERSION = "ruamel.yaml==0.16.5"
import ruamel.yaml
except ImportError:
import pip
pip.main(["install", RUAMEL_YAML_VERSION])
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
MARKO_VERSION = "marko==1.0.2"
import marko
except ImportError:
import pip
pip.main(["install", MARKO_VERSION])
from marko.block import Heading, FencedCode, LinkRefDef, BlankLine
from marko.inline import CodeSpan
from marko.ext.gfm import gfm
from marko.ext.gfm.elements import Table, Paragraph
# Definitions in
PHASE0 = 'phase0'
ALTAIR = 'altair'
MERGE = 'merge'
# The helper functions that are used when defining constants
def ceillog2(x: int) -> uint64:
if x < 1:
raise ValueError(f"ceillog2 accepts only positive values, x={x}")
return uint64((x - 1).bit_length())
def floorlog2(x: int) -> uint64:
if x < 1:
raise ValueError(f"floorlog2 accepts only positive values, x={x}")
return uint64(x.bit_length() - 1)
def eth2_aggregate_pubkeys(pubkeys: Sequence[BLSPubkey]) -> BLSPubkey:
return bls.AggregatePKs(pubkeys)
class ProtocolDefinition(NamedTuple):
# just function definitions currently. May expand with configuration vars in future.
functions: Dict[str, str]
class VariableDefinition(NamedTuple):
type_name: Optional[str]
value: str
comment: Optional[str] # e.g. "noqa: E501"
class SpecObject(NamedTuple):
functions: Dict[str, str]
protocols: Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition]
custom_types: Dict[str, str]
constant_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition]
preset_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition]
config_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition]
ssz_dep_constants: Dict[str, str] # the constants that depend on ssz_objects
ssz_objects: Dict[str, str]
dataclasses: Dict[str, str]
def _get_name_from_heading(heading: Heading) -> Optional[str]:
last_child = heading.children[-1]
if isinstance(last_child, CodeSpan):
return last_child.children
return None
def _get_source_from_code_block(block: FencedCode) -> str:
return block.children[0].children.strip()
def _get_function_name_from_source(source: str) -> str:
fn = ast.parse(source).body[0]
def _get_self_type_from_source(source: str) -> Optional[str]:
fn = ast.parse(source).body[0]
args = fn.args.args
if len(args) == 0:
return None
if args[0].arg != 'self':
return None
if args[0].annotation is None:
return None
return args[0]
def _get_class_info_from_source(source: str) -> (str, Optional[str]):
class_def = ast.parse(source).body[0]
base = class_def.bases[0]
if isinstance(base, ast.Name):
parent_class =
# NOTE: SSZ definition derives from earlier phase...
# e.g. `phase0.SignedBeaconBlock`
# TODO: check for consistency with other phases
parent_class = None
return, parent_class
def _is_constant_id(name: str) -> bool:
if name[0] not in string.ascii_uppercase + '_':
return False
return all(map(lambda c: c in string.ascii_uppercase + '_' + string.digits, name[1:]))
def _get_eth2_spec_comment(child: LinkRefDef) -> Optional[str]:
_, _, title = child._parse_info
if not (title[0] == "(" and title[len(title)-1] == ")"):
return None
title = title[1:len(title)-1]
if not title.startswith(ETH2_SPEC_COMMENT_PREFIX):
return None
return title[len(ETH2_SPEC_COMMENT_PREFIX):].strip()
def _parse_value(name: str, typed_value: str) -> VariableDefinition:
comment = None
if name == "BLS12_381_Q":
comment = "noqa: E501"
typed_value = typed_value.strip()
if '(' not in typed_value:
return VariableDefinition(type_name=None, value=typed_value, comment=comment)
i = typed_value.index('(')
type_name = typed_value[:i]
return VariableDefinition(type_name=type_name, value=typed_value[i+1:-1], comment=comment)
def get_spec(file_name: Path, preset: Dict[str, str], config: Dict[str, str]) -> SpecObject:
functions: Dict[str, str] = {}
protocols: Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition] = {}
constant_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] = {}
preset_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] = {}
config_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] = {}
ssz_dep_constants: Dict[str, str] = {}
ssz_objects: Dict[str, str] = {}
dataclasses: Dict[str, str] = {}
custom_types: Dict[str, str] = {}
with open(file_name) as source_file:
document = gfm.parse(
current_name = None
should_skip = False
for child in document.children:
if isinstance(child, BlankLine):
