
1216 lines
49 KiB
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packageName = "constantine"
2018-07-24 14:52:18 +00:00
version = "0.0.1"
author = "Status Research & Development GmbH"
description = "This library provides thoroughly tested and highly-optimized implementations of cryptography protocols."
2018-07-24 14:52:18 +00:00
license = "MIT or Apache License 2.0"
# Dependencies
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
requires "nim >= 1.6.12"
# Nimscript imports
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
import std/strformat
# Library compilation
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
proc releaseBuildOptions: string =
# -d:danger --opt:size
# to avoid boundsCheck and overflowChecks that would trigger exceptions or allocations in a crypto library.
# Those are internally guaranteed at compile-time by fixed-sized array
# and checked at runtime with an appropriate error code if any for user-input.
# Furthermore we optimize for size, the performance critical procedures
# either use assembly or are unrolled manually with staticFor,
# Optimizations at -O3 deal with loops and branching
# which we mostly don't have. It's better to optimize
# for instructions cache.
# --panics:on -d:noSignalHandler
# Even with `raises: []`, Nim still has an exception path
# for defects, for example array out-of-bound accesses (though deactivated with -d:danger)
# This turns them into panics, removing exceptiosn from the library.
# We also remove signal handlers as it's not our business.
# -mm:arc -d:useMalloc
# Constantine stack allocates everything (except for multithreading).
# Inputs are through unmanaged ptr+len. So we don't want any runtime.
# Combined with -d:useMalloc, sanitizers and valgrind work as in C,
# even for test cases that needs to allocate (json inputs).
# -fno-semantic-interposition
# Default in Clang, not default in GCC, prevents optimizations, not portable to non-Linux.
# Also disabling this prevents overriding symbols which might actually be wanted in a cryptographic library
# -falign-functions=64
# Reduce instructions cache misses.
# Our non-inlined functions are large so size cost is minimal.
" -d:danger --opt:size " &
" --panics:on -d:noSignalHandler " &
" --mm:arc -d:useMalloc " &
" --verbosity:0 --hints:off --warnings:off " &
# " --passC:-flto --passL:-flto " &
" --passC:-fno-semantic-interposition " &
" --passC:-falign-functions=64 "
type BindingsKind = enum
proc genDynamicBindings(bindingsKind: BindingsKind, bindingsName, prefixNimMain: string) =
proc compile(libName: string, flags = "") =
echo "Compiling dynamic library: lib/" & libName
exec "nim c " &
" --noMain --app:lib " &
flags &
releaseBuildOptions() &
&" --nimMainPrefix:{prefixNimMain} " &
&" --out:{libName} --outdir:lib " &
case bindingsKind
of kCurve:
&" --nimcache:nimcache/bindings_curves/{bindingsName}" &
&" bindings_generators/{bindingsName}.nim"
of kProtocol:
&" --nimcache:nimcache/bindings_protocols/{bindingsName}" &
&" constantine/{bindingsName}.nim")
let bindingsName = block:
case bindingsKind
of kCurve: bindingsName
of kProtocol: "constantine_" & bindingsName
when defined(windows):
compile bindingsName & ".dll"
elif defined(macosx):
compile "lib" & bindingsName & ".dylib.arm", "--cpu:arm64 -l:'-target arm64-apple-macos11' -t:'-target arm64-apple-macos11'"
compile "lib" & bindingsName & ".dylib.x64", "--cpu:amd64 -l:'-target x86_64-apple-macos10.12' -t:'-target x86_64-apple-macos10.12'"
exec "lipo lib/lib" & bindingsName & ".dylib.arm " &
" lib/lib" & bindingsName & ".dylib.x64 " &
" -output lib/lib" & bindingsName & ".dylib -create"
compile "lib" & bindingsName & ".so"
proc genStaticBindings(bindingsKind: BindingsKind, bindingsName, prefixNimMain: string) =
proc compile(libName: string, flags = "") =
