* MyEtherWallet => MyCrypto
Note: Knowledge base links in translations are not working due to the new knowledge base. Some links link to the MyEtherWallet Chrome Extension.
* Update consoleAdvertisement.ts
* Update consoleAdvertisement.ts
* Update en.json
* Update consoleAdvertisement.ts
* Update InsecureWalletWarning.tsx
* Transfer query arguments over with routing.
* Create a Query Redirect wrapper.
* Add RedirectWithQuery component to SendTransaction index redirect.
* Correct hash-query ordering.
* Restyled, recopied, and did some component refactoring for ENS.
* Awkward copy fix.
* Update snapshot.
* Overflow table handling.
* Re-enable on error.
* Use shapeshift for all swaps.
* Replace existing redux-promise-middleware based CCRequest action with saga based action.
* Remove module from package.json, store middleware, webpack_config.
* fix snapshot
* Add return typing
* Add test for saga
* Wipe tx modal clean & Update the subcomponents
* Add Amounts & Address styles
* Forgot to pass onlyIncludeLoader to GasLimitLoading component
* Add currency conversion
* Update styles
* Change SENDModal_Yes & _No messages
* Add visual summary
* Update fonts & add Roboto Mono
* Add details to tx-modal
* Display contract addr when sending tokens
* Add inline styles back to identicon (for paper wallet)
* Remove inline styles
* Update USD conversion conditions
* Display token to usd conversion
* Update styles
* Update modal styles
* Animate modals
* Add a fade effect when modal overflows
* Improve styles for mobile
* Remove dead code
* Update unlockHeader close button
* Update text overflow fade styles
* Fix invalid inline css prop
* Fix issue with 'isToken' condition
* Add table layout & update styles
* Remove unsupported styles
* Remove formatting diff
* update styles
* Update tx modal fixes (#999)
* chore(package): update @types/lodash to version 4.14.101 (#992)
* ENS Resolving (#942)
* Refactor BaseNode to be an interface INode
* Initial contract commit
* Remove redundant fallback ABI function
* First working iteration of Contract generator to be used in ENS branch
* Hide abi to clean up logging output
* Strip 0x prefix from output decode
* Handle unnamed output params
* Implement ability to supply output mappings to ABI functions
* Fix null case in outputMapping
* Add flow typing
* Add .call method to functions
* Partial commit for type refactor
* Temp contract type fix -- waiting for NPM modularization
* Remove empty files
* Cleanup contract
* Add call request to node interface
* Fix output mapping types
* Revert destructuring overboard
* Add sendCallRequest to rpcNode class and add typing
* Use enum for selecting ABI methods
* Add transaction capability to contracts
* Cleanup privaite/public members
* Remove broadcasting step from a contract transaction
* Cleanup uneeded types
* Refactor ens-base to typescript and add typings for ENS smart contracts
* Migrate ens-name-search to TS
* Add IResolveDomainRequest
* Fix rest of TSC errors
* Add definition file for bn.js
* Remove types-bn
* Fix some typings
* make isBN a static property
* progress commit -- swap out bignumber.js for bn.js
* Swap out bignumber for bn in vendor
* Change modn to number return
* Start to strip out units lib for a string manipulation based lib
* Convert codebase to only base units
* Get rid of useless component
* Handle only wei in values
* Use unit conversion in sidebar
* Automatically strip hex prefix, and handle decimal edge case
* Handle base 16 wei in transactions
* Make a render callback component for dealing with unit conversion
* Switch contracts to use bn.js, and get transaction values from signedTx instead of state
* Get send transaction working with bn.js
* Remove redundant hex stripping, return base value of tokens
* Cleanup unit file
* Re-implement toFixed for strings
* Use formatNumber in codebase
* Cleanup code
* Undo package test changes
* Update snapshot and remove console logs
* Use TokenValue / Wei more consistently where applicable
* Add typing to deterministicWallets, fix confirmation modal, make UnitDisplay more flexible
* Split different ENS modes into their own components
* Fix Abi typedef
* Remove redundant moment type package
* Add Aux helper component
* Split out resolve components
* Make 'to' parameter optional
* Change import type
* Change typing to be base domain request
* Split handling of resolving into object handler
* Fix countdown component
* Adjust element spacing
* Implement reveal search functionality
* Add unit display for highest bidder
* Fill out forbidden/NYA modes
* ENS wallet component skeleton
* Clean up prop handling in UnitDisplay
* Change instanceof to typeof check, change boolean of displayBalance
* Add ENS wallet component
* Cleanup spacing
* Convert ConfModal for bidding in ENS
* Make ui component for placing bids
* Fix destructure in placeBid
* Pass through entire wallet
* Remove text center
* Display inline notification ENS isValid & add some ENS tests
* Add export of Aux
* Reformat with prettier
* progress...
