**Notice**: This document is a placeholder to facilitate the emergence of cross-client testnets. Substantive changes are postponed until [BLS standardisation](https://github.com/cfrg/draft-irtf-cfrg-bls-signature) is finalized.
We represent points in the groups G1 and G2 following [zkcrypto/pairing](https://github.com/zkcrypto/pairing/tree/master/src/bls12_381). We denote by `q` the field modulus and by `i` the imaginary unit.
A point in G2 is represented as a pair of 384-bit integers `(z1, z2)`. We decompose `z1` as above into `x1`, `a_flag1`, `b_flag1`, `c_flag1` and `z2` into `x2`, `a_flag2`, `b_flag2`, `c_flag2`.
* if `b_flag1 == 1` then `a_flag1 == x1 == x2 == 0` and `(z1, z2)` represents the point at infinity
* if `b_flag1 == 0` then `(z1, z2)` represents the point `(x1 * i + x2, y)` where `y` is the valid coordinate such that the imaginary part `y_im` of `y` satisfies `(y_im * 2) // q == a_flag1`
`modular_squareroot(x)` returns a solution `y` to `y**2 % q == x`, and `None` if none exists. If there are two solutions, the one with higher imaginary component is favored; if both solutions have equal imaginary component, the one with higher real component is favored (note that this is equivalent to saying that the single solution with either imaginary component > p/2 or imaginary component zero and real component > p/2 is favored).
The following is a sample implementation; implementers are free to implement modular square roots as they wish. Note that `x2 = -x1` is an _additive modular inverse_ so real and imaginary coefficients remain in `[0 .. q-1]`. `coerce_to_int(element: Fq) -> int` is a function that takes Fq element `element` (i.e. integers `mod q`) and converts it to a regular integer.
Let `bls_aggregate_pubkeys(pubkeys: List[Bytes48]) -> Bytes48` return `pubkeys[0] + .... + pubkeys[len(pubkeys)-1]`, where `+` is the elliptic curve addition operation over the G1 curve. (When `len(pubkeys) == 0` the empty sum is the G1 point at infinity.)
Let `bls_aggregate_signatures(signatures: List[Bytes96]) -> Bytes96` return `signatures[0] + .... + signatures[len(signatures)-1]`, where `+` is the elliptic curve addition operation over the G2 curve. (When `len(signatures) == 0` the empty sum is the G2 point at infinity.)
In the following, `e` is the pairing function and `g` is the G1 generator with the following coordinates (see [here](https://github.com/zkcrypto/pairing/tree/master/src/bls12_381#g1)):