
18 KiB

Release Notes

0.4.5 latte 2016-10-11 01:22


  • Add more environment variables for server configuration
  • Add setup script for getting started
  • Add support of deleting note
  • Add support of shortcut keys which can add and remove symbol surround text
  • Add support of shortcut keys for changing mode
  • Add support of i18n (English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Dutch, Croatian, Polish, Ukrainian)
  • Add support of note info API
  • Add support of disqus via yaml-metadata


  • Optimize png images by using zopflipng
  • Update CodeMirror to 5.19.0 and rename jade to pug
  • Update to add cache to history and improve its performance
  • Update default indent to use spaces instead of tabs
  • Improve syntax highlighting performance
  • Update to make client handle syncing error better, use delay to avoid wrong document revision
  • Update to allow CORS as API on revision actions
  • Update to support showing owner on the infobar
  • Update to prevent duplicate client push in queue to lower down server loading
  • Reduce update view debounce time to make preview refresh quicker
  • Update help modal cheatsheet font styles to make it more clear on spaces
  • Update to add revision saving policy
  • Update to support tiddlywiki and mediawiki syntax highlighting in editor
  • Update to support save mode to url and vise versa
  • Update edit and publish icon and change toggle icon for UX
  • Improve authorship markers update performance
  • Update slide mode to show extra info and support url actions
  • Change the last change user saving strategy
  • Update to support data uri in src attribute of image tag
  • Improve index layout and UX with UI adjustments
  • Update XSS policy to allow iframe and link with custom protocol
  • Update markdown styles to follow github latest layout styles
  • Update slide mode, now respect all meta settings and update default styles
  • Update to make ToC menu always accessible without scrolling
  • Update to make doc only update while filesystem content not match db content


  • Fix README and features document format and grammar issues
  • Fix some potential memory leaks bugs
  • Fix history storage might not fallback correctly
  • Fix to make mathjax expression display in editor correctly (not italic)
  • Fix note title might have unstriped html tags
  • Fix client reconnect should resend last operation
  • Fix a bug when setting both maxAge and expires may cause user can't signin
  • Fix text complete extra tags for blockquote and referrals
  • Fix bug that when window close will make ajax fail and cause cookies set to wrong state
  • Fix markdown render might fall into regex infinite loop
  • Fix syntax error caused by element contain special characters
  • Fix reference error caused by some scripts loading order
  • Fix ToC id naming to avoid possible overlap with user ToC
  • Fix header nav bar rwd detect element should use div tag or it might glitch the layout
  • Fix textcomplete of extra tags for blockquote not match space character in the between
  • Fix text-shadow for text antialiased might cause IE or Edge text cutoff


  • Cancel updating history on page unload

0.4.4 mocha 2016-08-02 17:10


  • Add support of showing authorship in editor
  • Add support of saving authorship
  • Add support of saving authors
  • Add support of slide preview in both mode
  • Add support of all extra syntax in slide mode


  • Update realtime check and refresh event, compress data to minimize network transfer delay
  • Update to keep showing second level TOC if there is only one first level TOC
  • Update to add expand and collapse toggle for TOC
  • Update to make help modal and text complete hint using consistent reminder text
  • Update to support slideOptions in the yaml metadata for customize slides
  • Update to support redirect back to previous url after signin
  • Update to avoid duplicated rendering slides and reduce DOM wrap
  • Update CodeMirror to version 5.17.1
  • Update to make random color more discrete
  • Update user icon styles to make avatar more obvious
  • Update Bootstrap to 3.3.7 and jQuery to 3.1.0 with related patches
  • Update spell checker to ignore non-english or numeric alphabets
  • Update to auto rolling session for auto extending cookies expiration
  • Update some menu items and UIs
  • Update to reduce realtime timeout and heartbeat interval to handle stale clients quicker
  • Update to force note, publish note, publish slide redirect to their expected url
  • Update to change server pre-rendering engine to markdown-it


  • Workaround vim mode might overwrite copy keyMap on Windows
  • Fix TOC might not update after changeMode
  • Workaround slide mode gets glitch and blurry text on Firefox 47+
  • Fix idle.js not change isAway property on onAway and onAwayBack events
  • Fix http body request entity too large issue
  • Fix google-diff-match-patch encodeURI exception issue
  • Fix yaml metadata title should pass to generateWebTitle
  • Fix spellcheck settings from cookies might not a boolean in string type
  • Fix cookies might not in boolean type cause page refresh loop
  • Fix the signin and logout redirect url might be empty
  • Fix realtime might not clear or remove invalid sockets in queue
  • Fix slide not refresh layout on ajax item loaded
  • Fix retryOnDisconnect not clean up after reconnected
  • Fix some potential memory leaks

0.4.3 espresso 2016-06-28 02:04


  • Add support of spellcheck
  • Add support of light editor theme
  • Add support of embed pdf
  • Add support of exporting raw html
  • Add revision modal with UIs and support marking patch diff texts
  • Add support of saving note revision


