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import pytest
from eth2spec.phase0 import spec as spec_phase0
from eth2spec.phase1 import spec as spec_phase1
from eth2spec.altair import spec as spec_altair
from eth2spec.utils import bls
from .exceptions import SkippedTest
from .helpers.genesis import create_genesis_state
from .utils import vector_test, with_meta_tags
from random import Random
from typing import Any, Callable, NewType, Sequence, TypedDict, Protocol
from lru import LRU
from importlib import reload
def reload_specs():
# Some of the Spec module functionality is exposed here to deal with phase-specific changes.
SpecForkName = NewType("SpecForkName", str)
ConfigName = NewType("ConfigName", str)
PHASE0 = SpecForkName('phase0')
PHASE1 = SpecForkName('phase1')
ALTAIR = SpecForkName('altair')
MAINNET = ConfigName('mainnet')
MINIMAL = ConfigName('minimal')
# The forks that output to the test vectors.
# TODO: currently phases are defined as python modules.
# It would be better if they would be more well-defined interfaces for stronger typing.
class Spec(Protocol):
version: str
class SpecPhase0(Spec):
class SpecPhase1(Spec):
class SpecLightclient(Spec):
# add transfer, bridge, etc. as the spec evolves
class SpecForks(TypedDict, total=False):
PHASE0: SpecPhase0
PHASE1: SpecPhase1
ALTAIR: SpecLightclient
def _prepare_state(balances_fn: Callable[[Any], Sequence[int]], threshold_fn: Callable[[Any], int],
spec: Spec, phases: SpecForks):
p0 = phases[PHASE0]
balances = balances_fn(p0)
activation_threshold = threshold_fn(p0)
state = create_genesis_state(spec=p0, validator_balances=balances,
if spec.fork == PHASE1:
# TODO: instead of upgrading a test phase0 genesis state we can also write a phase1 state helper.
# Decide based on performance/consistency results later.
state = phases[PHASE1].upgrade_to_phase1(state)
elif spec.fork == ALTAIR:
state = phases[ALTAIR].upgrade_to_altair(state)
return state
_custom_state_cache_dict = LRU(size=10)
def with_custom_state(balances_fn: Callable[[Any], Sequence[int]],
threshold_fn: Callable[[Any], int]):
def deco(fn):
def entry(*args, spec: Spec, phases: SpecForks, **kw):
# make a key for the state
# genesis fork version separates configs during test-generation runtime.
key = (spec.fork, spec.GENESIS_FORK_VERSION, spec.__file__, balances_fn, threshold_fn)
global _custom_state_cache_dict
if key not in _custom_state_cache_dict:
state = _prepare_state(balances_fn, threshold_fn, spec, phases)
_custom_state_cache_dict[key] = state.get_backing()
# Take an entry out of the LRU.
# No copy is necessary, as we wrap the immutable backing with a new view.
state = spec.BeaconState(backing=_custom_state_cache_dict[key])
kw['state'] = state
return fn(*args, spec=spec, phases=phases, **kw)
return entry
return deco
def default_activation_threshold(spec):
Helper method to use the default balance activation threshold for state creation for tests.
Usage: `@with_custom_state(threshold_fn=default_activation_threshold, ...)`
def zero_activation_threshold(spec):
Helper method to use 0 gwei as the activation threshold for state creation for tests.
Usage: `@with_custom_state(threshold_fn=zero_activation_threshold, ...)`
return 0
def default_balances(spec):
Helper method to create a series of default balances.
Usage: `@with_custom_state(balances_fn=default_balances, ...)`
num_validators = spec.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 8
return [spec.MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE] * num_validators
with_state = with_custom_state(default_balances, default_activation_threshold)
def low_balances(spec):
Helper method to create a series of low balances.