* Add ENSUnlockLayout
* Add RevealBid component
* organize NameResolve components
* Merge ENS with transaction-refactor changes
* Fix address resolution
* Update styles
* convert ens name to lowercase before checking
* Add overflow-y:scroll to table
* update ens snapshots & tests
* cast 'undefined' state argument as any for testing
* clean up components
* Connect unitconverter to redux state
* remove unnecessary type assertion
* fix spinner size
* remove old bidmodal
* validate bidmask before opening modal
* progress...
* Update styles
* Add saga / actions for placing a bid
* Update types & clean up dead code
* Delete old test
* Dispatch PlaceBidRequested acitons
* Progress commit -- get ENS bidding ready for tx generation via sagas
* Seperate ENS action creators and types
* Add reducer & actions for ENS fields
* Add preliminary sagas for bid mask and bid value
* Fix ts errors
* Get bidding fields connected with some validation
* Clean up generate bid
* Hook up generate bid to redux state
* Get bid data generation working
* Add support for bidding on already open auctions
* Move bid generation states to redux, improve default field values
* Remove generate bid component
* Throttle bid generation
* Progress commit -- Bid Modal
* Hook bidmodal component up to bidding component
* Update template modal to handle custom confirm behavior
* Remove old redux bidding actions, add new one for downloaded bids
* Save downloaded bids to local storage
* Finish bidding modal
* Fix gas estimation bug
* Fix typing
* Remove bidding related functionality
* Get passing unit tests
* Make previous test more comprehensive
* Fix ts errors
* Remove commented code
* Fix invalid return
* Remove implementation of revealing bid
* Update snapshot
* Fix tests
* Delegate bidding to V3
* Update react-markdown to the latest version 🚀 (#986)
* fix(package): update react-markdown to version 3.1.5
* Fix tsc errors, match original behaviour of V2 as closely as possible
* Add tooltip to gas slider (#997)
* Prevent invalid gas price states (#996)
* Slider using value instead of raw to prevent errors. Dont show empty gas price as invalid. Clamp slider values to min / max on mount.
* Remove gas price from local storage.
* Update @types/react to the latest version 🚀 (#912)
* chore(package): update @types/react to version 16.0.35
* Add stricter typing via function overloads
* Fix rest of aria translations
* Make implementation of confirmation modal template
* Address github comments for #928
* Make modal state setting more explicit
* Fix infinite loop of state setting on modal
* Fix transaction rebroadcasting for modal display
* Replace all mentions of MyEtherWallet in translations with MyCrypto
* Replace all translation mentions of kvhnuke/etherwallet repo with MyCryptoHQ/MyCrypto repo.
* Replace all instances of MEW with MyCrypto in translations.
* Replace all instances of myetherwallet.com with mycrypto.com
* First pass of myetherwallet -> mycrypto in codebase.
* Replace most MEWs and mews with MyCrypto or MyC or myc
* Update all assets, clean out unused old assets.
* Adjust v3 url
* Convert all links to help articles to a help link component to make future changes easier.
* Rework onboarding images
* Adjust logo colors due to CMY issue.
* Update donation address, remove mentions of mewtopia.eth
* Update license
* Update sosh meed and referral links.
* Fix more translations strings.
* Tscheck fix.
* Update shapeshift api key.
* Slider using value instead of raw to prevent errors. Dont show empty gas price as invalid. Clamp slider values to min / max on mount.
* Remove gas price from local storage.
* Add better password checking, confirm password, feedback, and up the minimum to 12.
* Move wallet generation off to a web worker, and bump up the n value to 8192. Refactor workers a wee bit.
* tscheck cleanup
* Make keystore password a form. Replace text with spinner on load.
* Center align again.