  • Update to extend login info cookies to 365 days to reduce reductant page refresh
  • Update to support new metadata: title, description, tags and google-analytics
  • Prevent crawling editing note to enhance privacy
  • Update to remove all data lines attributes to gain better update performance
  • Update refresh modal to show more detail informations
  • Update to make cursor tag default as hover mode to prevent tag overlay other lines
  • Update highlight.js to version 9.4.0 and use bower dependency
  • Improve history performance


  • Fix history filter tags and search keyword might not apply after refresh
  • Fix part class in list item might infect buildMap process
  • Fix pdf tmp path is missing a folder slash before timestamp
  • Fix realtime connection get stock when lots of client try to connect at same moment
  • Fix locked or private permission should block any operation if owner is null
  • Add back missing support of image size syntax in 0.4.2
  • Fix update permission might cause duplicate view rendering
  • Fix on paste long document to editor might cause scroll not syncing
  • Workaround CodeMirror won't draw selections outside of the viewport
  • Fix to make socket keep retry after disconnect on server maintenance


  • Remove metadata spellcheck support
  • Remove robot meta on note edit page and html template

0.4.2 cappuccino 2016-04-22 10:43


  • Support sync scrolling to edit area
  • Support import and export with GitLab snippet
  • Support GitLab signin
  • Add cheatsheet and help modal


  • Upgrade CodeMirror to version 5.15.3
  • Support maintenance mode and gracefully exit process on signal
  • Update to update doc in db when doc in filesystem have newer modified time
  • Update to replace animation acceleration library from gsap to velocity
  • Support image syntax with size
  • Update textcomplete rules to support more conditions
  • Update to use bigger user profile image
  • Support showing signin button only when needed


  • Fix other clients' cursor might disappear or move out of bound
  • Fix to handle user profile image not exists
  • Fix potential toolbar layout glitch
  • Fix imgur uploads should always use https to avoid mix-content warning
  • Fix to change fullscreen key to avoid OS key conflicts
  • Fix and change ESC key in Vim mode

0.4.1 2016-04-22 10:43


  • Support when client domain not provided will use window.location variable
  • Support when domain not provided will use relative path
  • Support DOMAIN and URL_PATH environment variables

0.4.0 first-year 2016-04-20 14:30


  • Support docs
  • Support Ionicons and Octicons
  • Support mermaid diagram
  • Support import and export with Gist
  • Support import and export with Google Drive
  • Support more options in YAML metadata
  • Support change keymap and indentation size/type


  • Change header anchor styles
  • Refactor server code and configs
  • Support experimental spell checking
  • Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.13.5
  • Update to emit info and disconnect clients if updater get errors
  • Support to indicate if the note status is created or updated
  • Support more DB types
  • Server now use ORM for DBs
  • Support static file cache
  • Support more ssl settings
  • Improve server stablilty
  • Improve server performance
  • Support Ionicons
  • Support container syntax and styles
  • Improve input performance
  • Change markdown engine from remarkable to markdown-it
  • Server now support set sub url path
  • Support textcomplete in multiple editing
  • Update to filter XSS on rendering
  • Update to make sync scroll lerp on last line
  • Update to make continue list in todo list default as unchecked
  • Support auto indent whole line in list or blockquote


  • Fix status bar might be inserted before loaded
  • Fix mobile layout and focus issues
  • Fix editor layout and styles might not handle correctly
  • Fix all diagram rendering method and styles to avoid partial update gets wrong
  • Fix to ignore process image which already wrapped by link node
  • Fix when cut or patse scroll map might get wrong
  • Fix to handle more socket error and info status
  • Fix textcomplete not matching properly
  • Fix and refactor cursor tag and cursor menu
  • Fix Japanese, Chinese font styles
  • Fix minor bugs of UI and seletor syntaxes

0.3.4 techstars 2016-01-19 00:22


  • Beta Support slide mode
  • Beta Support export to PDF
  • Support TOC syntax
  • Support embed slideshare and speakerdeck
  • Support Graphviz charts
  • Support YAML metadata
  • Support private permission


  • Support pin note in history
  • Support IE9 and above
  • Support specify and continue line number in code block
  • Changed all embed layout to 100% width
  • Added auto detect default mode
  • Support show last change note user
  • Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.10.1 with some manual patches
  • Improved server performance
  • Support autocomplete for code block languages of charts


  • Fixed some server connection issues
  • Fixed several issues cause scrollMap incorrect
  • Fixed cursor animation should not apply on scroll
  • Fixed a possible bug in partial update
  • Fixed internal href should not link out
  • Fixed dropbox saver url not correct
  • Fixed mathjax might not parse properly
  • Fixed sequence diagram might render multiple times

0.3.3 moon-festival 2015-09-27 14:00


  • Added status bar below editor
  • Added resizable grid in both mode
  • Added title reminder if have unread changes
  • Support todo list change in the view mode
  • Support export to HTML
  • Changed to a new theme, One Dark(modified version)


  • Support extra tags in todo list
  • Changed overall font styles
  • Optimized build sync scroll map, gain lots better performance
  • Support and improved print styles
  • Support to use CDN
  • Image and link will href to new tab ors window
  • Support auto scroll to corresponding position when change mode from view to edit
  • Minor UI/UX tweaks