Usage: `@with_custom_state(balances_fn=low_balances, ...)`
num_validators = spec.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 8
# Technically the balances cannot be this low starting from genesis, but it is useful for testing
low_balance = 18 * 10 ** 9
return [low_balance] * num_validators
def misc_balances(spec):
Helper method to create a series of balances that includes some misc. balances.
Usage: `@with_custom_state(balances_fn=misc_balances, ...)`
num_validators = spec.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 8
balances = [spec.MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE * 2 * i // num_validators for i in range(num_validators)]
rng = Random(1234)
return balances
def low_single_balance(spec):
Helper method to create a single of balance of 1 Gwei.
Usage: `@with_custom_state(balances_fn=low_single_balance, ...)`
return [1]
def large_validator_set(spec):
Helper method to create a large series of default balances.
Usage: `@with_custom_state(balances_fn=default_balances, ...)`
return [spec.MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE] * num_validators
def single_phase(fn):
Decorator that filters out the phases data.
most state tests only focus on behavior of a single phase (the "spec").
This decorator is applied as part of spec_state_test(fn).
def entry(*args, **kw):
if 'phases' in kw:
return fn(*args, **kw)
return entry
# BLS is turned on by default, it can be disabled in tests by overriding this, or using `--disable-bls`.
# *This is for performance purposes during TESTING, DO NOT DISABLE IN PRODUCTION*.
# The runner of the test can indicate the preferred setting (test generators prefer BLS to be ON).
# - Some tests are marked as BLS-requiring, and ignore this setting.
# (tests that express differences caused by BLS, e.g. invalid signatures being rejected)
# - Some other tests are marked as BLS-ignoring, and ignore this setting.
# (tests that are heavily performance impacted / require unsigned state transitions)
# - Most tests respect the BLS setting.
is_pytest = True
def dump_skipping_message(reason: str) -> None:
message = f"[Skipped test] {reason}"
if is_pytest:
raise SkippedTest(message)
def spec_test(fn):
# Bls switch must be wrapped by vector_test,
# to fully go through the yielded bls switch data, before setting back the BLS setting.
# A test may apply BLS overrides such as @always_bls,
# but if it yields data (n.b. @always_bls yields the bls setting), it should be wrapped by this decorator.
# This is why @alway_bls has its own bls switch, since the override is beyond the reach of the outer switch.
return vector_test()(bls_switch(fn))
# shorthand for decorating @spectest() @with_state @single_phase
def spec_state_test(fn):
return spec_test(with_state(single_phase(fn)))
def expect_assertion_error(fn):
bad = False
bad = True
except AssertionError:
except IndexError:
# Index errors are special; the spec is not explicit on bound checking, an IndexError is like a failed assert.
if bad:
raise AssertionError('expected an assertion error, but got none.')
def never_bls(fn):
Decorator to apply on ``bls_switch`` decorator to force BLS de-activation. Useful to mark tests as BLS-ignorant.
This decorator may only be applied to yielding spec test functions, and should be wrapped by vector_test,
as the yielding needs to complete before setting back the BLS setting.
def entry(*args, **kw):
# override bls setting
kw['bls_active'] = False
return bls_switch(fn)(*args, **kw)
return with_meta_tags({'bls_setting': 2})(entry)
def always_bls(fn):
Decorator to apply on ``bls_switch`` decorator to force BLS activation. Useful to mark tests as BLS-dependent.
This decorator may only be applied to yielding spec test functions, and should be wrapped by vector_test,
as the yielding needs to complete before setting back the BLS setting.
def entry(*args, **kw):
# override bls setting
kw['bls_active'] = True
return bls_switch(fn)(*args, **kw)
return with_meta_tags({'bls_setting': 1})(entry)
def bls_switch(fn):
Decorator to make a function execute with BLS ON, or BLS off.
Based on an optional bool argument ``bls_active``, passed to the function at runtime.
