
222 lines
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layout: "docs"
page_title: "Configuration"
sidebar_current: "docs-agent-config"
# Configuration
The agent has various configuration options that can be specified via
the command-line or via configuration files. All of the configuration
options are completely optional and their defaults will be specified
with their descriptions.
When loading configuration, Consul loads the configuration from files
and directories in the order specified. Configuration specified later
will be merged into configuration specified earlier. In most cases,
"merge" means that the later version will override the earlier. But in
some cases, such as event handlers, merging just appends the handlers.
The exact merging behavior will be specified.
Consul also supports reloading of configuration when it receives the
SIGHUP signal. Not all changes are respected, but those that are
are documented below.
## Command-line Options
The options below are all specified on the command-line.
* `-bootstrap` - This flag is used to control if a server is in "bootstrap" mode. It is important that
no more than one server *per* datacenter be running in this mode. The initial server **must** be in bootstrap
mode. Technically, a server in bootstrap mode is allowed to self-elect as the Raft leader. It is important
that only a single node is in this mode, because otherwise consistency cannot be guaranteed if multiple
nodes are able to self-elect. Once there are multiple servers in a datacenter, it is generally a good idea
to disable bootstrap mode on all of them.
* `-bind` - The address that should be bound to for internal cluster communications.
This is an IP address that should be reachable by all other nodes in the cluster.
By default this is "", meaning Consul will use the first available private
IP address. Consul uses both TCP and UDP and use the same port for both, so if you
have any firewalls be sure to allow both protocols.
* `-client` - The address that Consul will bind to client interfaces. This
includes the HTTP, DNS, and RPC servers. By default this is ""
allowing only loopback connections. The RPC address is used by other Consul
commands, such as `consul members`, in order to query a running Consul agent.
* `-config-file` - A configuration file to load. For more information on
the format of this file, read the "Configuration Files" section below.
This option can be specified multiple times to load multiple configuration
files. If it is specified multiple times, configuration files loaded later
will merge with configuration files loaded earlier, with the later values
overriding the earlier values.
* `-config-dir` - A directory of configuration files to load. Consul will
load all files in this directory ending in ".json" as configuration files
in alphabetical order. For more information on the format of the configuration
files, see the "Configuration Files" section below.
* `-data-dir` - This flag provides a data directory for the agent to store state.
This is required for all agents. The directory should be durable across reboots.
This is especially critical for agents that are running in server mode, as they
must be able to persist the cluster state.
* `-dc` - This flag controls the datacenter the agent is running in. If not provided
it defaults to "dc1". Consul has first class support for multiple data centers but
it relies on proper configuration. Nodes in the same datacenter should be on a single
* `-join` - Address of another agent to join upon starting up. This can be
specified multiple times to specify multiple agents to join. If Consul is
unable to join with any of the specified addresses, agent startup will
fail. By default, the agent won't join any nodes when it starts up.
* `-log-level` - The level of logging to show after the Consul agent has
started. This defaults to "info". The available log levels are "trace",
"debug", "info", "warn", "err". This is the log level that will be shown
for the agent output, but note you can always connect via `consul monitor`
to an agent at any log level. The log level can be changed during a
config reload.
* `-node` - The name of this node in the cluster. This must be unique within
the cluster. By default this is the hostname of the machine.
* `-protocol` - The Consul protocol version to use. This defaults to the latest
version. This should be set only when [upgrading](/docs/upgrading.html).
You can view the protocol versions supported by Consul by running `consul -v`.
* `-server` - This flag is used to control if an agent is in server or client mode. When provided,
an agent will act as a Consul server. Each Consul cluster must have at least one server, and ideally
no more than 5 *per* datacenter. All servers participate in the Raft consensus algorithm, to ensure that
transactions occur in a consistent, linearizable manner. Transactions modify cluster state, which
is maintained on all server nodes to ensure availability in the case of node failure. Server nodes also
participate in a WAN gossip pool with server nodes in other datacenters. Servers act as gateways
to other datacenters and forward traffic as appropriate.
* `-ui-dir` - This flag provides a the directory containing the Web UI resources
for Consul. This must be provided to enable the Web UI. Directory must be readable.
## Configuration Files
In addition to the command-line options, configuration can be put into
files. This may be easier in certain situations, for example when Consul is
being configured using a configuration management system.
The configuration files are JSON formatted, making them easily readable
and editable by both humans and computers. The configuration is formatted
at a single JSON object with configuration within it.
Configuration files are used for more than just setting up the agent,
they are also used to provide check and service definitions. These are used
to announce the availability of system servers to the rest of the cluster.
They are documented seperately under [check configuration](/docs/agent/checks.html) and
[service configuration](/docs/agent/services.html) respectively. The service and check
definitions support being updated during a reload.
#### Example Configuration File
<pre class="prettyprint lang-json">
"datacenter": "east-aws",
"data_dir": "/opt/consul",
"log_level": "INFO",
"node_name": "foobar",
"server": true
#### Configuration Key Reference
* `bootstrap` - Equivalent to the `-bootstrap` command-line flag.
* `bind_addr` - Equivalent to the `-bind` command-line flag.
* `client_addr` - Equivalent to the `-client` command-line flag.
* `datacenter` - Equivalent to the `-dc` command-line flag.
* `data_dir` - Equivalent to the `-data-dir` command-line flag.
* `log_level` - Equivalent to the `-log-level` command-line flag.
* `node_name` - Equivalent to the `-node` command-line flag.
* `protocol` - Equivalent to the `-protocol` command-line flag.
* `server` - Equivalent to the `-server` command-line flag.
* `ui_dir` - Equivalent to the `-ui-dir` command-line flag.
* `advertise_addr` - The advertise address is used to change the address that we
advertise to other nodes in the cluster. By default, the `-bind` address is
advertised. However, in some cases, there may be a routable address that cannot
be bound to. This flag enables gossiping a different address to support this.
If this address is not routable, the node will be in a constant flapping state,
as other nodes will treat the non-routability as a failure.
* `ca_file` - This provides a the file path to a PEM encoded certificate authority.
The certificate authority is used to check the authenticity of client and server
connections with the appropriate `verify_incoming` or `verify_outgoing` flags.
* `cert_file` - This provides a the file path to a PEM encoded certificate.
The certificate is provided to clients or servers to verify the agents authenticity.
Must be provided along with the `key_file`.
* `domain` - By default, Consul responds to DNS queries in the "consul." domain.
This flag can be used to change that domain. All queries in this domain are assumed
to be handled by Consul, and will not be recursively resolved.
* `enable_debug` - When set, enables some additional debugging features. Currently,
only used to set the runtime profiling HTTP endpoints.
* `encrypt` - Specifies the secret key to use for encryption of Consul
network traffic. This key must be 16-bytes that are base64 encoded. The
easiest way to create an encryption key is to use `consul keygen`. All
nodes within a cluster must share the same encryption key to communicate.
* `key_file` - This provides a the file path to a PEM encoded private key.
The key is used with the certificate to verify the agents authenticity.
Must be provided along with the `cert_file`.
* `leave_on_terminate` - If enabled, when the agent receives a TERM signal,
it will send a Leave message to the rest of the cluster and gracefully
leave. Defaults to false.
* `ports` - This is a nested object that allows setting the bind ports
for the following keys:
* dns - The DNS server, -1 to disable. Default 8600.
* http - The HTTP api, -1 to disable. Default 8500.
* rpc - The RPC endpoint. Default 8400.
* serf_lan - The Serf LAN port. Default 8301.
* serf_wan - The Serf WAN port. Default 8302.
* server - Server RPC address. Default 8300.
* `recursor` - This flag provides an address of an upstream DNS server that is used to
recursively resolve queries if they are not inside the service domain for consul. For example,
a node can use Consul directly as a DNS server, and if the record is outside of the "consul." domain,
the query will be resolved upstream using this server.
* `skip_leave_on_interrupt` - This is the similar to`leave_on_terminate` but
only affects interrupt handling. By default, an interrupt causes Consul to
gracefully leave, but setting this to true disables that. Defaults to false.
Interrupts are usually from a Control-C from a shell.
* `start_join` - An array of strings specifying addresses of nodes to
join upon startup.
* `statsite_addr` - This provides the address of a statsite instance. If provided
Consul will stream various telemetry information to that instance for aggregation.
This can be used to capture various runtime information.
* `verify_incoming` - If set to True, Consul requires that all incoming
connections make use of TLS, and that the client provides a certificate signed
by the Certificate Authority from the `ca_file`. By default, this is false, and
Consul will not enforce the use of TLS or verify a client's authenticity. This
only applies to Consul servers, since a client never has an incoming connection.
* `verify_outgoing` - If set to True, Consul requires that all outgoing connections
make use of TLS, and that the server provide a certificate that is signed by
the Certificate Authority from the `ca_file`. By default, this is false, and Consul
will not make use of TLS for outgoing connections. This applies to clients and servers,
as both will make outgoing connections.