if should_skip:
should_skip = False
if isinstance(child, Heading):
current_name = _get_name_from_heading(child)
elif isinstance(child, FencedCode):
if child.lang != "python":
source = _get_source_from_code_block(child)
if source.startswith("def"):
current_name = _get_function_name_from_source(source)
self_type_name = _get_self_type_from_source(source)
function_def = "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in source.splitlines())
if self_type_name is None:
functions[current_name] = function_def
if self_type_name not in protocols:
protocols[self_type_name] = ProtocolDefinition(functions={})
protocols[self_type_name].functions[current_name] = function_def
elif source.startswith("@dataclass"):
dataclasses[current_name] = "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in source.splitlines())
elif source.startswith("class"):
class_name, parent_class = _get_class_info_from_source(source)
# check consistency with spec
assert class_name == current_name
if parent_class:
assert parent_class == "Container"
# NOTE: trim whitespace from spec
ssz_objects[current_name] = "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in source.splitlines())
raise Exception("unrecognized python code element")
elif isinstance(child, Table):
for row in child.children:
cells = row.children
if len(cells) >= 2:
name_cell = cells[0]
name = name_cell.children[0].children
value_cell = cells[1]
value = value_cell.children[0].children
if isinstance(value, list):
# marko parses `**X**` as a list containing a X
value = value[0].children
if not _is_constant_id(name):
# Check for short type declarations
if value.startswith("uint") or value.startswith("Bytes") or value.startswith("ByteList") or value.startswith("Union"):
custom_types[name] = value
if value.startswith("get_generalized_index"):
ssz_dep_constants[name] = value
value_def = _parse_value(name, value)
if name in preset:
preset_vars[name] = VariableDefinition(value_def.type_name, preset[name], value_def.comment)
elif name in config:
config_vars[name] = VariableDefinition(value_def.type_name, config[name], value_def.comment)
constant_vars[name] = value_def
elif isinstance(child, LinkRefDef):
comment = _get_eth2_spec_comment(child)
if comment == "skip":
should_skip = True
return SpecObject(
class SpecBuilder(ABC):
def fork(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def imports(cls, preset_name: str) -> str:
Import objects from other libraries.
raise NotImplementedError()
def preparations(cls) -> str:
Define special types/constants for building pyspec or call functions.
raise NotImplementedError()
def sundry_functions(cls) -> str:
The functions that are (1) defined abstractly in specs or (2) adjusted for getting better performance.
raise NotImplementedError()
def hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants(cls) -> Dict[str, str]:
The constants that are required for SSZ objects.
raise NotImplementedError()
def hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(cls) -> Dict[str, str]: # TODO
The constants that are required for custom types.
raise NotImplementedError()
def implement_optimizations(cls, functions: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def build_spec(cls, preset_name: str,
source_files: List[Path], preset_files: Sequence[Path], config_file: Path) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
# Phase0SpecBuilder
class Phase0SpecBuilder(SpecBuilder):
fork: str = PHASE0
def imports(cls, preset_name: str) -> str:
return '''from lru import LRU
from dataclasses import (
from typing import (
Any, Callable, Dict, Set, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, TypeVar, NamedTuple
from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_impl import hash_tree_root, copy, uint_to_bytes
from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import (
View, boolean, Container, List, Vector, uint8, uint32, uint64,
Bytes1, Bytes4, Bytes32, Bytes48, Bytes96, Bitlist)
from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import Bitvector # noqa: F401
from eth2spec.utils import bls
from eth2spec.utils.hash_function import hash
def preparations(cls) -> str:
return '''
SSZObject = TypeVar('SSZObject', bound=View)
def sundry_functions(cls) -> str:
return '''
def get_eth1_data(block: Eth1Block) -> Eth1Data:
A stub function return mocking Eth1Data.
