| `KZG_COMMITMENT_INCLUSION_PROOF_DEPTH` | `13` # TODO: Compute it when the spec stabilizes | Merkle proof depth for the `blob_kzg_commitments` list item |
| `KZG_GENERALIZED_INDEX_PREFIX` | `13` # TODO: Compute it when the spec stabilizes | Generalized index for the first item in the `blob_kzg_commitments` list |
`verify_blob_sidecar_inclusion_proof` is modified in EIP-7732 to account for the fact that the KZG commitments are included in the `ExecutionPayloadEnvelope` and no longer in the beacon block body.
The *type* of the payload of this topic changes to the (modified) `SignedBeaconBlock` found in [the Beacon Chain changes](./beacon-chain.md).
There are no new validations for this topic. However, all validations with regards to the `ExecutionPayload` are removed:
- _[REJECT]_ The length of KZG commitments is less than or equal to the limitation defined in Consensus Layer -- i.e. validate that len(body.signed_beacon_block.message.blob_kzg_commitments) <= MAX_BLOBS_PER_BLOCK
- _[REJECT]_ The block's execution payload timestamp is correct with respect to the slot
-- i.e. `execution_payload.timestamp == compute_timestamp_at_slot(state, block.slot)`.
- If `execution_payload` verification of block's parent by an execution node is *not* complete:
- [REJECT] The block's parent (defined by `block.parent_root`) passes all validation (excluding execution node verification of the `block.body.execution_payload`).
- otherwise:
- [IGNORE] The block's parent (defined by `block.parent_root`) passes all validation (including execution node verification of the `block.body.execution_payload`).
- [REJECT] The block's parent (defined by `block.parent_root`) passes validation.
And instead the following validations are set in place with the alias `header = signed_execution_payload_header.message`:
- If `execution_payload` verification of block's execution payload parent by an execution node **is complete**:
- [REJECT] The block's execution payload parent (defined by `header.parent_block_hash`) passes all validation.
- [REJECT] The block's parent (defined by `block.parent_root`) passes validation.
###### `execution_payload`
This topic is used to propagate execution payload messages as `SignedExecutionPayloadEnvelope`.
The following validations MUST pass before forwarding the `signed_execution_payload_envelope` on the network, assuming the alias `envelope = signed_execution_payload_envelope.message`, `payload = payload_envelope.payload`:
- _[IGNORE]_ The envelope's block root `envelope.block_root` has been seen (via both gossip and non-gossip sources) (a client MAY queue payload for processing once the block is retrieved).
- _[IGNORE]_ The node has not seen another valid `SignedExecutionPayloadEnvelope` for this block root from this builder.
Let `block` be the block with `envelope.beacon_block_root`.
Let `header` alias `block.body.signed_execution_payload_header.message` (notice that this can be obtained from the `state.signed_execution_payload_header`)
- _[REJECT]_ The builder signature, `signed_execution_payload_envelope.signature`, is valid with respect to the builder's public key.
###### `payload_attestation_message`
This topic is used to propagate signed payload attestation message.
The following validations MUST pass before forwarding the `payload_attestation_message` on the network, assuming the alias `data = payload_attestation_message.data`:
- _[IGNORE]_ the `payload_attestation_message` is the first valid payload attestation message received from the validator index.
- _[IGNORE]_ The attestation's `data.beacon_block_root` has been seen (via both gossip and non-gossip sources) (a client MAY queue attestation for processing once the block is retrieved. Note a client might want to request payload after).
_ _[REJECT]_ The beacon block with root `data.beacon_block_root` passes validation.
- _[REJECT]_ The validator index is within the payload committee in `get_ptc(state, data.slot)`. For the current's slot head state.
- _[REJECT]_ The signature of `payload_attestation_message.signature` is valid with respect to the validator index.
###### `execution_payload_header`
This topic is used to propagate signed bids as `SignedExecutionPayloadHeader`.
The following validations MUST pass before forwarding the `signed_execution_payload_header` on the network, assuming the alias `header = signed_execution_payload_header.message`:
- _[IGNORE]_ this is the first signed bid seen with a valid signature from the given builder for this slot.
- _[IGNORE]_ this bid is the highest value bid seen for the pair of the corresponding slot and the given parent block hash.
- _[REJECT]_ The signed builder bid, `header.builder_index` is a valid and non-slashed builder index in state.
- _[IGNORE]_ The signed builder bid value, `header.value`, is less or equal than the builder's balance in state. i.e. `MIN_BUILDER_BALANCE + header.value < state.builder_balances[header.builder_index]`.
- _[IGNORE]_ `header.parent_block_hash` is the block hash of a known execution payload in fork choice.
- _[IGNORE]_ `header.slot` is the current slot or the next slot.
- _[REJECT]_ The builder signature, `signed_execution_payload_header_envelope.signature`, is valid with respect to the `header_envelope.builder_index`.
Requests execution payload envelope by `signed_execution_payload_envelope.message.block_root`. The response is a list of `SignedExecutionPayloadEnvelope` whose length is less than or equal to the number of requested execution payload envelopes. It may be less in the case that the responding peer is missing payload envelopes.
No more than `MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD` may be requested at a time.
ExecutionPayloadEnvelopeByRoot is primarily used to recover recent execution payload envelope (e.g. when receiving a payload attestation with revealed status as true but never received a payload).
The request MUST be encoded as an SSZ-field.
The response MUST consist of zero or more `response_chunk`. Each successful `response_chunk` MUST contain a single `SignedExecutionPayloadEnvelope` payload.
Clients MUST support requesting payload envelopes since the latest finalized epoch.
Clients MUST respond with at least one payload envelope, if they have it. Clients MAY limit the number of payload envelopes in the response.