echo "Compiling static library: lib/" & libName
exec "nim c " &
" --noMain --app:staticLib " &
flags &
releaseBuildOptions() &
" --nimMainPrefix:" & prefixNimMain &
" --out:" & libName & " --outdir:lib " &
case bindingsKind
of kCurve:
" --nimcache:nimcache/bindings_curves/" & bindingsName &
" bindings_generators/" & bindingsName & ".nim"
of kProtocol:
" --nimcache:nimcache/bindings_protocols/" & bindingsName &
" constantine/" & bindingsName & ".nim"
let bindingsName = block:
case bindingsKind
of kCurve: bindingsName
of kProtocol: "constantine_" & bindingsName
when defined(windows):
compile bindingsName & ".lib"
elif defined(macosx):
compile "lib" & bindingsName & ".a.arm", "--cpu:arm64 -l:'-target arm64-apple-macos11' -t:'-target arm64-apple-macos11'"
compile "lib" & bindingsName & ".a.x64", "--cpu:amd64 -l:'-target x86_64-apple-macos10.12' -t:'-target x86_64-apple-macos10.12'"
exec "lipo lib/lib" & bindingsName & ".a.arm " &
" lib/lib" & bindingsName & ".a.x64 " &
" -output lib/lib" & bindingsName & ".a -create"
compile "lib" & bindingsName & ".a"
proc genHeaders(bindingsName: string) =
echo "Generating header: include/" & bindingsName & ".h"
exec "nim c -d:CttGenerateHeaders " &
releaseBuildOptions() &
" --out:" & bindingsName & "_gen_header.exe --outdir:build " &
" --nimcache:nimcache/bindings_curves_headers/" & bindingsName & "_header" &
" bindings_generators/" & bindingsName & ".nim"
exec "build/" & bindingsName & "_gen_header.exe include"
task bindings, "Generate Constantine bindings":
# Curve arithmetic
genStaticBindings(kCurve, "constantine_bls12_381", "ctt_bls12381_init_")
genDynamicBindings(kCurve, "constantine_bls12_381", "ctt_bls12381_init_")
echo ""
genStaticBindings(kCurve, "constantine_pasta", "ctt_pasta_init_")
genDynamicBindings(kCurve, "constantine_pasta", "ctt_pasta_init_")
echo ""
# Protocols
genStaticBindings(kProtocol, "ethereum_bls_signatures", "ctt_eth_bls_init_")
genDynamicBindings(kProtocol, "ethereum_bls_signatures", "ctt_eth_bls_init_")
proc testLib(path, testName, libName: string, useGMP: bool) =
let dynlibName = if defined(windows): libName & ".dll"
elif defined(macosx): "lib" & libName & ".dylib"
else: "lib" & libName & ".so"
let staticlibName = if defined(windows): libName & ".lib"
else: "lib" & libName & ".a"
echo &"\n[Bindings: {path}/{testName}.c] Testing dynamically linked library {dynlibName}"
exec &"gcc -Iinclude -Llib -o build/testbindings/{testName}_dynlink.exe {path}/{testName}.c -l{libName} " & (if useGMP: "-lgmp" else: "")
when defined(windows):
# Put DLL near the exe as LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't work even in a POSIX compatible shell
exec &"./build/testbindings/{testName}_dynlink.exe"
exec &"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib ./build/testbindings/{testName}_dynlink.exe"
echo &"\n[Bindings: {path}/{testName}.c] Testing statically linked library: {staticlibName}"
# Beware MacOS annoying linker with regards to static libraries
# The following standard way cannot be used on MacOS
# exec "gcc -Iinclude -Llib -o build/t_libctt_bls12_381_sl.exe examples_c/t_libctt_bls12_381.c -lgmp -Wl,-Bstatic -lconstantine_bls12_381 -Wl,-Bdynamic"
exec &"gcc -Iinclude -o build/testbindings/{testName}_staticlink.exe {path}/{testName}.c lib/{staticlibName} " & (if useGMP: "-lgmp" else: "")
exec &"./build/testbindings/{testName}_staticlink.exe"
task test_bindings, "Test C bindings":
exec "mkdir -p build/testbindings"
testLib("examples_c", "t_libctt_bls12_381", "constantine_bls12_381", useGMP = true)
testLib("examples_c", "ethereum_bls_signatures", "constantine_ethereum_bls_signatures", useGMP = false)
2018-07-24 14:52:18 +00:00
# Test config
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
const buildParallel = "test_parallel.txt"
