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Storage proof network

Authors: Codex Team

In this document we explore a design for an off-chain network for validating storage proofs. Instead of checking each storage proof in a smart contract on-chain, we let the proof network check these proofs. Only when a proof is missing we go on-chain to enact slashing. The main goal of this exercise is to reduce the costs of submitting and validating proofs, which has shown to be a limiting factor for the profitability of storage providers and the scaling of the storage network, even when deploying on a rollup or sidechain.


The main idea is that validators in the network sign off on blocks of transactions. Transactions either contain a storage proof, or indicate that a storage proof is missing. These validators deposit stake on-chain that allows them to participate in a staked consensus protocol. This consensus protocol ensures that transactions are only validated when a subset of the validators representing > 2/3 of the total network stake have signed off on it. The assumption here is that less than 1/3 of the validators are byzantine, meaning that the rest is online and following protocol.

Roles in the network are:

  • storage providers: they submit storage proofs
  • validators: they keep track of submitted and missed proofs, and trigger slashing on-chain

The validators form a consensus network that allows them to agree on blocks of transactions. Storage providers submit transactions containing a storage proof to one of the validators, which includes it in a block of transactions. Validators also monitor the on-chain marketplace to check when storage proofs are missed.

                                             consensus network

 storage providers                 |                                    |
                                   |               validator            |
---------------------              |                ^    ^              |
|                   |              |               /      \             |
|    provider       |              |              /        \            |
|                                                v          v           |
|      provider  <--------------------->  validator <----> validator    |
|                                                ^          ^           |
|  provider         |              |              \        /            |
|                   |              |               \      /             |
---------------------              |                v    v              |
       ^                           |               validator            |
       |                           |                                    |
       |                           --------------------------------------
       |                                          ^
       |                                          |
       |             ethereum                     |
       |                                          |
       |        ------------------                |
       |        |                |                |
       \------- |  marketplace   | <--------------/
                |                |


The types of transactions that can be included in blocks are:

  • StorageProof(slot id, period, inputs, proof)
  • MissingProof(slot id, period, inputs)

Each transaction is signed by its sender. A slot id parameters refers to a slot in a storage request on the marketplace. It uniquely identifies the data for which a storage proof is required. The period refers to a time interval in which the storage proof should be submitted. By proof we mean a zero-knowledge proof, and by inputs we mean its public inputs.


A storage provider sends a StorageProof transaction to a validator to indicate to the network that it calculated a storage proof as required by the marketplace. This validator includes it in its next block.


A validator includes a MissingProof transaction in its next block when it notices that a required storage proof was not submitted.


Successfull proof submission

Storage providers monitor the on-chain marketplace to check in which periods they need to provide a storage proof. When a provider sees that a proof is required for a slot in the current period, it gathers public inputs for the slot, including the random challenge and calculates a zero-knowledge storage proof. The provider then submits StorageProof(slot id, period, inputs, proof) to a single validator.

storage provider  --------------------------------------->  validator

The validator will include the transaction in the next block that it proposes to the consensus network. When the proposed block is sequenced by the consensus network, the validator will return an inclusion proof to the provider. This is a proof that the transaction was included in a block, and that the consensus network included the block.

                                          inclusion proof
storage provider  <---------------------------------------  validator

This inclusion proof doesn't need to be succinct, and can for example consist of a record of the messages that were exchanged between validators as part of the consensus protocol.

Notice that validators do not check the correctness of StorageProof transactions prior to including them in blocks. In this design sequencing and evaluation of transactions are separated. First, the validators reach consensus on a sequence of blocks of transactions. Then, each of the validators evaluates these transactions in order.

When evaluating a StorageProof transaction a validator checks that it was submitted within the period and that the proof is correct w.r.t. to the inputs. If that is all in order then it updates its internal accounting to reflect that the proof was submitted and correct.

Missing proofs

Validators monitor the on-chain marketplace to check which slots require a storage proof to be submitted and what the public inputs for the proof are. For each required proof they check at the end of its period whether that proof was submitted and correct. If they did not receive a correct proof then they will add a MissingProof(slot id, period, inputs) transaction to the next block.