return Eth1Data(
def cache_this(key_fn, value_fn, lru_size): # type: ignore
cache_dict = LRU(size=lru_size)
def wrapper(*args, **kw): # type: ignore
key = key_fn(*args, **kw)
nonlocal cache_dict
if key not in cache_dict:
cache_dict[key] = value_fn(*args, **kw)
return cache_dict[key]
return wrapper
_compute_shuffled_index = compute_shuffled_index
compute_shuffled_index = cache_this(
lambda index, index_count, seed: (index, index_count, seed),
_compute_shuffled_index, lru_size=SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 3)
_get_total_active_balance = get_total_active_balance
get_total_active_balance = cache_this(
lambda state: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), compute_epoch_at_slot(state.slot)),
_get_total_active_balance, lru_size=10)
_get_base_reward = get_base_reward
get_base_reward = cache_this(
lambda state, index: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), state.slot, index),
_get_base_reward, lru_size=2048)
_get_committee_count_per_slot = get_committee_count_per_slot
get_committee_count_per_slot = cache_this(
lambda state, epoch: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), epoch),
_get_committee_count_per_slot, lru_size=SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 3)
_get_active_validator_indices = get_active_validator_indices
get_active_validator_indices = cache_this(
lambda state, epoch: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), epoch),
_get_active_validator_indices, lru_size=3)
_get_beacon_committee = get_beacon_committee
get_beacon_committee = cache_this(
lambda state, slot, index: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), state.randao_mixes.hash_tree_root(), slot, index),
_get_beacon_committee, lru_size=SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT * 3)
_get_matching_target_attestations = get_matching_target_attestations
get_matching_target_attestations = cache_this(
lambda state, epoch: (state.hash_tree_root(), epoch),
_get_matching_target_attestations, lru_size=10)
_get_matching_head_attestations = get_matching_head_attestations
get_matching_head_attestations = cache_this(
lambda state, epoch: (state.hash_tree_root(), epoch),
_get_matching_head_attestations, lru_size=10)
_get_attesting_indices = get_attesting_indices
get_attesting_indices = cache_this(
lambda state, data, bits: (
state.validators.hash_tree_root(), data.hash_tree_root(), bits.hash_tree_root()
_get_attesting_indices, lru_size=SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT * 3)'''
def hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants(cls) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {}
def hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(cls) -> Dict[str, str]:
return {}
def implement_optimizations(cls, functions: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
return functions
def build_spec(cls, preset_name: str,
source_files: Sequence[Path], preset_files: Sequence[Path], config_file: Path) -> str:
return _build_spec(preset_name, cls.fork, source_files, preset_files, config_file)
# AltairSpecBuilder
class AltairSpecBuilder(Phase0SpecBuilder):
fork: str = ALTAIR
def imports(cls, preset_name: str) -> str:
return super().imports(preset_name) + '\n' + f'''
from typing import NewType, Union
from eth2spec.phase0 import {preset_name} as phase0
from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import Path
def preparations(cls):
return super().preparations() + '\n' + '''
SSZVariableName = str
GeneralizedIndex = NewType('GeneralizedIndex', int)
def sundry_functions(cls) -> str:
return super().sundry_functions() + '\n\n' + '''
def get_generalized_index(ssz_class: Any, *path: Sequence[Union[int, SSZVariableName]]) -> GeneralizedIndex:
ssz_path = Path(ssz_class)
for item in path:
ssz_path = ssz_path / item
return GeneralizedIndex(ssz_path.gindex())'''
def hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants(cls) -> Dict[str, str]:
constants = {
'FINALIZED_ROOT_INDEX': 'GeneralizedIndex(105)',
'NEXT_SYNC_COMMITTEE_INDEX': 'GeneralizedIndex(55)',
return {**super().hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants(), **constants}
def implement_optimizations(cls, functions: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
if "eth2_aggregate_pubkeys" in functions:
functions["eth2_aggregate_pubkeys"] = OPTIMIZED_BLS_AGGREGATE_PUBKEYS.strip()
return super().implement_optimizations(functions)
# MergeSpecBuilder
class MergeSpecBuilder(Phase0SpecBuilder):
fork: str = MERGE
def imports(cls, preset_name: str):
return super().imports(preset_name) + f'''
from typing import Protocol
from eth2spec.phase0 import {preset_name} as phase0
from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import Bytes20, ByteList, ByteVector, uint256, Union
def preparations(cls):
return super().preparations()
def sundry_functions(cls) -> str:
return super().sundry_functions() + '\n\n' + """
ExecutionState = Any
def get_pow_block(hash: Bytes32) -> PowBlock:
return PowBlock(block_hash=hash, is_valid=True, is_processed=True,
total_difficulty=uint256(0), difficulty=uint256(0))
def get_execution_state(execution_state_root: Bytes32) -> ExecutionState:
def get_pow_chain_head() -> PowBlock:
class NoopExecutionEngine(ExecutionEngine):
def on_payload(self, execution_payload: ExecutionPayload) -> bool:
return True
def set_head(self, block_hash: Hash32) -> bool:
return True
def finalize_block(self, block_hash: Hash32) -> bool:
return True
def assemble_block(self, block_hash: Hash32, timestamp: uint64, random: Bytes32) -> ExecutionPayload:
raise NotImplementedError("no default block production")
EXECUTION_ENGINE = NoopExecutionEngine()"""
def hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(cls) -> str:
constants = {
return {**super().hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(), **constants}
spec_builders = {
builder.fork: builder
for builder in (Phase0SpecBuilder, AltairSpecBuilder, MergeSpecBuilder)
def is_spec_defined_type(value: str) -> bool:
return value.startswith('ByteList') or value.startswith('Union')
def objects_to_spec(preset_name: str,
spec_object: SpecObject,
builder: SpecBuilder,
ordered_class_objects: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
Given all the objects that constitute a spec, combine them into a single pyfile.
new_type_definitions = (
f"class {key}({value}):\n pass\n"
for key, value in spec_object.custom_types.items()
if not is_spec_defined_type(value)
+ ('\n\n' if len([key for key, value in spec_object.custom_types.items() if is_spec_defined_type(value)]) > 0 else '')
+ '\n\n'.join(
f"{key} = {value}\n"
for key, value in spec_object.custom_types.items()
if is_spec_defined_type(value)
def format_protocol(protocol_name: str, protocol_def: ProtocolDefinition) -> str:
protocol = f"class {protocol_name}(Protocol):"
for fn_source in protocol_def.functions.values():
fn_source = fn_source.replace("self: "+protocol_name, "self")
protocol += "\n\n" + textwrap.indent(fn_source, " ")
return protocol
protocols_spec = '\n\n\n'.join(format_protocol(k, v) for k, v in spec_object.protocols.items())
for k in list(spec_object.functions):
if "ceillog2" in k or "floorlog2" in k:
del spec_object.functions[k]
functions = builder.implement_optimizations(spec_object.functions)
functions_spec = '\n\n\n'.join(functions.values())
# Access global dict of config vars for runtime configurables
for name in spec_object.config_vars.keys():
functions_spec = functions_spec.replace(name, 'config.' + name)
def format_config_var(name: str, vardef: VariableDefinition) -> str:
if vardef.type_name is None:
out = f'{name}={vardef.value},'
out = f'{name}={vardef.type_name}({vardef.value}),'
if vardef.comment is not None:
out += f' # {vardef.comment}'
return out
config_spec = 'class Configuration(NamedTuple):\n'
config_spec += ' PRESET_BASE: str\n'
config_spec += '\n'.join(f' {k}: {v.type_name if v.type_name is not None else "int"}'
for k, v in spec_object.config_vars.items())
config_spec += '\n\n\nconfig = Configuration(\n'
config_spec += f' PRESET_BASE="{preset_name}",\n'
config_spec += '\n'.join(' ' + format_config_var(k, v) for k, v in spec_object.config_vars.items())
config_spec += '\n)\n'
def format_constant(name: str, vardef: VariableDefinition) -> str:
if vardef.type_name is None:
out = f'{name} = {vardef.value}'
out = f'{name} = {vardef.type_name}({vardef.value})'
if vardef.comment is not None:
out += f' # {vardef.comment}'
return out
constant_vars_spec = '# Constant vars\n' + '\n'.join(format_constant(k, v) for k, v in spec_object.constant_vars.items())
preset_vars_spec = '# Preset vars\n' + '\n'.join(format_constant(k, v) for k, v in spec_object.preset_vars.items())