# Testing strategy: to reduce CI time we test leaf functionality
# and skip testing codepath that would be exercised by leaves.
# While debugging, relevant unit-test can be reactivated.
# New features should stay on.
# Code refactoring requires re-enabling the full suite.
# Basic primitives should stay on to catch compiler regressions.
const testDesc: seq[tuple[path: string, useGMP: bool]] = @[
# Hashing vs OpenSSL
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/t_hash_sha256_vs_openssl.nim", true), # skip OpenSSL tests on Windows
# Ciphers
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/t_cipher_chacha20.nim", false),
# Message Authentication Code
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/t_mac_poly1305.nim", false),
("tests/t_mac_hmac_sha256.nim", false),
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/t_kdf_hkdf.nim", false),
# Primitives
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/math/t_primitives.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_primitives_extended_precision.nim", false),
# Big ints
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/math/t_io_bigints.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_io_unsaturated.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_bigints.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_bigints_multimod.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_bigints_mod_vs_gmp.nim", true),
# ("tests/math/t_bigints_mul_vs_gmp.nim", true),
# ("tests/math/t_bigints_mul_high_words_vs_gmp.nim", true),
# Field
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/math/t_io_fields", false),
# ("tests/math/t_finite_fields.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_finite_fields_conditional_arithmetic.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_finite_fields_mulsquare.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_finite_fields_sqrt.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_finite_fields_powinv.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_finite_fields_vs_gmp.nim", true),
# ("tests/math/t_fp_cubic_root.nim", false),
# Double-precision finite fields
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ("tests/math/t_finite_fields_double_precision.nim", false),
# Towers of extension fields
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ("tests/math/t_fp2.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp2_sqrt.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp4.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp6_bn254_nogami.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp6_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp6_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp6_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp6_bw6_761.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp12_bn254_nogami.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp12_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp12_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp12_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp12_exponentiation.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_fp12_anti_regression.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp4_frobenius.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp6_frobenius.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_fp12_frobenius.nim", false),
# Elliptic curve arithmetic
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ("tests/math/t_ec_conversion.nim", false),
# Elliptic curve arithmetic G1
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g1_add_double.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g1_mul_sanity.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g1_mul_distri.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g1_mul_vs_ref.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g1_mixed_add.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g1_add_double.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g1_mul_sanity.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g1_mul_distri.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g1_mul_vs_ref.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g1_mixed_add.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jacext_g1_add_double.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jacext_g1_mixed_add.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_twedwards_prj_add_double", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_twedwards_prj_mul_sanity", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_twedwards_prj_mul_distri", false),
# Elliptic curve arithmetic G2
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_add_double_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_sanity_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_distri_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_vs_ref_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mixed_add_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_add_double_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_sanity_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_distri_bls12_381.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_vs_ref_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mixed_add_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_add_double_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_sanity_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_distri_bls12_377.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_vs_ref_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mixed_add_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_add_double_bw6_761.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_sanity_bw6_761.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_distri_bw6_761.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mul_vs_ref_bw6_761.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g2_mixed_add_bw6_761.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_add_double_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_sanity_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_distri_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_vs_ref_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mixed_add_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_add_double_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_sanity_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_distri_bls12_381.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_vs_ref_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mixed_add_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_add_double_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_sanity_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_distri_bls12_377.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_vs_ref_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mixed_add_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_add_double_bw6_761.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_sanity_bw6_761.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_distri_bw6_761.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mul_vs_ref_bw6_761.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g2_mixed_add_bw6_761.nim", false),
# Elliptic curve arithmetic vs Sagemath
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/math/t_ec_frobenius.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_sage_bn254_nogami.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_sage_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_sage_bls12_377.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_sage_bls12_381.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_sage_pallas.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_sage_vesta.nim", false),
# Edge cases highlighted by past bugs
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_edge_cases.nim", false),
# Elliptic curve arithmetic - batch computation
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g1_sum_reduce.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g1_sum_reduce.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jacext_g1_sum_reduce.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_prj_g1_msm.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_ec_shortw_jac_g1_msm.nim", false),
# Subgroups and cofactors
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ("tests/math/t_ec_subgroups_bn254_nogami.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_subgroups_bn254_snarks.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_subgroups_bls12_377.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_ec_subgroups_bls12_381.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_pairing_bn254_nogami_gt_subgroup.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_pairing_bn254_snarks_gt_subgroup.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_pairing_bls12_377_gt_subgroup.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_pairing_bls12_381_gt_subgroup.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_pairing_bw6_761_gt_subgroup.nim", false),
# Pairing
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ("tests/math/t_pairing_bls12_377_line_functions.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_pairing_bls12_381_line_functions.nim", false),
# ("tests/math/t_pairing_mul_fp12_by_lines.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_pairing_cyclotomic_subgroup.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_pairing_bn254_nogami_optate.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_pairing_bn254_snarks_optate.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_pairing_bls12_377_optate.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_pairing_bls12_381_optate.nim", false),
2022-05-08 17:01:23 +00:00
# Multi-Pairing
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/math/t_pairing_bn254_nogami_multi.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_pairing_bn254_snarks_multi.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_pairing_bls12_377_multi.nim", false),
("tests/math/t_pairing_bls12_381_multi.nim", false),
# Prime order fields
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/math/t_fr.nim", false),
# Hashing to elliptic curves
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/t_hash_to_field.nim", false),
# ("tests/t_hash_to_curve_random.nim", false),
("tests/t_hash_to_curve.nim", false),
# Protocols
# ----------------------------------------------------------
("tests/t_ethereum_evm_precompiles.nim", false),
("tests/t_ethereum_bls_signatures.nim", false),
("tests/t_ethereum_eip2333_bls12381_key_derivation.nim", false),
const testDescNvidia: seq[string] = @[
const testDescThreadpool: seq[string] = @[
# "constantine/platforms/threadpool/benchmarks/bouncing_producer_consumer/threadpool_bpc.nim", # Need timing not implemented on Windows
# "constantine/platforms/threadpool/benchmarks/matmul_cache_oblivious/threadpool_matmul_co.nim",
# "constantine/platforms/threadpool/benchmarks/single_task_producer/threadpool_spc.nim", # Need timing not implemented on Windows
# "constantine/platforms/threadpool/benchmarks/black_scholes/threadpool_black_scholes.nim", # Need input file
const testDescMultithreadedCrypto: seq[string] = @[
const benchDesc = [
# For temporary (hopefully) investigation that can only be reproduced in CI
const useDebug = [
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
# Skip sanitizers for specific tests
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
const skipSanitizers = [
when defined(windows):
# UBSAN is not available on mingw
const sanitizers = ""
