Jorge Campo e3b78a860d
[website] Replace custom Markdown links with standard ones (#443)
* 442 delete 'doc' folder to replace with updated Markdown files (see next commit)

* 442 add 'docs' direcotory replacing custom Markdown links with standard ones
2023-06-30 16:38:16 +01:00

3.3 KiB

id revision language title
445 0 en Import a community someone shares with you

You can import a Status Community someone shares with you using the link, QR code or public's community key. Importing a community can also be helpful when you need help finding the community.

:::info If you're a community owner and want to restore your community on a different device, read Restore your Status Community. :::

Import community options

You have three options to import a Status Community.

Option Description Works with
Link Tap or click the Status Community link to open the community page. Mobile and desktop
QR code Use this option to scan the community QR code someone shares with you. Mobile
Community's public key Import the key using the Status app to find the community you want to join. Mobile and desktop

Use the community link, QR code or public key to find and import the community you're interested in. Status includes the community's public key in the QR code or link, like this: https:///join.status.im/c/zQ3shMtRomXyM5svciMpdK7zDaR12XDeQWbzi4Fb8E6YywDrE. The link contains the community's public key at the end, so you don't have to type it in.

Import a community

To import the community, ask the person sharing the community to send you the link or show you the QR code.

=== "Mobile"

1. If you receive the community link, tap the link to open the community page.
1. If you receive the community QR code or public's community key, follow the steps provided in the table below.
1. Review the information when the community page opens and tap :mobile-unlocked-lock: **Join community**.

| Option | Steps |
| QR code | 1. From the tab bar, tap :mobile-communities: **Communities**.
||2. From the top navigation, tap :mobile-scan: **Scan** and scan the QR code. |
| Public's community key | 1. From the tab bar, tap :mobile-communities: **Communities**. |
|| 2. Tap :mobile-add: **Add** > :mobile-download: **Import community**. |
|| 3. In the **Community key** text field, enter the community link or public's community key. |
|| 4. Verify the community you're about to import and tap :mobile-download: **Import community**. |

=== "Desktop"

If you receive the community link, click the link to open the community page. Review the information when the community page opens and tap :mobile-unlocked-lock: **Join community**. If you receive the public's community key, follow these steps:

1. From the navigation sidebar, click :desktop-communities: **Communities**.
1. On top of the content area, click **Import using key**.
1. In the **Community key** text field, enter the community link or public's community key.
1. Click **Import**. If the **Import** option is unavailable, verify you're entering the correct key.

:::info After opening the link or scanning the QR code, you can install Status if you haven't already. :::