ordered_class_objects_spec = '\n\n\n'.join(ordered_class_objects.values())
ssz_dep_constants = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: '%s = %s' % (x, builder.hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants()[x]), builder.hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants()))
ssz_dep_constants_verification = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: 'assert %s == %s' % (x, spec_object.ssz_dep_constants[x]), builder.hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants()))
custom_type_dep_constants = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: '%s = %s' % (x, builder.hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants()[x]), builder.hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants()))
spec = (
+ builder.preparations()
+ '\n\n' + f"fork = \'{builder.fork}\'\n"
# The constants that some SSZ containers require. Need to be defined before `new_type_definitions`
+ ('\n\n' + custom_type_dep_constants + '\n' if custom_type_dep_constants != '' else '')
+ '\n\n' + new_type_definitions
# The constants that some SSZ containers require. Need to be defined before `constants_spec`
+ ('\n\n' + ssz_dep_constants if ssz_dep_constants != '' else '')
+ '\n\n' + constant_vars_spec
+ '\n\n' + preset_vars_spec
+ '\n\n\n' + config_spec
+ '\n\n' + ordered_class_objects_spec
+ ('\n\n\n' + protocols_spec if protocols_spec != '' else '')
+ '\n\n\n' + functions_spec
+ '\n\n' + builder.sundry_functions()
# Since some constants are hardcoded in, the following assertions verify that the hardcoded constants are
# as same as the spec definition.
+ ('\n\n\n' + ssz_dep_constants_verification if ssz_dep_constants_verification != '' else '')
+ '\n'
return spec
def combine_protocols(old_protocols: Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition],
new_protocols: Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition]) -> Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition]:
for key, value in new_protocols.items():
if key not in old_protocols:
old_protocols[key] = value
functions = combine_dicts(old_protocols[key].functions, value.functions)
old_protocols[key] = ProtocolDefinition(functions=functions)
return old_protocols
T = TypeVar('T')
def combine_dicts(old_dict: Dict[str, T], new_dict: Dict[str, T]) -> Dict[str, T]:
return {**old_dict, **new_dict}
ignored_dependencies = [
'bit', 'boolean', 'Vector', 'List', 'Container', 'BLSPubkey', 'BLSSignature',
'Bytes1', 'Bytes4', 'Bytes20', 'Bytes32', 'Bytes48', 'Bytes96', 'Bitlist', 'Bitvector',
'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'uint128', 'uint256',
'bytes', 'byte', 'ByteList', 'ByteVector',
'Dict', 'dict', 'field', 'ceillog2', 'floorlog2', 'Set',
def dependency_order_class_objects(objects: Dict[str, str], custom_types: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
Determines which SSZ Object is dependent on which other and orders them appropriately
items = list(objects.items())
for key, value in items:
dependencies = []
for line in value.split('\n'):
if not re.match(r'\s+\w+: .+', line):
continue # skip whitespace etc.
line = line[line.index(':') + 1:] # strip of field name
if '#' in line:
line = line[:line.index('#')] # strip of comment
dependencies.extend(re.findall(r'(\w+)', line)) # catch all legible words, potential dependencies
dependencies = filter(lambda x: '_' not in x and x.upper() != x, dependencies) # filter out constants
dependencies = filter(lambda x: x not in ignored_dependencies, dependencies)
dependencies = filter(lambda x: x not in custom_types, dependencies)
for dep in dependencies:
key_list = list(objects.keys())
for item in [dep, key] + key_list[key_list.index(dep)+1:]:
objects[item] = objects.pop(item)
def combine_ssz_objects(old_objects: Dict[str, str], new_objects: Dict[str, str], custom_types) -> Dict[str, str]:
Takes in old spec and new spec ssz objects, combines them,
and returns the newer versions of the objects in dependency order.
for key, value in new_objects.items():
old_objects[key] = value
return old_objects
def combine_spec_objects(spec0: SpecObject, spec1: SpecObject) -> SpecObject:
Takes in two spec variants (as tuples of their objects) and combines them using the appropriate combiner function.
