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This directory contains the code necessary to generate NodeJS bindings for C-KZG.

  loadTrustedSetup: (filePath: string) => SetupHandle;

  freeTrustedSetup: (setupHandle: SetupHandle) => void;

  blobToKzgCommitment: (blob: Blob, setupHandle: SetupHandle) => KZGCommitment;

  computeAggregateKzgProof: (
    blobs: Blob[],
    setupHandle: SetupHandle
  ) => KZGProof;

  verifyAggregateKzgProof: (
    blobs: Blob[],
    expectedKzgCommitments: KZGCommitment[],
    kzgAggregatedProof: KZGProof,
    setupHandle: SetupHandle
  ) => boolean;

Spec: https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/eip4844/polynomial-commitments.md

First, npm install -g yarn if you don't have it.

Install the blst submodule

git submodule update --init

Build blst and c_kzg_4844.c

cd src && make blst lib

Generate NodeJS bindings and run the TypeScript tests against them

cd ../bindings/node.js && yarn install && make test

After doing this once, you can re-build (if necessary) and re-run the tests with

make build test

After making changes, regenerate the distributable JS and type defs

make bundle