Pavel 6558e437f5
Automate sync of colors and icons with Figma (#378)
* remove old icons

* add script for syncing icons

* regenerate icons

* update @status-im/icons exports

* allow scroll in storybook

* migrate to new icons import

* add iconography story

* update root package.json

* fix typo

* add @status-im/colors

* generate colors

* add colors story

* fix ci
2023-04-14 23:27:05 +02:00

15 lines
1.5 KiB

viewBox="0 0 20 20"
d="M6.5.9c-.322 0-.608.166-.81.311-.223.161-.454.379-.68.626-.455.497-.946 1.171-1.398 1.914a15.136 15.136 0 0 0-1.188 2.386C2.115 6.94 1.9 7.77 1.9 8.5v.6h16.2v-.6c0-1.473-.87-2.864-1.787-3.847a7.933 7.933 0 0 0-1.44-1.227 4.297 4.297 0 0 0-.686-.368A1.849 1.849 0 0 0 13.5 2.9c-.488 0-.826.257-1.053.517-.169.193-.32.44-.442.64a12.72 12.72 0 0 1-.077.125c-.307.491-.525.718-.928.718-.133 0-.39-.106-.793-.47-.376-.34-.772-.807-1.179-1.308a95.327 95.327 0 0 1-.235-.29c-.32-.398-.644-.8-.941-1.117a4.1 4.1 0 0 0-.585-.532C7.08 1.05 6.813.9 6.5.9Zm10.333 7H3.157c.07-.4.202-.852.387-1.333a13.94 13.94 0 0 1 1.093-2.193c.423-.695.87-1.302 1.258-1.727.196-.213.364-.367.496-.462a.978.978 0 0 1 .11-.07.79.79 0 0 1 .07.045c. 1.03l.254.313c.405.5.853 1.032 1.305 1.442.426.386.98.78 1.598.78 1.097 0 1.628-.773 1.946-1.282l.112-.181a3.2 3.2 0 0 1 .292-.43c.095-.108.133-.107.148-.107h.002c.013 0 . 6.74 0 0 1 1.216 1.039c.673.72 1.214 1.582 1.397 2.428ZM3.6 13.5a1.9 1.9 0 1 1 3.8 0 1.9 1.9 0 0 1-3.8 0Zm1.9-3.1a3.1 3.1 0 1 0 3.081 3.44l.08-.033c.233-.094.656-.207 1.339-.207.682 0 1.105.114 1.34.207l.078.034a3.1 3.1 0 1 0 .114-1.237c-.375-.116-.876-.204-1.532-.204s-1.157.088-1.532.204A3.101 3.101 0 0 0 5.5 10.4Zm9 1.2a1.9 1.9 0 1 0 0 3.8 1.9 1.9 0 0 0 0-3.8Z"