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Module yaml

This module provides facilities to generate and interpret YAML character streams. All primitive operations on data objects use a YamlStream either as source or as output. Because this stream is implemented as iterator, it is possible to process YAML input and output sequentially, i.e. without loading the processed data structure completely into RAM. This supports the processing of large data structures.

As YAML is a strict superset of JSON, JSON input is automatically supported. While JSON is less readable than YAML, this enhances interoperability with other languages.


streams, unicode, lexbase, tables, strutils, json, hashes, queues, macros, typetraits, typetraits


TypeHint = enum
  yTypeInteger, yTypeFloat, yTypeFloatInf, yTypeFloatNaN, yTypeBoolTrue,
  yTypeBoolFalse, yTypeNull, yTypeUnknown

A type hint can be computed from scalar content and tells you what NimYAML thinks the scalar's type is. It is generated by guessType The first matching RegEx in the following table will be the type hint of a scalar string.

You can use it to determine the type of YAML scalars that have a '?' non-specific tag, but using this feature is completely optional.

yTypeInteger0 | -? [1-9] [0-9]*
yTypeFloat-? [1-9] ( \. [0-9]* [1-9] )? ( e [-+] [1-9] [0-9]* )?
yTypeFloatInf-? \. (inf | Inf | INF)
yTypeFloatNaN-? \. (nan | NaN | NAN)
yTypeNull~ | null | Null | NULL
YamlStreamEventKind = enum
  yamlStartDocument, yamlEndDocument, yamlStartMap, yamlEndMap, yamlStartSequence,
  yamlEndSequence, yamlScalar, yamlAlias
Kinds of YAML events that may occur in an YamlStream. Event kinds are discussed in YamlStreamEvent.   Source
TagId = distinct int

A TagId identifies a tag URI, like for example ",2002:str". The URI corresponding to a TagId can be queried from the TagLibrary which was used to create this TagId; e.g. when you parse a YAML character stream, the TagLibrary of the parser is the one which generates the resulting TagId s.

URI strings are mapped to TagId s for efficiency reasons (you do not need to compare strings every time) and to be able to discover unknown tag URIs early in the parsing process.

AnchorId = distinct int
An AnchorId identifies an anchor in the current document. It becomes invalid as soon as the current document scope is invalidated (for example, because the parser yielded a yamlEndDocument event). AnchorId s exists because of efficiency, much like TagId s. The actual anchor name is a presentation detail and cannot be queried by the user.   Source
YamlStreamEvent = object
  case kind*: YamlStreamEventKind
  of yamlStartMap:
      mapAnchor*: AnchorId
      mapTag*: TagId

  of yamlStartSequence:
      seqAnchor*: AnchorId
      seqTag*: TagId

  of yamlScalar:
      scalarAnchor*: AnchorId
      scalarTag*: TagId
      scalarContent*: string

  of yamlEndMap, yamlEndSequence, yamlStartDocument, yamlEndDocument:

  of yamlAlias:
      aliasTarget*: AnchorId


An element from a YamlStream. Events that start an object (yamlStartMap, yamlStartSequence, yamlScalar) have an optional anchor and a tag associated with them. The anchor will be set to yAnchorNone if it doesn't exist.

A non-existing tag in the YAML character stream will be resolved to the non-specific tags ? or ! according to the YAML specification. These are by convention mapped to the TagId s yTagQuestionMark and yTagExclamationMark respectively. Mapping is done by a TagLibrary.

YamlStream = object
  backend: iterator (): YamlStreamEvent
  peeked: bool
  cached: YamlStreamEvent

A YamlStream is an iterator-like object that yields a well-formed stream of YamlStreamEvents. Well-formed means that every yamlStartMap is terminated by a yamlEndMap, every yamlStartSequence is terminated by a yamlEndSequence and every yamlStartDocument is terminated by a yamlEndDocument. Moreover, every emitted map has an even number of children.

The creator of a YamlStream is responsible for it being well-formed. A user of the stream may assume that it is well-formed and is not required to check for it. The procs in this module will always yield a well-formed YamlStream and expect it to be well-formed if it's an input.

TagLibrary = ref object
  tags*: Table[string, TagId]
  nextCustomTagId*: TagId
  secondaryPrefix*: string

A TagLibrary maps tag URIs to TagId s.

When YamlParser encounters tags not existing in the tag library, it will use registerUri to add the tag to the library.

You can base your tag library on common tag libraries by initializing them with initFailsafeTagLibrary, initCoreTagLibrary or initExtendedTagLibrary.