* Hard code n factor of test wallet, fix some misspelled type definitions for IV3Wallet.
* Make generic modal
* Allow generic modals to be injected into send button component
* Refactor generate transaction, cleanup transaction sagas, simplify signing process
* Get passing unit tests
* Make previous test more comprehensive
* Fix ts errors
* Move address messages to config folder, add some other messages for common pitfalls.
* Fix checksum vs lowercase issues.
* Use gas limit if an address message specified one. Allow messages to have a custom severity. Add a function for getting message to reduce complexity.
* Handle address message gas limit on all actions, make separate saga fn.
* Apparently I used the wrong takeEvery?
* PureComponent a ton of non-connected components.
* Debounce gas price slider. Keep gas price in state to reflect changes immediately.
* PureComponent balance sidebar and swap unconnected components.
* Import correct component.
* Move debouncing of gas slider to sagas via gasPriceInputIntent action.
* Remove console log.
* Remove leftover file from merge.
* Create reusable password toggle component, convert private key and mnemonic to it.
* Convert keystore modal to togglable password.
* Remove the restore keystore tab code (defunct).
* Replace wallet info with togglable password. Allow for controlled togglable password.
* Convert last password component (generate) and cleanup unneeded files and styles.
* Add more wallet disables, move all into selector.
* Add reasons for disabled wallets.
* Disable read only in lite send.
* Fix view address showing insecure icon.
* Handle opening of external links in electron. Minor refactor of window code.
* Convert updates from in-app modal to electron dialogs. Remove in-app code and preload bridge.
* Refine new window blocking. Re-enable tsconfig to look at electron-app.
* Clean up shared
* Whoops, wrong protocol format
* Insecure wallet blocker warning before unlocking insecure wallet.
* Wrap in quotes to avoid prettier error.
* Make account the homepage. Add a link to generate on the wallet unlock component.
* Fix send routing weirdness.
* Basic webpack build started.
* Get build working with electron-packager. Not fully satisfied, might investigate electron-builder.
* Custom title bar
* Rewrite all webpack configs to use common function. Organize webpack utils. Split into multiple dist folders.
* Replace electron build with electron-builder. Leave around packager for a bit.
* Check in progress on updater.
* Update modal flow.
* Fix tscheck.
* Adjust publish info.
* Arbitrary version bump.
* Bump version again.
* 5.0.2 bump fix autodownload.
* 5.0.2 bump again, readd dmg
* 5.0.3 bump
* Turn auto update back off. Log errors. Revert versions.
* Add os-specific builds. Improve update failure.
* Open external links in browser in electron.
* Remove custom title bar temporarily.
* Add info about the update download to the modal.
* Turn off development changes.
* Take the postBuild sorting script and move it into a webpack config.
* Initial conversion to typescript and electron-webpack.
* Switch from electron-webpack back to custom config, clean up unused code, typify electron bridge.
* Better typing for bridge.
* Remove unnecessary file.
* Reminify.
* Add shared folder resolving to jest config.
* Add enum to electron events
* Fix large images in onboarding in safari.
* Fix shapeshift banner centering, adjusted spacing and logo.
* Fix jagged rates.
* Fix small password input on Firefox.
* Remove top and bottom padding on form inputs that would cause cut off text.
* Dont remove top and bottom padding on textareas.
* Prevent flickering from rerender of promos.