This decorator may only be applied to yielding spec test functions, and should be wrapped by vector_test,
as the yielding needs to complete before setting back the BLS setting.
def entry(*args, **kw):
old_state = bls.bls_active
bls.bls_active = kw.pop('bls_active', DEFAULT_BLS_ACTIVE)
res = fn(*args, **kw)
if res is not None:
yield from res
bls.bls_active = old_state
return entry
def disable_process_reveal_deadlines(fn):
Decorator to make a function execute with `process_reveal_deadlines` OFF.
This is for testing long-range epochs transition without considering the reveal-deadline slashing effect.
def entry(*args, spec: Spec, **kw):
if hasattr(spec, 'process_reveal_deadlines'):
old_state = spec.process_reveal_deadlines
spec.process_reveal_deadlines = lambda state: None
yield from fn(*args, spec=spec, **kw)
if hasattr(spec, 'process_reveal_deadlines'):
spec.process_reveal_deadlines = old_state
return with_meta_tags({'reveal_deadlines_setting': 1})(entry)
def with_all_phases(fn):
A decorator for running a test with every phase
return with_phases(ALL_PHASES)(fn)
def with_all_phases_except(exclusion_phases):
A decorator factory for running a tests with every phase except the ones listed
def decorator(fn):
return with_phases([phase for phase in ALL_PHASES if phase not in exclusion_phases])(fn)
return decorator
def with_phases(phases, other_phases=None):
Decorator factory that returns a decorator that runs a test for the appropriate phases.
Additional phases that do not initially run, but are made available through the test, are optional.
def decorator(fn):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
run_phases = phases
# limit phases if one explicitly specified
if 'phase' in kw:
phase = kw.pop('phase')
if phase not in phases:
dump_skipping_message(f"doesn't support this fork: {phase}")
return None
run_phases = [phase]
available_phases = set(run_phases)
if other_phases is not None:
available_phases |= set(other_phases)
# TODO: test state is dependent on phase0 but is immediately transitioned to phase1.
# A new state-creation helper for phase 1 may be in place, and then phase1+ tests can run without phase0
# Populate all phases for multi-phase tests
phase_dir = {}
if PHASE0 in available_phases:
phase_dir[PHASE0] = spec_phase0
if PHASE1 in available_phases:
phase_dir[PHASE1] = spec_phase1
if ALTAIR in available_phases:
phase_dir[ALTAIR] = spec_altair
# return is ignored whenever multiple phases are ran. If
if PHASE0 in run_phases:
ret = fn(spec=spec_phase0, phases=phase_dir, *args, **kw)
if PHASE1 in run_phases:
ret = fn(spec=spec_phase1, phases=phase_dir, *args, **kw)
if ALTAIR in run_phases:
ret = fn(spec=spec_altair, phases=phase_dir, *args, **kw)
return ret
return wrapper
return decorator
def with_configs(configs, reason=None):
def decorator(fn):
def wrapper(*args, spec: Spec, **kw):
available_configs = set(configs)
if spec.CONFIG_NAME not in available_configs:
message = f"doesn't support this config: {spec.CONFIG_NAME}."
if reason is not None:
message = f"{message} Reason: {reason}"
return None
return fn(*args, spec=spec, **kw)
return wrapper
return decorator
def only_full_crosslink(fn):
def is_full_crosslink(spec, state):
epoch = spec.compute_epoch_at_slot(state.slot)
return spec.get_committee_count_per_slot(state, epoch) >= spec.get_active_shard_count(state)
def wrapper(*args, spec: Spec, state: Any, **kw):
# TODO: update condition to "phase1+" if we have phase2
if spec.fork == PHASE1 and not is_full_crosslink(spec, state):
dump_skipping_message("only for full crosslink")
return None
return fn(*args, spec=spec, state=state, **kw)
return wrapper
def is_post_altair(spec):
if spec.fork in [PHASE0, PHASE1]:
# TODO: PHASE1 fork is temporarily parallel to ALTAIR.
# Will make PHASE1 fork inherit ALTAIR later.
return False
return True