Justin Drake 05f1a44a38 Fix tests
2019-06-10 21:20:45 +01:00
2019-06-10 21:20:45 +01:00

Operations tests

The different kinds of operations ("transactions") are tested individually with test handlers.

Test case format

description: string                    -- description of test case, purely for debugging purposes
bls_setting: int                       -- see general test-format spec.
pre: BeaconState                       -- state before applying the operation
<operation-name>: <operation-object>   -- the YAML encoded operation, e.g. a "ProposerSlashing", or "Deposit".
post: BeaconState                      -- state after applying the operation. No value if operation processing is aborted.


A handler of the operations test-runner should process these cases, calling the corresponding processing implementation.


operation-name operation-object input name processing call
attestation Attestation attestation process_attestation(state, attestation)
attester_slashing AttesterSlashing attester_slashing process_attester_slashing(state, attester_slashing)
block_header Block block process_block_header(state, block)
deposit Deposit deposit process_deposit(state, deposit)
proposer_slashing ProposerSlashing proposer_slashing process_proposer_slashing(state, proposer_slashing)
transfer Transfer transfer process_transfer(state, transfer)
voluntary_exit VoluntaryExit voluntary_exit process_voluntary_exit(state, voluntary_exit)

Note that block_header is not strictly an operation (and is a full Block), but processed in the same manner, and hence included here.

The resulting state should match the expected post state, or if the post state is left blank, the handler should reject the input operation as invalid.