2012-09-17 09:11:27 +01:00

54 lines
1.6 KiB

Server for connect to GitHub Issues API and displaying a burndown chart for a current milestone.
## Requirements:
You can install all the following dependencies by running:
$ npm install -d
- [CoffeeScript](http://coffeescript.org/)
- [express](http://expressjs.com/)
- [eco](https://github.com/sstephenson/eco)
- [js-yaml](https://github.com/visionmedia/js-yaml)
## Configure:
The app is configured by pointing to a public GitHub user/project. Do so in `config.yml`:
github_user: 'intermine'
github_project: 'InterMine'
project_name: 'Core InterMine Project'
The `project_name` key-value pair represents the title of the burndown chart that you will see in the top right corner of the page.
### Milestones
Then visit your GitHub project's Issues page and create a new milestone with a date due in the future. This will represent your iteration. This app will pick the Milestone with the **closest due date in the future** as the *current* one.
### Sizes
Then assign a few labels to tickets in this Milestone. These labels will represent your perceived size of the task. The label takes a form of *size [number]* so to say that an Issue is as big as *5* points I would create and assign this label (don't worry about the colors...):
size 5
## Use:
$ npm start
Then visit [](
There is nothing to save in a database so each refresh of the page fetches all of the latest information from GitHub.
## Example: