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synced 2025-02-28 10:40:39 +00:00
* Convert bootstrap to sass instead of checked in and less * Darken body, adjust header. * First pass at tab styles, each tab will need a lot of individual love tho. * Update footer to main site content, improve responsiveness. * Missing key added. * Fix dropdowns. * Convert GenerateWallet HTML over, still needs styling. * Send form. * Current rates styled. * CurrencySwap form styles. * SwapInfoHeader styled. * Finish up swap restyling, minor usability improvements for mobile. * Fix up notifications / alert customizations * Import v3 variables. * Fix notification spacing. * Align input height base with buttons. * Revert height base, add additional bootstrap overrides. * Grid overrides. * Move overrides to their own folder. Adjust naming. * Fix inconsistencies. * Style generate wallet pt 1. * Style generate wallet pt 2 * Style generate wallet pt 3 * Fix swap * Added some missing overries, fixed the fallout. * Remove header text, indicate alpha version. * Fix radio / checkbox weights. * Bind => arrow * Convert simpledropdown to proper form select, instead of weirdly implemented nonfuncitoning dropdown. * Fix token balances buttons, footr icons. * Break out files, style up account info. * Style up token balances. * Equivalent values styling. * Sidebar promos. * Fix up delete button and add custom form. * Even spacing. * Unlog * Convert Big types to Ether types * Fix test to expect Ether instead of Big
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