Update <EquivalentValues /> component
Now works on non-ethereum networks
Update dropdown with new <Select /> from react-select
Calculates total value for all coins & tokens
* add gas limit/price constants
* add gas limit/price validators & selectors
* apply new gas limit/price validation to components and sagas
* create/apply function to sanitize advanced fields input
* add types, update tests
* fix unrelated failing test
* Refactor BaseNode to be an interface INode
* Initial contract commit
* Remove redundant fallback ABI function
* First working iteration of Contract generator to be used in ENS branch
* Hide abi to clean up logging output
* Strip 0x prefix from output decode
* Handle unnamed output params
* Implement ability to supply output mappings to ABI functions
* Fix null case in outputMapping
* Add flow typing
* Add .call method to functions
* Partial commit for type refactor
* Temp contract type fix -- waiting for NPM modularization
* Remove empty files
* Cleanup contract
* Add call request to node interface
* Fix output mapping types
* Revert destructuring overboard
* Add sendCallRequest to rpcNode class and add typing
* Use enum for selecting ABI methods
* Add transaction capability to contracts
* Cleanup privaite/public members
* Remove broadcasting step from a contract transaction
* Cleanup uneeded types
* Refactor ens-base to typescript and add typings for ENS smart contracts
* Migrate ens-name-search to TS
* Add IResolveDomainRequest
* Fix rest of TSC errors
* Add definition file for bn.js
* Remove types-bn
* Fix some typings
* make isBN a static property
* progress commit -- swap out bignumber.js for bn.js
* Swap out bignumber for bn in vendor
* Change modn to number return
* Start to strip out units lib for a string manipulation based lib
* Convert codebase to only base units
* Get rid of useless component
* Handle only wei in values
* Use unit conversion in sidebar
* Automatically strip hex prefix, and handle decimal edge case
* Handle base 16 wei in transactions
* Make a render callback component for dealing with unit conversion
* Switch contracts to use bn.js, and get transaction values from signedTx instead of state
* Get send transaction working with bn.js
* Remove redundant hex stripping, return base value of tokens
* Cleanup unit file
* Re-implement toFixed for strings
* Use formatNumber in codebase
* Cleanup code
* Undo package test changes
* Update snapshot and remove console logs
* Use TokenValue / Wei more consistently where applicable
* Add typing to deterministicWallets, fix confirmation modal, make UnitDisplay more flexible
* Split different ENS modes into their own components
* Fix Abi typedef
* Remove redundant moment type package
* Add Aux helper component
* Split out resolve components
* Make 'to' parameter optional
* Change import type
* Change typing to be base domain request
* Split handling of resolving into object handler
* Fix countdown component
* Adjust element spacing
* Implement reveal search functionality
* Add unit display for highest bidder
* Fill out forbidden/NYA modes
* ENS wallet component skeleton
* Clean up prop handling in UnitDisplay
* Change instanceof to typeof check, change boolean of displayBalance
* Add ENS wallet component
* Cleanup spacing
* Convert ConfModal for bidding in ENS
* Make ui component for placing bids
* Fix destructure in placeBid
* Pass through entire wallet
* Remove text center
* Display inline notification ENS isValid & add some ENS tests
* Add export of Aux
* Reformat with prettier
* progress...
* Add ENSUnlockLayout
* Add RevealBid component
* organize NameResolve components
* Merge ENS with transaction-refactor changes
* Fix address resolution
* Update styles
* convert ens name to lowercase before checking
* Add overflow-y:scroll to table
* update ens snapshots & tests
* cast 'undefined' state argument as any for testing
* clean up components
* Connect unitconverter to redux state
* remove unnecessary type assertion
* fix spinner size
* remove old bidmodal
* validate bidmask before opening modal
* progress...
* Update styles
* Add saga / actions for placing a bid
* Update types & clean up dead code
* Delete old test
* Dispatch PlaceBidRequested acitons
* Progress commit -- get ENS bidding ready for tx generation via sagas
* Seperate ENS action creators and types
* Add reducer & actions for ENS fields
* Add preliminary sagas for bid mask and bid value
* Initial commit
* Add loading indicator
* Remove some bidding components
* Revert bidding files
* Remove more bidding code
* Remove rest of bidding code
* Fix ENS error message
* Revert value saga changes
* Remove error param from setting 'To' field
* Fix existing ENS test
* Cleanup address resolution, remove dead code
* Remove error messages from unimplemented ENS
* Fix last character being not set bug
* Remove error state from Meta
* Rename isGenesisAddress to isCreationAddress
* Increases Modal's width to better fit in the content.
* Restore the image side behavior so that images are sometimes on the left, not always on the right
* Allows modal to dynamically size its height.
* This reduces some awkward whitespace, and makes it so you can't just jam on the "Next" button since it moves a bit, should slow some people down to at least catch the headlines.
* Restore the alert style on the opening modal
* Provide a mobile-friendly progress stepper.
* This module's markup kind of sucks, so the restyling code is heinous. Sorry.
* Scrolls the user to the top after hitting "Next" or "Previous"
* On mobile, you would stay scrolled at the bottom. Much nicer feeling now.
* Tons of text and content spacing / color / size adjustments.