WarningCallback = proc (line, column: int; lineContent: string; message: string)
Callback for parser warnings. Currently, this callback may be called on two occasions while parsing a YAML document stream:
  • If the version number in the %YAML directive does not match 1.2.
  • If there is an unknown directive encountered.
YamlParser = ref object
  tagLib: TagLibrary
  anchors: OrderedTable[string, AnchorId]
  callback: WarningCallback
  lexer: BaseLexer
  tokenstart: int
A parser object. Retains its TagLibrary across calls to parse. Can be used to access anchor names while parsing a YAML character stream, but only until the document goes out of scope (i.e. until yamlEndDocument is yielded).   Source
PresentationStyle = enum
  psMinimal, psCanonical, psDefault, psJson, psBlockOnly
Different styles for YAML character stream output.
  • ypsMinimal: Single-line flow-only output which tries to use as few characters as possible.
  • ypsCanonical: Canonical YAML output. Writes all tags except for the non-specific tags ? and !, uses flow style, quotes all string scalars.
  • ypsDefault: Tries to be as human-readable as possible. Uses block style by default, but tries to condense maps and sequences which only contain scalar nodes into a single line using flow style.
  • ypsJson: Omits the %YAML directive and the --- marker. Uses flow style. Flattens anchors and aliases, omits tags. Output will be parseable as JSON. YamlStream to dump may only contain one document.
  • ypsBlockOnly: Formats all output in block style, does not use flow style at all.
TagStyle = enum
  tsNone, tsRootOnly, tsAll
Whether object should be serialized with explicit tags.
  • tsNone: No tags will be outputted unless necessary.
  • tsRootOnly: A tag will only be outputted for the root tag and
    where necessary.
  • tsAll: Tags will be outputted for every object.
AnchorStyle = enum
  asNone, asTidy, asAlways
How ref object should be serialized.
  • asNone: No anchors will be outputted. Values present at
    multiple places in the content that should be serialized will be fully serialized at every occurence. If the content is cyclic, this will lead to an endless loop!
  • asTidy: Anchors will only be generated for objects that
    actually occur more than once in the content to be serialized. This is a bit slower and needs more memory than asAlways.
  • asAlways: Achors will be generated for every ref object in the
    content to be serialized, regardless of whether the object is referenced again afterwards
ConstructionContext = ref object
  refs: Table[AnchorId, pointer]
Context information for the process of constructing Nim values from YAML.   Source
SerializationContext = ref object
  refsList: seq[RefNodeData]
  style: AnchorStyle
Context information for the process of serializing YAML from Nim values.   Source
RawYamlStream = iterator (): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [].}
Stream of YamlStreamEvent``s returned by ``representObject procs.   Source
YamlLoadingError = object of Exception
  line*: int                   ## line number (1-based) where the error was encountered
  column*: int                 ## \
             ## column number (1-based) where the error was encountered
  lineContent*: string ## \
                     ## content of the line where the error was encountered. Includes a
                     ## second line with a marker ``^`` at the position where the error
                     ## was encountered.
Base class for all exceptions that may be raised during the process of loading a YAML character stream.   Source
YamlParserError = object of YamlLoadingError

A parser error is raised if the character stream that is parsed is not a valid YAML character stream. This stream cannot and will not be parsed wholly nor partially and all events that have been emitted by the YamlStream the parser provides should be discarded.

A character stream is invalid YAML if and only if at least one of the following conditions apply:

  • There are invalid characters in an element whose contents is restricted to a limited set of characters. For example, there are characters in a tag URI which are not valid URI characters.
  • An element has invalid indentation. This can happen for example if a block list element indicated by "- " is less indented than the element in the previous line, but there is no block sequence list open at the same indentation level.
  • The YAML structure is invalid. For example, an explicit block map indicated by "? " and ": " may not suddenly have a block sequence item ("- ") at the same indentation level. Another possible violation is closing a flow style object with the wrong closing character (}, ]) or not closing it at all.
  • A custom tag shorthand is used that has not previously been declared with a %TAG directive.
  • Multiple tags or anchors are defined for the same node.
  • An alias is used which does not map to any anchor that has previously been declared in the same document.
  • An alias has a tag or anchor associated with it.

Some elements in this list are vague. For a detailed description of a valid YAML character stream, see the YAML specification.