const sanitizers =
# Sanitizers are incompatible with nim default GC
# The conservative stack scanning of Nim default GC triggers, alignment UB and stack-buffer-overflow check.
# Address sanitizer requires free registers and needs to be disabled for some inline assembly files.
# Ensure you use --mm:arc -d:useMalloc
# Sanitizers are deactivated by default as they slow down CI by at least 6x
# " --passC:-fsanitize=undefined --passL:-fsanitize=undefined" &
# " --passC:-fsanitize=address --passL:-fsanitize=address" &
" --passC:-fno-sanitize-recover" # Enforce crash on undefined behaviour
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
# Tests & Benchmarks helper functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
proc clearParallelBuild() =
# Support clearing from non POSIX shell like CMD, Powershell or MSYS2
if fileExists(buildParallel):
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
template setupTestCommand(): untyped {.dirty.} =
var lang = "c"
if existsEnv"TEST_LANG":
lang = getEnv"TEST_LANG"
Internals refactor + renewed focus on perf (#17) * Lay out the refactoring objectives and tradeoffs * Refactor the 32 and 64-bit primitives [skip ci] * BigInts and Modular BigInts compile * Make the bigints test compile * Fix modular reduction * Fix reduction tests vs GMP * Implement montegomery mul, pow, inverse, WIP finite field compilation * Make FiniteField compile * Fix exponentiation compilation * Fix Montgomery magic constant computation for 2^64 words * Fix typo in non-optimized CIOS - passing finite fields IO tests * Add limbs comparisons [skip ci] * Fix on precomputation of the Montgomery magic constant * Passing all tests including 𝔽p2 * modular addition, the test for mersenne prime was wrong * update benches * Fix "nimble test" + typo on out-of-place field addition * bigint division, normalization is needed: * missing conversion in subborrow non-x86 fallback - * Fix little-endian serialization * Constantine32 flag to run 32-bit constantine on 64-bit machines * IO Field test, ensure that BaseType is used instead of uint64 when the prime can field in uint32 * Implement proper addcarry and subborrow fallback for the compile-time VM * Fix export issue when the logical wordbitwidth == physical wordbitwidth - passes all tests (32-bit and 64-bit) * Fix uint128 on ARM * Fix C++ conditional copy and ARM addcarry/subborrow * Add investigation for SIGFPE in Travis * Fix debug display for unsafeDiv2n1n * multiplexer typo * moveMem bug in glibc of Ubuntu 16.04? * Was probably missing an early clobbered register annotation on conditional mov * Note on Montgomery-friendly moduli * Strongly suspect a GCC before GCC 7 codegen bug ( * hex conversion was (for debugging) not taking requested order into account + inlining comment * Use 32-bit limbs on ARM64, uint128 builtin __udivti4 bug? * Revert "Use 32-bit limbs on ARM64, uint128 builtin __udivti4 bug?" This reverts commit 087f9aa7fb40bbd058d05cbd8eec7fc082911f49. * Fix subborrow fallback for non-x86 (need to maks the borrow)
2020-03-16 15:33:51 +00:00
var cc = ""
if existsEnv"CC":
cc = " --cc:" & getEnv"CC"
var flags = flags
when not defined(windows):
# Not available in MinGW
flags &= " --passC:-fstack-protector-strong --passC:-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 "
let command = "nim " & lang & cc &
" -r " &
flags &
releaseBuildOptions() &
" --outdir:build/testsuite " &
" --nimcache:nimcache/" & path & " " &
proc test(cmd: string) =
echo "\n=============================================================================================="
echo "Running '", cmd, "'"
echo "=============================================================================================="
exec cmd
2018-07-24 14:52:18 +00:00
proc testBatch(commands: var string, flags, path: string) =
commands &= command & '\n'
template setupBench(): untyped {.dirty.} =
let runFlag = if run: " -r "
else: " "
var lang = " c "
if existsEnv"TEST_LANG":
lang = getEnv"TEST_LANG"
var cc = ""
if compiler != "":
cc = "--cc:" & compiler
elif existsEnv"CC":
cc = " --cc:" & getEnv"CC"
if not useAsm:
cc &= " -d:CttASM=false"
let command = "nim " & lang & cc &
releaseBuildOptions() &
" -o:build/bench/" & benchName & "_" & compiler & "_" & (if useAsm: "useASM" else: "noASM") &
" --nimcache:nimcache/benches/" & benchName & "_" & compiler & "_" & (if useAsm: "useASM" else: "noASM") &
runFlag & " benchmarks/" & benchName & ".nim"
proc runBench(benchName: string, compiler = "", useAsm = true) =
if not dirExists "build":
mkDir "build"
let run = true
exec command
proc buildBenchBatch(commands: var string, benchName: string, compiler = "", useAsm = true) =
let run = false
let compiler = ""
commands &= command & '\n'
proc addTestSet(cmdFile: var string, requireGMP: bool, test32bit = false, testASM = true) =
if not dirExists "build":
mkDir "build"
echo "Found " & $testDesc.len & " tests to run."