protocols = combine_protocols(spec0.protocols, spec1.protocols)
functions = combine_dicts(spec0.functions, spec1.functions)
custom_types = combine_dicts(spec0.custom_types, spec1.custom_types)
constant_vars = combine_dicts(spec0.constant_vars, spec1.constant_vars)
preset_vars = combine_dicts(spec0.preset_vars, spec1.preset_vars)
config_vars = combine_dicts(spec0.config_vars, spec1.config_vars)
ssz_dep_constants = combine_dicts(spec0.ssz_dep_constants, spec1.ssz_dep_constants)
ssz_objects = combine_ssz_objects(spec0.ssz_objects, spec1.ssz_objects, custom_types)
dataclasses = combine_dicts(spec0.dataclasses, spec1.dataclasses)
return SpecObject(
def parse_config_vars(conf: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
Parses a dict of basic str/int/list types into a dict for insertion into the spec code.
out: Dict[str, str] = dict()
for k, v in conf.items():
if isinstance(v, str) and (v.startswith("0x") or k == 'PRESET_BASE'):
# Represent byte data with string, to avoid misinterpretation as big-endian int.
# Everything is either byte data or an integer, with PRESET_BASE as one exception.
out[k] = f"'{v}'"
out[k] = str(int(v))
return out
def load_preset(preset_files: Sequence[Path]) -> Dict[str, str]:
Loads the a directory of preset files, merges the result into one preset.
preset = {}
for fork_file in preset_files:
yaml = YAML(typ='base')
fork_preset: dict = yaml.load(fork_file)
if fork_preset is None: # for empty YAML files
if not set(fork_preset.keys()).isdisjoint(preset.keys()):
duplicates = set(fork_preset.keys()).intersection(set(preset.keys()))
raise Exception(f"duplicate config var(s) in preset files: {', '.join(duplicates)}")
assert preset != {}
return parse_config_vars(preset)
def load_config(config_path: Path) -> Dict[str, str]:
Loads the given configuration file.
yaml = YAML(typ='base')
config_data = yaml.load(config_path)
return parse_config_vars(config_data)
def _build_spec(preset_name: str, fork: str,
source_files: Sequence[Path], preset_files: Sequence[Path], config_file: Path) -> str:
preset = load_preset(preset_files)
config = load_config(config_file)
all_specs = [get_spec(spec, preset, config) for spec in source_files]
spec_object = all_specs[0]
for value in all_specs[1:]:
spec_object = combine_spec_objects(spec_object, value)
class_objects = {**spec_object.ssz_objects, **spec_object.dataclasses}
dependency_order_class_objects(class_objects, spec_object.custom_types)
return objects_to_spec(preset_name, spec_object, spec_builders[fork], class_objects)
class BuildTarget(NamedTuple):
name: str
preset_paths: List[Path]
config_path: Path
class PySpecCommand(Command):
"""Convert spec markdown files to a spec python file"""
description = "Convert spec markdown files to a spec python file"
spec_fork: str
md_doc_paths: str
parsed_md_doc_paths: List[str]
build_targets: str
parsed_build_targets: List[BuildTarget]
out_dir: str
# The format is (long option, short option, description).
user_options = [
('spec-fork=', None, "Spec fork to tag build with. Used to select md-docs defaults."),
('md-doc-paths=', None, "List of paths of markdown files to build spec with"),
('build-targets=', None, "Names, directory paths of compile-time presets, and default config paths."),
('out-dir=', None, "Output directory to write spec package to")
def initialize_options(self):
"""Set default values for options."""
# Each user option must be listed here with their default value.
self.spec_fork = PHASE0
self.md_doc_paths = ''
self.out_dir = 'pyspec_output'
self.build_targets = """
def finalize_options(self):
"""Post-process options."""
