This document defines the YAML format and structure used for ETH 2.0 testing.
## ToC
* [About](#about)
* [Glossary](#glossary)
* [Test format philosophy](#test-format-philosophy)
* [Test Suite](#yaml-suite)
* [Config](#config)
* [Fork-timeline](#fork-timeline)
* [Config sourcing](#config-sourcing)
* [Test structure](#test-structure)
## About
Ethereum 2.0 uses YAML as the format for all cross client tests. This document describes at a high level the general format to which all test files should conform.
The particular formats of specific types of tests (test suites) are defined in separate documents.
## Glossary
-`generator`: a program that outputs one or more `suite` files.
The second is still somewhat ambiguous: some tests may want cover multiple forks, and can do so in different ways:
- run one test, transitioning from one to the other
- run the same test for both
- run a test for every transition from one fork to the other
- more
There is a common factor here however: the options are exclusive, and give a clear idea on what test suites need to be ran to cover testing for a specific fork.
The way this list of forks is interpreted, is up to the test-runner:
State-transition test suites may want to just declare forks that are being covered in the test suite,
whereas shuffling test suites may want to declare a list of forks to test the shuffling algorithm for individually.
The aimis to provide clients with a well-defined scope of work to run a particular set of test-suites.
- Clients that are complete are expected to contribute to testing, seeking for better resources to get conformance with the spec, and other clients.
- Clients that are not complete in functionality can choose to ignore suites that use certain test-runners, or specific handlers of these test-runners.
- Clients that are on older versions can test there work based on older releases of the generated tests, and catch up with newer releases when possible.
## Test Suite
title: <required,string,short,oneline> -- Display name for the test suite
summary: <required,string,average,1-3lines> -- Summarizes the test suite
forks_timeline: <required,string,referencetoaforkdefinitionfile,withoutextension> -- Used to determine the forking timeline
forks: <required,listofstrings> -- Runner decides what to do: run for each fork, or run for all at once, each fork transition, etc.