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
for td in testDesc:
if not(td.useGMP and not requireGMP):
var flags = ""
if not testASM:
flags &= " -d:CttASM=false "
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
if test32bit:
flags &= " -d:Constantine32 "
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
if td.path in useDebug:
flags &= " -d:debugConstantine "
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
if td.path notin skipSanitizers:
flags &= sanitizers
cmdFile.testBatch(flags, td.path)
proc addTestSetNvidia(cmdFile: var string) =
if not dirExists "build":
mkDir "build"
echo "Found " & $testDescNvidia.len & " tests to run."
for path in testDescThreadpool:
var flags = ""
if path notin skipSanitizers:
flags &= sanitizers
cmdFile.testBatch(flags, path)
proc addTestSetThreadpool(cmdFile: var string) =
if not dirExists "build":
mkDir "build"
echo "Found " & $testDescThreadpool.len & " tests to run."
for path in testDescThreadpool:
var flags = " --threads:on --debugger:native "
if path notin skipSanitizers:
flags &= sanitizers
cmdFile.testBatch(flags, path)
proc addTestSetMultithreadedCrypto(cmdFile: var string, test32bit = false, testASM = true) =
if not dirExists "build":
mkDir "build"
echo "Found " & $testDescMultithreadedCrypto.len & " tests to run."
for td in testDescMultithreadedCrypto:
var flags = " --threads:on --debugger:native"
if not testASM:
flags &= " -d:CttASM=false"
if test32bit:
flags &= " -d:Constantine32"
if td in useDebug:
flags &= " -d:debugConstantine"
if td notin skipSanitizers:
flags &= sanitizers
cmdFile.testBatch(flags, td)
proc addBenchSet(cmdFile: var string, useAsm = true) =
if not dirExists "build":
mkDir "build"
echo "Found " & $benchDesc.len & " benches to compile. (compile-only to ensure they stay relevant)"
for bd in benchDesc:
cmdFile.buildBenchBatch(bd, useASM = useASM)
proc genParallelCmdRunner() =
exec "nim c --verbosity:0 --hints:off --warnings:off -d:release --out:build/pararun --nimcache:nimcache/pararun helpers/pararun.nim"
# Tasks
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
2018-07-24 14:52:18 +00:00
task test, "Run all tests":
# -d:testingCurves is configured in a *.nim.cfg for convenience
var cmdFile: string
cmdFile.addTestSet(requireGMP = true, testASM = true)
cmdFile.addBenchSet(useASM = true) # Build (but don't run) benches to ensure they stay relevant
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_no_asm, "Run all tests (no assembly)":
# -d:testingCurves is configured in a *.nim.cfg for convenience
var cmdFile: string
cmdFile.addTestSet(requireGMP = true, testASM = false)
cmdFile.addBenchSet(useASM = false) # Build (but don't run) benches to ensure they stay relevant
cmdFile.addTestSetMultithreadedCrypto(testASM = false)
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_no_gmp, "Run tests that don't require GMP":
# -d:testingCurves is configured in a *.nim.cfg for convenience
var cmdFile: string
cmdFile.addTestSet(requireGMP = false, testASM = true)
cmdFile.addBenchSet(useASM = true) # Build (but don't run) benches to ensure they stay relevant
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
2020-03-20 22:03:52 +00:00
task test_no_gmp_no_asm, "Run tests that don't require GMP using a pure Nim backend":
# -d:testingCurves is configured in a *.nim.cfg for convenience
var cmdFile: string
cmdFile.addTestSet(requireGMP = false, testASM = false)
cmdFile.addBenchSet(useASM = false) # Build (but don't run) benches to ensure they stay relevant
cmdFile.addTestSetMultithreadedCrypto(testASM = false)
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_parallel, "Run all tests in parallel":
# -d:testingCurves is configured in a *.nim.cfg for convenience
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
var cmdFile: string
cmdFile.addTestSet(requireGMP = true, testASM = true)
cmdFile.addBenchSet(useASM = true) # Build (but don't run) benches to ensure they stay relevant
writeFile(buildParallel, cmdFile)
exec "build/pararun " & buildParallel
# Threadpool tests done serially
cmdFile = ""
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_parallel_no_asm, "Run all tests (without macro assembler) in parallel":
# -d:testingCurves is configured in a *.nim.cfg for convenience
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
var cmdFile: string
cmdFile.addTestSet(requireGMP = true, testASM = false)
cmdFile.addBenchSet(useASM = false)
writeFile(buildParallel, cmdFile)
exec "build/pararun " & buildParallel
# Threadpool tests done serially
cmdFile = ""
cmdFile.addTestSetMultithreadedCrypto(testASM = false)
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_parallel_no_gmp, "Run all tests in parallel":
# -d:testingCurves is configured in a *.nim.cfg for convenience
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
var cmdFile: string
cmdFile.addTestSet(requireGMP = false, testASM = true)
cmdFile.addBenchSet(useASM = true) # Build (but don't run) benches to ensure they stay relevant
writeFile(buildParallel, cmdFile)
exec "build/pararun " & buildParallel
# Threadpool tests done serially
cmdFile = ""
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_parallel_no_gmp_no_asm, "Run all tests in parallel":
# -d:testingCurves is configured in a *.nim.cfg for convenience
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
var cmdFile: string
cmdFile.addTestSet(requireGMP = false, testASM = false)
cmdFile.addBenchSet(useASM = false) # Build (but don't run) benches to ensure they stay relevant
writeFile(buildParallel, cmdFile)
exec "build/pararun " & buildParallel
# Threadpool tests done serially
cmdFile = ""
cmdFile.addTestSetMultithreadedCrypto(testASM = false)
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_threadpool, "Run all tests for the builtin threadpool":
var cmdFile: string
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_multithreaded_crypto, "Run all tests for multithreaded cryptography":
var cmdFile: string
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
task test_nvidia, "Run all tests for Nvidia GPUs":
var cmdFile: string