YamlPresenterJsonError = object of Exception
Exception that may be raised by the YAML presenter when it is instructed to output JSON, but is unable to do so. This may occur if:
  • The given YamlStream contains a map which has any non-scalar type as key.
  • Any float scalar bears a NaN or positive/negative infinity value
YamlPresenterOutputError = object of Exception
Exception that may be raised by the YAML presenter. This occurs if writing character data to the output stream raises any exception. The error that has occurred is available from parent.   Source
YamlStreamError = object of Exception
Exception that may be raised by a YamlStream when the underlying backend raises an exception. The error that has occurred is available from parent.   Source
YamlConstructionError = object of YamlLoadingError
Exception that may be raised when constructing data objects from a YamlStream. The fields line, column and lineContent are only available if the costructing proc also does parsing, because otherwise this information is not available to the costruction proc.   Source


serializationTagLibrary = initSerializationTagLibrary()

contains all local tags that are used for type serialization. Does not contain any of the specific default tags for sequences or maps, as those are not suited for Nim's static type system.

Should not be modified manually. Will be extended by serializable.



yTagNimChar = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:char")
yTagNimInt8 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:int8")
yTagNimInt16 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:int16")
yTagNimInt32 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:int32")
yTagNimInt64 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:int64")
yTagNimUInt8 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:uint8")
yTagNimUInt16 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:uint16")
yTagNimUInt32 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:uint32")
yTagNimUInt64 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:uint64")
yTagNimFloat32 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:float32")
yTagNimFloat64 = registerUri(serializationTagLibrary, "!nim:system:float64")


yTagExclamationMark: TagId = 0
! non-specific tag   Source
yTagQuestionMark: TagId = 1
? non-specific tag   Source
yTagString: TagId = 2
!!str tag   Source
yTagSequence: TagId = 3
!!seq tag   Source
yTagMap: TagId = 4
!!map tag   Source
yTagNull: TagId = 5
!!null tag   Source
yTagBoolean: TagId = 6
!!bool tag   Source
yTagInteger: TagId = 7
!!int tag   Source
yTagFloat: TagId = 8
!!float tag   Source
yTagOrderedMap: TagId = 9
!!omap tag   Source
yTagPairs: TagId = 10
!!pairs tag   Source
yTagSet: TagId = 11
!!set tag   Source
yTagBinary: TagId = 12
!!binary tag   Source
yTagMerge: TagId = 13
!!merge tag   Source
yTagTimestamp: TagId = 14
!!timestamp tag   Source
yTagValue: TagId = 15
!!value tag   Source
yTagYaml: TagId = 16
!!yaml tag   Source
yFirstCustomTagId: TagId = 1000
The first TagId which should be assigned to an URI that does not exist in the YamlTagLibrary which is used for parsing.   Source
yAnchorNone: AnchorId = -1
yielded when no anchor was defined for a YAML node   Source
yamlTagRepositoryPrefix = ",2002:"


proc `==`(left, right: TagId): bool {.borrow.}
proc hash(id: TagId): Hash {.borrow.}
proc `==`(left, right: AnchorId): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$`(id: AnchorId): string {.borrow.}
proc hash(id: AnchorId): Hash {.borrow.}
proc `$`(id: TagId): string {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc initTagLibrary(): TagLibrary {.raises: [], tags: [].}
initializes the tags table and sets nextCustomTagId to yFirstCustomTagId.   Source
proc registerUri(tagLib: TagLibrary; uri: string): TagId {.raises: [], tags: [].}
registers a custom tag URI with a TagLibrary. The URI will get the TagId nextCustomTagId, which will be incremented.   Source
proc uri(tagLib: TagLibrary; id: TagId): string {.raises: [KeyError], tags: [].}
retrieve the URI a TagId maps to.   Source
proc initFailsafeTagLibrary(): TagLibrary {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Contains only:
  • !
  • ?
  • !!str
  • !!map
  • !!seq
proc initCoreTagLibrary(): TagLibrary {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Contains everything in initFailsafeTagLibrary plus:
  • !!null
  • !!bool
  • !!int
  • !!float
proc initExtendedTagLibrary(): TagLibrary {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Contains everything from initCoreTagLibrary plus:
  • !!omap
  • !!pairs
  • !!set
  • !!binary
  • !!merge
  • !!timestamp
  • !!value
  • !!yaml
proc `==`(left: YamlStreamEvent; right: YamlStreamEvent): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
compares all existing fields of the given items   Source
proc `$`(event: YamlStreamEvent): string {.raises: [], tags: [].}
outputs a human-readable string describing the given event   Source
proc startDocEvent(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
proc endDocEvent(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
proc startMapEvent(tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark; anchor: AnchorId = yAnchorNone): YamlStreamEvent {.
    inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
proc endMapEvent(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
proc startSeqEvent(tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark; anchor: AnchorId = yAnchorNone): YamlStreamEvent {.
    inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
proc endSeqEvent(): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
proc scalarEvent(content: string = ""; tag: TagId = yTagQuestionMark;
                anchor: AnchorId = yAnchorNone): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [],
    tags: [].}
proc aliasEvent(anchor: AnchorId): YamlStreamEvent {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
proc constructJson(s: var YamlStream): seq[JsonNode] {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError], tags: [RootEffect].}

