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synced 2025-02-10 10:07:00 +00:00
* Reorganize files to better match other components. * Initial UI for wallet buttons. * Fix leftover rebase conflict. * Wallet selection, styling, mobile handling. * Initial work on animations. * Adjusted animations. * Adjust wallet unlock forms to be more uniform. Fix view address saying 'unlock' * Adjust tooltips. * Fix embedded decrypt components. * Cover whole sign msg form with decrypt. * Give deploy contract a better unlock treatment like sign msg. * Reset decrypt component on hide / show * Unused var * Fix tooltip hover. * Fix hover lift. * Make spacing better on mobile. * Back button mobile handling. * Redesign mobile button icons. Prevent clicking through when clicking on icons. * TSCheck fixes. * Attempt to unlock MetaMask onClick, and provide existing flow with notification when unlock fails. * Get rid of outline. * Remove decrypt min height. Make view only textarea. * Add change wallet buttons to deploy contract and sign msg. * Standardize
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