for cmd in cmdFile.splitLines():
if cmd != "": # Windows doesn't like empty commands
exec cmd
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Finite field 𝔽p
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_fp, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with your default compiler":
task bench_fp_gcc, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with gcc":
runBench("bench_fp", "gcc")
task bench_fp_clang, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with clang":
runBench("bench_fp", "clang")
task bench_fp_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with gcc - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_fp_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with clang - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Double-precision field 𝔽pDbl
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_fpdbl, "Run benchmark 𝔽pDbl with your default compiler":
task bench_fpdbl_gcc, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with gcc":
runBench("bench_fp_double_precision", "gcc")
task bench_fpdbl_clang, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with clang":
runBench("bench_fp_double_precision", "clang")
task bench_fpdbl_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with gcc - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp_double_precision", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_fpdbl_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p with clang - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp_double_precision", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Extension field 𝔽p2
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_fp2, "Run benchmark with 𝔽p2 your default compiler":
task bench_fp2_gcc, "Run benchmark 𝔽p2 with gcc":
runBench("bench_fp2", "gcc")
task bench_fp2_clang, "Run benchmark 𝔽p2 with clang":
runBench("bench_fp2", "clang")
task bench_fp2_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p2 with gcc - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp2", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_fp2_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p2 with clang - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp2", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Extension field 𝔽p4
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_fp4, "Run benchmark with 𝔽p4 your default compiler":
task bench_fp4_gcc, "Run benchmark 𝔽p4 with gcc":
runBench("bench_fp4", "gcc")
task bench_fp4_clang, "Run benchmark 𝔽p4 with clang":
runBench("bench_fp4", "clang")
task bench_fp4_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p4 with gcc - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp4", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_fp4_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p4 with clang - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp4", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Extension field 𝔽p6
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_fp6, "Run benchmark with 𝔽p6 your default compiler":
task bench_fp6_gcc, "Run benchmark 𝔽p6 with gcc":
runBench("bench_fp6", "gcc")
task bench_fp6_clang, "Run benchmark 𝔽p6 with clang":
runBench("bench_fp6", "clang")
task bench_fp6_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p6 with gcc - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp6", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_fp6_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p6 with clang - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp6", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Extension field 𝔽p12
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_fp12, "Run benchmark with 𝔽p12 your default compiler":
task bench_fp12_gcc, "Run benchmark 𝔽p12 with gcc":
runBench("bench_fp12", "gcc")
task bench_fp12_clang, "Run benchmark 𝔽p12 with clang":
runBench("bench_fp12", "clang")
2020-04-15 17:43:31 +00:00
task bench_fp12_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p12 with gcc - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp12", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_fp12_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark 𝔽p12 with clang - no Assembly":
runBench("bench_fp12", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Elliptic curve G1
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_ec_g1, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 - Default compiler":
2020-04-15 17:43:31 +00:00
task bench_ec_g1_gcc, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 - GCC":
runBench("bench_ec_g1", "gcc")
2020-04-15 17:43:31 +00:00
task bench_ec_g1_clang, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 - Clang":
runBench("bench_ec_g1", "clang")
task bench_ec_g1_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_ec_g1_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1", "clang", useAsm = false)
# Elliptic curve G1 - batch operations
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_ec_g1_batch, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (batch ops) - Default compiler":
task bench_ec_g1_batch_gcc, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (batch ops) - GCC":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_batch", "gcc")
task bench_ec_g1_batch_clang, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (batch ops) - Clang":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_batch", "clang")
task bench_ec_g1_batch_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (batch ops) - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_batch", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_ec_g1_batch_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (batch ops) - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_batch", "clang", useAsm = false)
# Elliptic curve G1 - scalar multiplication
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Scalar Multiplication) - Default compiler":
task bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul_gcc, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Scalar Multiplication) - GCC":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul", "gcc")
task bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul_clang, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Scalar Multiplication) - Clang":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul", "clang")
task bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Scalar Multiplication) - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Scalar Multiplication) - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_scalar_mul", "clang", useAsm = false)
# Elliptic curve G1 - Multi-scalar-mul
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BN254-Snarks - Default compiler":
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks_gcc, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BN254-Snarks - GCC":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks", "gcc")
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks_clang, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BN254-Snarks - Clang":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks", "clang")
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BN254-Snarks - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BN254-Snarks - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_msm_bn254_snarks", "clang", useAsm = false)
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BLS12-381 - Default compiler":
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381_gcc, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BLS12-381 - GCC":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381", "gcc")
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381_clang, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BLS12-381 - Clang":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381", "clang")
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BLS12-381 - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾1 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) for BLS12-381 - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g1_msm_bls12_381", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Elliptic curve G2
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_ec_g2, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 - Default compiler":
task bench_ec_g2_gcc, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 - GCC":
runBench("bench_ec_g2", "gcc")
task bench_ec_g2_clang, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 - Clang":
runBench("bench_ec_g2", "clang")
task bench_ec_g2_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g2", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_ec_g2_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g2", "clang", useAsm = false)
# Elliptic curve G2 - scalar multiplication
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) - Default compiler":
task bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul_gcc, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) - GCC":
runBench("bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul", "gcc")
task bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul_clang, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) - Clang":
runBench("bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul", "clang")
task bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul_gcc_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul_clang_noasm, "Run benchmark on Elliptic Curve group 𝔾2 (Multi-Scalar-Mul) - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_ec_g2_scalar_mul", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Pairings
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_pairing_bls12_377, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-377 - Default compiler":
task bench_pairing_bls12_377_gcc, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-377 - GCC":
runBench("bench_pairing_bls12_377", "gcc")
task bench_pairing_bls12_377_clang, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-377 - Clang":
runBench("bench_pairing_bls12_377", "clang")
task bench_pairing_bls12_377_gcc_noasm, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-377 - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_pairing_bls12_377", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_pairing_bls12_377_clang_noasm, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-377 - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_pairing_bls12_377", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# --
task bench_pairing_bls12_381, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-381 - Default compiler":
task bench_pairing_bls12_381_gcc, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-381 - GCC":
runBench("bench_pairing_bls12_381", "gcc")
task bench_pairing_bls12_381_clang, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-381 - Clang":
runBench("bench_pairing_bls12_381", "clang")
task bench_pairing_bls12_381_gcc_noasm, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-381 - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_pairing_bls12_381", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_pairing_bls12_381_clang_noasm, "Run pairings benchmarks for BLS12-381 - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_pairing_bls12_381", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# --
task bench_pairing_bn254_nogami, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - Default compiler":
task bench_pairing_bn254_nogami_gcc, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - GCC":
runBench("bench_pairing_bn254_nogami", "gcc")
task bench_pairing_bn254_nogami_clang, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - Clang":
runBench("bench_pairing_bn254_nogami", "clang")
task bench_pairing_bn254_nogami_gcc_noasm, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_pairing_bn254_nogami", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_pairing_bn254_nogami_clang_noasm, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_pairing_bn254_nogami", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# --