if len(self.md_doc_paths) == 0:
print("no paths were specified, using default markdown file paths for pyspec"
" build (spec fork: %s)" % self.spec_fork)
if self.spec_fork == PHASE0:
self.md_doc_paths = """
elif self.spec_fork == ALTAIR:
self.md_doc_paths = """
elif self.spec_fork == MERGE:
self.md_doc_paths = """
raise Exception('no markdown files specified, and spec fork "%s" is unknown', self.spec_fork)
self.parsed_md_doc_paths = self.md_doc_paths.split()
for filename in self.parsed_md_doc_paths:
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise Exception('Pyspec markdown input file "%s" does not exist.' % filename)
self.parsed_build_targets = []
for target in self.build_targets.split():
target = target.strip()
data = target.split(':')
if len(data) != 3:
raise Exception('invalid target, expected "name:preset_dir:config_file" format, but got: %s' % target)
name, preset_dir_path, config_path = data
if any((c not in string.digits + string.ascii_letters) for c in name):
raise Exception('invalid target name: "%s"' % name)
if not os.path.exists(preset_dir_path):
raise Exception('Preset dir "%s" does not exist' % preset_dir_path)
_, _, preset_file_names = next(os.walk(preset_dir_path))
preset_paths = [(Path(preset_dir_path) / name) for name in preset_file_names]
if not os.path.exists(config_path):
raise Exception('Config file "%s" does not exist' % config_path)
self.parsed_build_targets.append(BuildTarget(name, preset_paths, Path(config_path)))
def run(self):
if not self.dry_run:
for (name, preset_paths, config_path) in self.parsed_build_targets:
spec_str = spec_builders[self.spec_fork].build_spec(
name, self.parsed_md_doc_paths, preset_paths, config_path)
if self.dry_run:
self.announce('dry run successfully prepared contents for spec.'
f' out dir: "{self.out_dir}", spec fork: "{self.spec_fork}", build target: "{name}"')
with open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, name+'.py'), 'w') as out:
if not self.dry_run:
with open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, ''), 'w') as out:
# `mainnet` is the default spec.
out.write("from . import mainnet as spec # noqa:F401\n")
class BuildPyCommand(build_py):
"""Customize the build command to run the spec-builder on build"""
def initialize_options(self):
super(BuildPyCommand, self).initialize_options()
def run_pyspec_cmd(self, spec_fork: str, **opts):
cmd_obj: PySpecCommand = self.distribution.reinitialize_command("pyspec")
cmd_obj.spec_fork = spec_fork
cmd_obj.out_dir = os.path.join(self.build_lib, 'eth2spec', spec_fork)
for k, v in opts.items():
setattr(cmd_obj, k, v)
def run(self):
for spec_fork in spec_builders:
super(BuildPyCommand, self).run()
class PyspecDevCommand(Command):
"""Build the markdown files in-place to their source location for testing."""
description = "Build the markdown files in-place to their source location for testing."
user_options = []
def initialize_options(self):
def finalize_options(self):
def run_pyspec_cmd(self, spec_fork: str, **opts):
cmd_obj: PySpecCommand = self.distribution.reinitialize_command("pyspec")
cmd_obj.spec_fork = spec_fork
eth2spec_dir = convert_path(self.distribution.package_dir['eth2spec'])
cmd_obj.out_dir = os.path.join(eth2spec_dir, spec_fork)
for k, v in opts.items():
setattr(cmd_obj, k, v)
def run(self):
print("running build_py command")
for spec_fork in spec_builders:
commands = {
'pyspec': PySpecCommand,
'build_py': BuildPyCommand,
'pyspecdev': PyspecDevCommand,
with open("", "rt", encoding="utf8") as f:
readme =
# How to use "VERSION.txt" file:
# - dev branch contains "", where "X.Y.Z" is the target version to release dev into.
# -> Changed as part of 'master' backport to 'dev'
# - master branch contains "X.Y.Z", where "X.Y.Z" is the current version.
# -> Changed as part of 'dev' release (or other branch) into 'master'
# -> In case of a commit on master without git tag, target the next version
# with ".postN" (release candidate, numbered) suffixed.
# See
with open(os.path.join('tests', 'core', 'pyspec', 'eth2spec', 'VERSION.txt')) as f:
spec_version =
description="Eth2 spec, provided as Python package for tooling and testing",
package_data={'configs': ['*.yaml'],
'presets': ['*.yaml'],
'specs': ['**/*.md'],
'eth2spec': ['VERSION.txt']},
"eth2spec": "tests/core/pyspec/eth2spec",
"configs": "configs",
"presets": "presets",
"specs": "specs",
packages=find_packages(where='tests/core/pyspec') + ['configs', 'specs'],
python_requires=">=3.8, <4",
"test": ["pytest>=4.4", "pytest-cov", "pytest-xdist"],
"lint": ["flake8==3.7.7", "mypy==0.812"],
"generator": ["python-snappy==0.5.4"],