The MissingProof transactions are sequenced by the consensus algorithm. They are then evaluated by each validator. They will note the first MissingProof transaction that correctly notices a missing proof, and allow the sender of that first transaction to go on-chain to mark the proof as missing.

The validator that sent the first MissingProof transaction for a missing proof can now request BLS signatures from the other validators to enact on-chain slashing of the storage provider for missing a proof. When the validator receives enough signatures to represent > 2/3 stake it can combine these signatures into a single combined BLS signature. The validator can then submit slot id, period, inputs and the combined signature to the marketplace.

The marketplace will then verify the correctness of inputs for the slot id and period, and checks that the combined signature is representative for > 2/3 stake. If these conditions are met, it will then slash the storage provider collateral and reward the validator.

Faulty proofs

The storage proofs that a storage provider submits can be faulty for a number of reasons:

  1. The zero knowledge proof is incorrect
  2. The submitted period is not the current time period
  3. The public inputs to the proof do not match the values from the on-chain marketplace

Faults 1 and 2 are caught by the validators. Validators check the zero-knowledge proof, and that the period is the current time period when evaluating a StorageProof transaction. If these are incorrect then they ignore the transaction, effectively treating the proof as missing. Validators now go through the same flow that we described in the previous section.

Fault 3 is caught by the validators and the on-chain marketplace. Validators will look for a correct StorageProof transaction that has the same inputs as specified by the marketplace. If it doesn't find it because the storage provider submitted a StorageProof transaction with a different value for inputs, then it will treat the proof as missing, and go through the same flow as in the previous section.


Our design depends on a consensus algorithm between validators. This can be any byzantine-fault-tolerant consensus algorithm for sequencing transactions. The Mysticeti algorithm seems to be particularly suited because it is highly performant.

The consensus algorithm is only used to sequence transactions. Evaluation of the transactions is done after sequencing. This means that storage proofs can be checked in parallel, which allows validators to scale up and support a large storage network that produces many proofs.


The marketplace smart contract only slashes a storage provider when there is a combined BLS signature that represents > 2/3 stake.

It can be expensive to calculate the amount of stake associated with a combined BLS signature on-chain. Because any combination that represents > 2/3 stake is valid, there can be many different valid combinations. If we have to calculate the amount of stake every time that a validator submits a combined signature that signals that a proof was missed, then the gas fees would be prohibitive.

So instead we expect there to be pre-calculated combined public keys that represent > 2/3 stake majorities. The gas costs for validating the stake that these combined public keys represent can be borne by the validators when they put down their stake.

Pros and cons

There are a couple of advantages to this design in which we use a consensus protocol to sequence transactions.

A storage provider only needs to send its proofs to a single validator, and the consensus protocol ensures that all validators see it.

There is no need for validators to sign off on individual storage proofs. The Mysticeti paper points out that signing and verifying signatures is one of the main contributors to latency in a consistent broadcast design. By only signing entire blocks of transactions this is avoided in the Mysticeti protocol.

This design is suitable for supporting other kinds of transactions later on, such as payments, payment channels, and marketplace interactions.

Compared to a previous iteration of this design we have one less role. There no longer is a separate role that monitors the on-chain marketplace to check which storage proofs are required. Also, there is no longer a race to go on-chain to mark a proof as missing. Because we have a consensus protocol we can select which validator goes on-chain.

In exchange for these advantages we have some drawbacks as well.

The number of validators is by necessity fairly small (in the order of < 100 validators) because of the communication between the validators. Measures can be taken to increase the decentralization of the validators. We could for example introduce epochs in which some validators are chosen from a larger set of potential validators, but that comes at the expense of added complexity.

The latency is larger than in a previous iteration of this design, because the consensus protocol requires 3 rounds of communication before it has sequenced the transactions. That might be mitigated by using the fast path from the Mysticeti protocol for StorageProof transactions.