task bench_pairing_bn254_snarks, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - Default compiler":
task bench_pairing_bn254_snarks_gcc, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - GCC":
runBench("bench_pairing_bn254_snarks", "gcc")
task bench_pairing_bn254_snarks_clang, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - Clang":
runBench("bench_pairing_bn254_snarks", "clang")
task bench_pairing_bn254_snarks_gcc_noasm, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_pairing_bn254_snarks", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_pairing_bn254_snarks_clang_noasm, "Run pairings benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_pairing_bn254_snarks", "clang", useAsm = false)
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Curve summaries
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_summary_bls12_377, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-377 - Default compiler":
task bench_summary_bls12_377_gcc, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-377 - GCC":
runBench("bench_summary_bls12_377", "gcc")
task bench_summary_bls12_377_clang, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-377 - Clang":
runBench("bench_summary_bls12_377", "clang")
task bench_summary_bls12_377_gcc_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-377 - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_bls12_377", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_summary_bls12_377_clang_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-377 - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_bls12_377", "clang", useAsm = false)
# --
task bench_summary_bls12_381, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-381 - Default compiler":
task bench_summary_bls12_381_gcc, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-381 - GCC":
runBench("bench_summary_bls12_381", "gcc")
task bench_summary_bls12_381_clang, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-381 - Clang":
runBench("bench_summary_bls12_381", "clang")
task bench_summary_bls12_381_gcc_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-381 - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_bls12_381", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_summary_bls12_381_clang_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for BLS12-381 - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_bls12_381", "clang", useAsm = false)
# --
task bench_summary_bn254_nogami, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - Default compiler":
task bench_summary_bn254_nogami_gcc, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - GCC":
runBench("bench_summary_bn254_nogami", "gcc")
task bench_summary_bn254_nogami_clang, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - Clang":
runBench("bench_summary_bn254_nogami", "clang")
task bench_summary_bn254_nogami_gcc_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_bn254_nogami", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_summary_bn254_nogami_clang_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Nogami - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_bn254_nogami", "clang", useAsm = false)
# --
task bench_summary_bn254_snarks, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - Default compiler":
task bench_summary_bn254_snarks_gcc, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - GCC":
runBench("bench_summary_bn254_snarks", "gcc")
task bench_summary_bn254_snarks_clang, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - Clang":
runBench("bench_summary_bn254_snarks", "clang")
task bench_summary_bn254_snarks_gcc_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_bn254_snarks", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_summary_bn254_snarks_clang_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for BN254-Snarks - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_bn254_snarks", "clang", useAsm = false)
# --
task bench_summary_pasta, "Run summary benchmarks for the Pasta curves - Default compiler":
task bench_summary_pasta_gcc, "Run summary benchmarks for the Pasta curves - GCC":
runBench("bench_summary_pasta", "gcc")
task bench_summary_pasta_clang, "Run summary benchmarks for the Pasta curves - Clang":
runBench("bench_summary_pasta", "clang")
task bench_summary_pasta_gcc_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for the Pasta curves - GCC no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_pasta", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_summary_pasta_clang_noasm, "Run summary benchmarks for the Pasta curves - Clang no Assembly":
runBench("bench_summary_pasta", "clang", useAsm = false)
2021-02-14 13:24:48 +00:00
# Hashes
# ------------------------------------------
2020-12-15 18:18:36 +00:00
task bench_sha256, "Run SHA256 benchmarks":
# Hash-to-curve
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_hash_to_curve, "Run Hash-to-Curve benchmarks":
task bench_hash_to_curve_gcc, "Run Hash-to-Curve benchmarks":
runBench("bench_hash_to_curve", "gcc")
task bench_hash_to_curve_clang, "Run Hash-to-Curve benchmarks":
runBench("bench_hash_to_curve", "clang")
task bench_hash_to_curve_gcc_noasm, "Run Hash-to-Curve benchmarks":
runBench("bench_hash_to_curve", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_hash_to_curve_clang_noasm, "Run Hash-to-Curve benchmarks":
runBench("bench_hash_to_curve", "clang", useAsm = false)
# BLS signatures
# ------------------------------------------
task bench_ethereum_bls_signatures, "Run Ethereum BLS signatures benchmarks":
task bench_ethereum_bls_signatures_gcc, "Run Ethereum BLS signatures benchmarks":
runBench("bench_ethereum_bls_signatures", "gcc")
task bench_ethereum_bls_signatures_clang, "Run Ethereum BLS signatures benchmarks":
runBench("bench_ethereum_bls_signatures", "clang")
task bench_ethereum_bls_signatures_gcc_noasm, "Run Ethereum BLS signatures benchmarks":
runBench("bench_ethereum_bls_signatures", "gcc", useAsm = false)
task bench_ethereum_bls_signatures_clang_noasm, "Run Ethereum BLS signatures benchmarks":
runBench("bench_ethereum_bls_signatures", "clang", useAsm = false)