Construct an in-memory JSON tree from a YAML event stream. The stream may not contain any tags apart from those in coreTagLibrary. Anchors and aliases will be resolved. Maps in the input must not contain non-scalars as keys. Each element of the result represents one document in the YAML stream.

Warning: The special float values [+-]Inf and NaN will be parsed into Nim's JSON structure without error. However, they cannot be rendered to a JSON character stream, because these values are not part of the JSON specification. Nim's JSON implementation currently does not check for these values and will output invalid JSON when rendering one of these values into a JSON character stream.

proc loadToJson(s: Stream): seq[JsonNode] {.raises: [IOError, YamlParserError,
    YamlConstructionError, OutOfMemError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Uses YamlParser and constructJson to construct an in-memory JSON tree from a YAML character stream.   Source
proc present(s: var YamlStream; target: Stream; tagLib: TagLibrary;
            style: PresentationStyle = psDefault; indentationStep: int = 2) {.raises: [
    YamlPresenterJsonError, YamlPresenterOutputError, YamlStreamError],
    tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
Convert s to a YAML character stream and write it to target.   Source
proc transform(input: Stream; output: Stream; style: PresentationStyle;
              indentationStep: int = 2) {.raises: [IOError, YamlParserError,
    YamlPresenterJsonError, YamlPresenterOutputError, OutOfMemError],
                                      tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
Parser input as YAML character stream and then dump it to output while resolving non-specific tags to the ones in the YAML core tag library.   Source
proc guessType(scalar: string): TypeHint {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Parse scalar string according to the RegEx table documented at TypeHint.   Source
proc newYamlParser(tagLib: TagLibrary = initExtendedTagLibrary();
                  callback: WarningCallback = nil): YamlParser {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Creates a YAML parser. if callback is not nil, it will be called whenever the parser yields a warning.   Source
proc getLineNumber(p: YamlParser): int {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Get the line number (1-based) of the recently yielded parser token. Useful for error reporting at later loading stages.   Source
proc getColNumber(p: YamlParser): int {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Get the column number (1-based) of the recently yielded parser token. Useful for error reporting at later parsing stages.   Source
proc getLineContent(p: YamlParser; marker: bool = true): string {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Get the content of the input line containing the recently yielded parser token. Useful for error reporting at later parsing stages. The line will be terminated by "\n". If marker is true, a second line will be returned containing a ^ at the position of the recent parser token.   Source
proc parse(p: YamlParser; s: Stream): YamlStream {.raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect, ReadIOEffect].}
Parse the given stream as YAML character stream.   Source
proc initYamlStream(backend: iterator (): YamlStreamEvent): YamlStream {.raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Creates a new YamlStream that uses the given iterator as backend.   Source
proc next(s: var YamlStream): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [YamlStreamError],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
Get the next item of the stream. Requires finished(s) == true. If the backend yields an exception, that exception will be encapsulated into a YamlStreamError, which will be raised.   Source
proc peek(s: var YamlStream): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [YamlStreamError],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
Get the next item of the stream without advancing the stream. Requires finished(s) == true. Handles exceptions of the backend like next().   Source
proc peek=(s: var YamlStream; value: YamlStreamEvent) {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Set the next item of the stream. Will replace a previously peeked item, if one exists.   Source
proc finished(s: var YamlStream): bool {.raises: [YamlStreamError], tags: [RootEffect].}
true if no more items are available in the stream. Handles exceptions of the backend like next().   Source
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, char)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, int8)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, int16)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, int32)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, int64)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, uint8)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, uint16)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, uint32)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, uint64)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, float32)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: (system.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|json.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|system.[]|system.[]|tables.[]|macros.[]|tables.[]|tables.[]|...)(
    typedesc, float64)): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc lazyLoadTag(uri: string): TagId {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
Internal function. Do not call explicitly.   Source
proc safeTagUri(id: TagId): string {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Internal function. Do not call explicitly.   Source
proc constructChild[T](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var T) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
Used for implementing constructObject on a non-scalar type. Call it for constructing child values of the object that is constructed. It will ensure correct tag and anchor on the input stream for the child object and then call constructObject on the child object.   Source
proc constructChild[O](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var ref O) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
