The lock isn't needed after we clean up the expire bin, and as seen
in #3700 we can get into a deadlock waiting to place the expire index
into the channel while holding this lock.
* Relaxes Autopilot promotion logic.
When we defaulted the Raft protocol version to 3 in #3477 we made
the numPeers() routine more strict to only count voters (this is
more conservative and more correct). This had the side effect of
breaking rolling updates because it's at odds with the Autopilot
non-voter promotion logic.
That logic used to wait to only promote to maintain an odd quorum
of servers. During a rolling update (add one new server, wait, and
then kill an old server) the dead server cleanup would still count
the old server as a peer, which is conservative and the right thing
to do, and no longer count the non-voter. This would wait to promote,
so you could get into a stalemate. It is safer to promote early than
remove early, so by promoting as soon as possible we have chosen
that as the solution here.
* Gets rid of unnecessary extra not-a-voter check.
This patch removes the porter tool which hands out free ports from a
given range with a library which does the same thing. The challenge for
acquiring free ports in concurrent go test runs is that go packages are
tested concurrently and run in separate processes. There has to be some
inter-process synchronization in preventing processes allocating the
same ports.
freeport allocates blocks of ports from a range expected to be not in
heavy use and implements a system-wide mutex by binding to the first
port of that block for the lifetime of the application. Ports are then
provided sequentially from that block and are tested on localhost before
being returned as available.
* Adds client-side retry for no leader errors.
This paves over the case where the client was connected to the leader
when it loses leadership.
* Adds a configurable server RPC drain time and a fail-fast path for RPCs.
When a server leaves it gets removed from the Raft configuration, so it will
never know who the new leader server ends up being. Without this we'd be
doomed to wait out the RPC hold timeout and then fail. This makes things fail
a little quicker while a sever is draining, and since we added a client retry
AND since the server doing this has already shut down and left the Serf LAN,
clients should retry against some other server.
* Makes the RPC hold timeout configurable.
* Reorders struct members.
* Sets the RPC hold timeout default for test servers.
* Bumps the leave drain time up to 5 seconds.
* Robustifies retries with a simpler client-side RPC hold.
* Reverts untended delete.
* Fixes handling of stop channel and failed barrier attempts.
There were two issues here. First, we needed to not exit when there
was a timeout trying to write the barrier, because Raft might not
step down, so we'd be left as the leader but having run all the step
down actions.
Second, we didn't close over the stopCh correctly, so it was possible
to nil that out and have the leaderLoop never exit. We close over it
properly AND sequence the nil-ing of it AFTER the leaderLoop exits for
good measure, so the code is more robust.
* Cleans up based on code review feedback.
* Tweaks comments.
* Renames variables and removes comments.