Fixed issue with contract deploying for first time and having no gasLimit specified.
Optimised/refactored looping of compiled contracts.
Added body parameter type checking for `/embark-api/contract/deploy` endpoint
Bug that cropped up in the refactor. Deploy button was showing if there warnings, but no errors. Have changed this to only show the deploy button if there is a compilation result (returned from the api) instead.
Refactored fiddle logic to be contained in the `FiddleContainer` and the components as purely presentational.
Added scroll from summary to errors/warnings/fatal/deployed cards.
Added fatal error support (ie network error in api)
Removed `lodash`
Handle use cases:
1) handle case when temp.sol doesn’t exist - due to the new saga updates, the response from retreiving a temp fiddle from the filesystem (even if it doesn’t exist) is forward to the compilation endpoint, which returns an ENOENT, and this is handled in the selector.
2) delete all code - shouldn’t return last fiddle and should compile an empty string.
3) Switch to different tab (ie contracts) then back to fiddle - previous fiddle should remain.
Also fixed an issue (most likely due to latest rebase) when deploying fiddle contracts. The gasLimit was not being specified.
Handled issue where entities stored in the state were not being put in the correct order, so a timestamp was sent with the requests and then sorted when the response was returned.