Simplified hash tree root

This commit is contained in:
Vitalik Buterin 2019-05-28 14:33:12 -04:00
parent 4955c40a7b
commit 053d6e7805
2 changed files with 29 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def encode_series(values, types):
return values
# Recursively serialize
parts = [(is_fixed_size(types[i]), serialize(values[i], types[i])) for i in range(len(values))]
parts = [(is_fixed_size(types[i]), serialize(values[i], typ=types[i])) for i in range(len(values))]
# Compute and check lengths
fixed_lengths = [len(serialized) if constant_size else BYTES_PER_LENGTH_OFFSET
@ -99,29 +99,42 @@ def mix_in_length(root, length):
return hash(root + length.to_bytes(32, 'little'))
def is_bottom_layer_kind(typ):
return (
is_basic_type(typ) or
(is_list_kind(typ) or is_vector_kind(typ)) and is_basic_type(read_elem_type(typ))
def get_typed_values(obj, typ=None):
if is_container_type(typ):
return obj.get_typed_values()
elif is_list_kind(typ) or is_vector_kind(typ):
elem_type = read_elem_type(typ)
return zip(obj, [elem_type] * len(obj))
raise Exception("Invalid type")
def hash_tree_root(obj, typ=None):
if is_basic_type(typ):
return merkleize_chunks(chunkify(serialize_basic(obj, typ)))
elif is_list_kind(typ) or is_vector_kind(typ):
subtype = read_elem_type(typ)
if is_basic_type(subtype):
leaves = chunkify(pack(obj, subtype))
leaves = [hash_tree_root(elem, subtype) for elem in obj]
leaf_root = merkleize_chunks(leaves)
return mix_in_length(leaf_root, len(obj)) if is_list_kind(typ) else leaf_root
elif is_container_type(typ):
leaves = [hash_tree_root(field_value, field_typ) for field_value, field_typ in obj.get_typed_values()]
return merkleize_chunks(chunkify(b''.join(leaves)))
if is_bottom_layer_kind(typ):
data = serialize_basic(obj, typ) if is_basic_type(typ) else pack(obj, read_elem_type(typ))
leaves = chunkify(data)
raise Exception("Type not supported: obj {} type {}".format(obj, typ))
fields = get_typed_values(obj, typ=typ)
leaves = [hash_tree_root(field_value, typ=field_typ) for field_value, field_typ in fields]
if is_list_kind(typ):
return mix_in_length(merkleize_chunks(leaves), len(obj))
return merkleize_chunks(leaves)
def signing_root(obj, typ):
assert is_container_type(typ)
# ignore last field
leaves = [hash_tree_root(field_value, field_typ) for field_value, field_typ in obj.get_typed_values()[:-1]]
leaves = [hash_tree_root(field_value, typ=field_typ) for field_value, field_typ in obj.get_typed_values()[:-1]]
return merkleize_chunks(chunkify(b''.join(leaves)))

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@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ def merkle_tree_of_chunks(chunks, root):
o = {**o, **filler(starting_index, len(chunks))}
return o
def is_bottom_layer_type(typ):
return (
is_basic_type(typ) or
(is_list_type(typ) or is_vector_type(typ)) and is_basic_type(read_elem_typ(typ))
def get_typed_values(obj, typ=None):
if is_container_typ(typ):
return obj.get_typed_values()
elif is_list_type(typ) or is_vector_type(typ):
elem_type = read_elem_typ(typ)
return zip(obj, [elem_type] * len(obj))
raise Exception("Invalid type")
def ssz_all(obj, typ=None, root=1):
if is_list_type(typ):