Used for implementing constructObject on a non-scalar type. Call it for constructing child values of the object that is constructed. It will handle anchors, aliases and nil values, and then call constructChild on the base type.   Source
proc yamlTag[](T: typedesc[string]): TagId {.inline, noSideEffect, raises: [].}
proc constructObject(s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var string) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc representObject(value: string; ts: TagStyle = tsNone; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [], tags: [].}
proc constructObject[T](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var T) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
proc representObject[T](value: T; ts: TagStyle = tsNone; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
proc constructObject[T](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var T) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
proc representObject[T](value: T; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
proc constructObject[T](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var T) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
proc representObject[T](value: T; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[](T: typedesc[bool]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc constructObject(s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var bool) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc representObject(value: bool; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [], tags: [].}
proc constructObject(s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var char) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError], tags: [RootEffect].}
proc representObject(value: char; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [], tags: [].}
proc yamlTag[I, ](T: typedesc[seq[I]]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc constructObject[T](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var seq[T]) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
proc representObject[T](value: seq[T]; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[K, V, ](T: typedesc[Table[K, V]]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc constructObject[K, V](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext;
                         result: var Table[K, V]) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
proc representObject[K, V](value: Table[K, V]; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
proc constructObject[O](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var O) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
proc representObject[O](value: O; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
proc constructObject[O](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var O) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
proc representObject[O](value: O; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
proc yamlTag[O, ](T: typedesc[ref O]): TagId {.inline, raises: [].}
proc constructChild[T](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var T) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
Used for implementing constructObject on a non-scalar type. Call it for constructing child values of the object that is constructed. It will ensure correct tag and anchor on the input stream for the child object and then call constructObject on the child object.   Source
proc constructChild[O](s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var ref O) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
Used for implementing constructObject on a non-scalar type. Call it for constructing child values of the object that is constructed. It will handle anchors, aliases and nil values, and then call constructChild on the base type.   Source
proc representObject[O](value: ref O; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
proc construct[T](s: var YamlStream; target: var T) {.
    raises: [YamlConstructionError, YamlStreamError].}
Construct a Nim value from a YAML stream.   Source
proc load[K](input: Stream; target: var K) {.raises: [YamlConstructionError, IOError,
Load a Nim value from a YAML character stream.   Source
proc represent[T](value: T; ts: TagStyle = tsRootOnly; a: AnchorStyle = asTidy): YamlStream {.
    raises: [].}
Represent a Nim value as YamlStream.   Source
proc dump[K](value: K; target: Stream; style: PresentationStyle = psDefault;
            tagStyle: TagStyle = tsRootOnly; anchorStyle: AnchorStyle = asTidy;
            indentationStep: int = 2) {.raises: [YamlPresenterJsonError,
Dump a Nim value as YAML character stream.   Source


iterator items(s: var YamlStream): YamlStreamEvent {.raises: [YamlStreamError],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
Iterate over all items of the stream. You may not use peek() on the stream while iterating.   Source


template presentTag[](t: typedesc; ts: TagStyle): TagId
template setTagUriForType[](t: typedesc; uri: string): stmt
Associate the given uri with a certain type. This uri is used as YAML tag when loading and dumping values of this type.   Source
template setTagUriForType[](t: typedesc; uri: string; idName: expr): stmt
Like setTagUriForType, but lets you choose a symbol for the TagId of the uri. This is only necessary if you want to implement serialization / construction yourself.   Source
template constructScalarItem(bs: var YamlStream; item: YamlStreamEvent; name: string;
                            content: stmt)
template constructObject(s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var int)
template representObject(value: int; tagStyle: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream
template constructObject(s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var uint)
template representObject(value: uint; ts: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream
template constructObject(s: var YamlStream; c: ConstructionContext; result: var float)
template representObject(value: float; tagStyle: TagStyle; c: SerializationContext): RawYamlStream
template yamlTag[](T: typedesc[object | enum]): expr
template yamlTag[](T: typedesc[tuple]): expr