2023-01-07 01:49:23 +08:00
2023-01-07 01:49:23 +08:00

Executable Python Spec (PySpec)

The executable Python spec is built from the consensus specifications, complemented with the necessary helper functions for hashing, BLS, and more.

With this executable spec, test-generators can easily create test-vectors for client implementations, and the spec itself can be verified to be consistent and coherent through sanity tests implemented with pytest.

Dev Install

First, create a venv and install the developer dependencies (test and lint extras):

make install_test

All the dynamic parts of the spec are built with:

(venv) python setup.py pyspecdev

Unlike the regular install, this outputs spec files to their intended source location, to enable debuggers to navigate between packages and generated code, without fragile directory linking.

By default, when installing the eth2spec as package in non-develop mode, the distutils implementation of the setup runs build, which is extended to run the same pyspec work, but outputs into the standard ./build/lib output. This enables the consensus-specs repository to be installed like any other python package.


These tests are not intended for client-consumption. These tests are testing the spec itself, to verify consistency and provide feedback on modifications of the spec. However, most of the tests can be run in generator-mode, to output test vectors for client-consumption.

How to run tests


Run make test from the root of the specs repository (after running make install_test if have not before).

Note that the make commands run through the build steps: it runs the build output, not the local package source files.


See Dev install for test pre-requisites.

Tests are built for pytest.


  • Working directory must be ./tests/core/pyspec. The work-directory is important to locate eth2 configuration files.
  • Run pytest as module. It avoids environment differences, and the behavior is different too: pytest as module adds the current directory to the sys.path

Full test usage, with explicit configuration for illustration of options usage:

(venv) python -m pytest --preset=minimal eth2spec

Or, to run a specific test file, specify the full path:

(venv) python -m pytest --preset=minimal ./eth2spec/test/phase0/block_processing/test_process_attestation.py

Or, to run a specific test function (specify the eth2spec module, or the script path if the keyword is ambiguous):

(venv) python -m pytest --preset=minimal -k test_success_multi_proposer_index_iterations eth2spec


  • --preset, to change the preset (compile-time configurables). Defaults to minimal, can be set to mainnet. Use @spec_configured_state_test({config here...} to override runtime configurables on a per-test basis.
  • --disable-bls, to disable BLS (only for tests that can run without)
  • --bls-type, milagro or py_ecc (default)

How to view code coverage report

Run make open_cov from the root of the specs repository after running make test to open the html code coverage report.


Building spec files from any markdown sources, to a custom location:

(venv) python setup.py pyspec --spec-fork=phase0 --md-doc-paths="specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md specs/phase0/fork-choice.md" --out-dir=my_spec_dir


Contributions are welcome, but consider implementing your idea as part of the spec itself first. The pyspec is not a replacement.


Same as the spec itself; see LICENSE file in the specs repository root.