  • Change DB schema to support long title
  • Change editable permission icon to avoid misunderstanding
  • Fixed some issues in OT and reconnection
  • Fixed cursor menu and cursor tag are not calculate doc height properly
  • Fixed scroll top might not animate
  • Fixed scroll top not save and restore properly
  • Fixed history might not delete or clear properly
  • Fixed server might not clean client properly

0.3.2 typhoon 2015-07-11 12:30


  • Support operational transformation
  • Support show other user selections
  • Support show user profile image if available


  • Updated editor to 5.4.0
  • Change UI share to publish to avoid misleading
  • Added random color in blockquote tag
  • Optimized image renderer, avoid duplicated rendering
  • Optimized building syncscroll map, make it faster
  • Optimized SEO on publish and edit note

0.3.1 clearsky 2015-06-30 16:00


  • Added auto table of content
  • Added basic permission control
  • Added view count in share note


  • Toolbar now will hide in single view
  • History time now will auto update
  • Smooth scroll on anchor changed
  • Updated video style


  • Note might not clear when all users disconnect
  • Blockquote tag not parsed properly
  • History style not correct

0.3.0 sunrise 2015-06-15 24:00


  • Used short url in share notes
  • Added upload image button on toolbar
  • Share notes are now SEO and mobile friendly
  • Updated code block style
  • Newline now will cause line breaks
  • Image now will link out
  • Used otk to avoid race condition
  • Used hash to avoid data inconsistency
  • Optimized server realtime script


  • Composition input might lost or duplicated when other input involved
  • Note title might not save properly
  • Todo list not render properly

0.2.9 wildfire 2015-05-30 14:00


  • Support text auto complete
  • Support cursor tag and random last name
  • Support online user list
  • Support show user info in blockquote


  • Added more code highlighting support
  • Added more continue list support
  • Adjust menu and history filter UI for better UX
  • Adjust sync scoll animte to gain performance
  • Change compression method of dynamic data
  • Optimized render script


  • Access history fallback might get wrong
  • Sync scroll not accurate
  • Sync scroll reach bottom range too much
  • Detect login state change not accurate
  • Detect editor focus not accurate
  • Server not handle some editor events

0.2.8 flame 2015-05-15 12:00


  • Support drag-n-drop(exclude firefox) and paste image inline
  • Support tags filter in history
  • Support sublime-like shortcut keys


  • Adjust index description
  • Adjust toolbar ui and view font
  • Remove scroll sync delay and gain accuracy


  • Partial update in the front and the end might not render properly
  • Server not handle some editor events

0.2.7 fuel 2015-05-03 12:00


  • Support facebook, twitter, github, dropbox login
  • Support own history


  • Adjust history ui
  • Upgrade realtime package
  • Upgrade editor package, now support composition input better


  • Partial update might not render properly
  • Cursor focus might not at correct position

0.2.6 zippo 2015-04-24 16:00


  • Support sync scroll
  • Support partial update


  • Added feedback ui
  • Adjust animations and delays
  • Adjust editor viewportMargin for performance
  • Adjust emit refresh event occasion
  • Added editor fallback fonts
  • Index page auto focus at history if valid


  • Server might not disconnect client properly
  • Resume connection might restore wrong info

0.2.5 lightning 2015-04-14 21:10


  • Support import from dropbox and clipboard
  • Support more code highlighting
  • Support mathjax, sequence diagram and flow chart


  • Adjust toolbar and layout style
  • Adjust mobile layout style
  • Adjust history layout style
  • Server using heartbeat to gain accuracy of online users


  • Virtual keyboard might broken the navbar
  • Adjust editor viewportMargin for preloading content

0.2.4 flint 2015-04-10 12:40


  • Support save to dropbox
  • Show other users' cursor with light color


  • Adjust toolbar layout style for future


  • Title might not render properly
  • Code border style might not show properly
  • Server might not connect concurrent client properly

0.2.3 light 2015-04-06 20:30


  • Support youtube, vimeo
  • Support gist
  • Added quick link in pretty
  • Added font-smoothing style


  • Change the rendering engine to remarkable
  • Adjust view, todo list layout style for UX
  • Added responsive layout check
  • Auto reload if client version mismatch
  • Keep history stack after reconnect if nothing changed
  • Added features page


  • Closetags auto input might not have proper origin
  • Autofocus on editor only if it's on desktop
  • Prevent using real script and iframe tags
  • Sorting in history by time not percise

0.2.2 fire 2015-03-27 21:10


  • Support smartLists, smartypants
  • Support line number on code block
  • Support tags and search or sort history


  • Added delay on socket change
  • Updated markdown-body width to match github style
  • Socket changes now won't add to editor's history
  • Reduce redundant server events


  • Toolbar links might get wrong
  • Wrong action redirections

0.2.1 spark 2015-03-17 13:40


  • Support github-like todo-list
  • Support emoji


  • Added more effects on transition
  • Reduced rendering delay
  • Auto close and match brackets
  • Auto close and match tags
  • Added code fold and fold gutters
  • Added continue listing of markdown

0.2.0 launch-day 2015-03-14 20:20


  • Markdown editor
  • Preview html
  • Realtime collaborate
  • Cross-platformed
  • Recently used history