All terminology, constants, functions, and protocol mechanics defined in the updated Beacon Chain doc of [Electra](./ are requisite for this document and used throughout.
Changed the max attestations size to `MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS_ELECTRA`.
#### Attestations
The network attestation aggregates contain only the assigned committee attestations.
Attestation aggregates received by the block proposer from the committee aggregators with disjoint `committee_bits` sets and equal `AttestationData` SHOULD be consolidated into a single `Attestation` object.
The proposer should run the following function to construct an on chain final aggregate form a list of network aggregates with equal `AttestationData`:
*[New in Electra:EIP6110]* The expected number of deposits MUST be changed from `min(MAX_DEPOSITS, eth1_data.deposit_count - state.eth1_deposit_index)` to the result of the following function:
- Let `attestation.aggregation_bits` be a `Bitlist[MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE * MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT]` of length `len(committee)`, where the bit of the index of the validator in the `committee` is set to `0b1`.
- Let `attestation.committee_bits` be a `Bitvector[MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT]`, where the bit at the index associated with the validator's committee is set to `0b1`.
*Note*: Calling `get_attesting_indices(state, attestation)` should return a list of length equal to 1, containing `validator_index`.
## Attestation aggregation
### Construct aggregate
- Set `attestation_data.index = 0`.
- Let `aggregation_bits` be a `Bitlist[MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE * MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT]` of length `len(committee)`, where each bit set from each individual attestation is set to `0b1`.
- Set `attestation.committee_bits = committee_bits`, where `committee_bits` has the same value as in each individual attestation.