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synced 2025-02-22 15:58:31 +00:00
Equivalent Values Bugfixes (#870)
Update <EquivalentValues /> component Now works on non-ethereum networks Update dropdown with new <Select /> from react-select Calculates total value for all coins & tokens
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,56 @@
import { handleJSONResponse } from 'api/utils';
interface IRateSymbols {
symbols: {
all: TAllSymbols;
fiat: TFiatSymbols;
coinAndToken: TCoinAndTokenSymbols;
isFiat: isFiat;
export const rateSymbols: Symbols = ['USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'BTC', 'CHF', 'REP', 'ETH'];
type isFiat = (rate: string) => boolean;
export type TAllSymbols = (keyof ISymbol)[];
export type TFiatSymbols = (keyof IFiatSymbols)[];
export type TCoinAndTokenSymbols = (keyof ICoinAndTokenSymbols)[];
interface ISymbol {
USD: number;
EUR: number;
GBP: number;
CHF: number;
BTC: number;
ETH: number;
REP: number;
interface IFiatSymbols {
USD: number;
EUR: number;
GBP: number;
CHF: number;
interface ICoinAndTokenSymbols {
BTC: number;
ETH: number;
REP: number;
const fiat: TFiatSymbols = ['USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'CHF'];
const coinAndToken: TCoinAndTokenSymbols = ['BTC', 'ETH', 'REP'];
export const rateSymbols: IRateSymbols = {
symbols: {
all: [...fiat, ...coinAndToken],
isFiat: (rate: string) => (fiat as string[]).includes(rate)
export type Symbols = (keyof ISymbol)[];
// TODO - internationalize
const ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Could not fetch rate data.';
const CCApi = 'https://min-api.cryptocompare.com';
const CCRates = (symbols: string[]) => {
const tsyms = rateSymbols.concat(symbols as any).join(',');
const tsyms = rateSymbols.symbols.all.concat(symbols as any).join(',');
return `${CCApi}/data/price?fsym=ETH&tsyms=${tsyms}`;
@ -16,16 +58,6 @@ export interface CCResponse {
[symbol: string]: ISymbol;
interface ISymbol {
USD: number;
EUR: number;
GBP: number;
BTC: number;
CHF: number;
REP: number;
ETH: number;
interface IRates extends ISymbol {
Response?: 'Error';
@ -45,7 +77,7 @@ export const fetchRates = (symbols: string[] = []): Promise<CCResponse> =>
return symbols.reduce(
(eqRates, sym: keyof ISymbol) => {
if (rates[sym]) {
eqRates[sym] = rateSymbols.reduce(
eqRates[sym] = rateSymbols.symbols.all.reduce(
(symRates, rateSym) => {
symRates[rateSym] = 1 / rates[sym] * rates[rateSym];
return symRates;
@ -60,10 +92,10 @@ export const fetchRates = (symbols: string[] = []): Promise<CCResponse> =>
USD: rates.USD,
EUR: rates.EUR,
GBP: rates.GBP,
BTC: rates.BTC,
CHF: rates.CHF,
REP: rates.REP,
ETH: 1
BTC: rates.BTC,
ETH: 1,
REP: rates.REP
} as CCResponse
@ -2,43 +2,44 @@
@import 'common/sass/mixins';
.EquivalentValues {
&-title {
margin-top: 0;
&-header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: $space;
.Select {
flex-grow: 1;
.Spinner {
display: block;
margin: auto;
&-title {
margin: 0;
margin-right: 16px;
&-values {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
@include clearfix;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
&-currency {
float: left;
width: 50%;
margin-bottom: $space-xs;
&:nth-child(odd) {
padding-right: $space-sm;
&:nth-child(even) {
padding-left: $space-sm;
&-label {
white-space: pre-wrap;
display: inline-block;
min-width: 36px;
opacity: 0.54;
margin-right: 8px;
&-value {
font-weight: 600;
@include mono;
&-loader {
padding: 25px 0;
text-align: center;
&-offline {
@ -1,177 +1,234 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import BN from 'bn.js';
import React from 'react';
import translate from 'translations';
import { State } from 'reducers/rates';
import { rateSymbols, TFetchCCRates } from 'actions/rates';
import { UnitDisplay, Spinner } from 'components/ui';
import Select from 'react-select';
import { TFetchCCRates, rateSymbols } from 'actions/rates';
import { chain, flatMap } from 'lodash';
import { State as RatesState } from 'reducers/rates';
import { TokenBalance } from 'selectors/wallet';
import { Balance } from 'libs/wallet';
import { NetworkConfig } from 'config';
import { ETH_DECIMAL, convertTokenBase } from 'libs/units';
import Spinner from 'components/ui/Spinner';
import UnitDisplay from 'components/ui/UnitDisplay';
import './EquivalentValues.scss';
import { Wei } from 'libs/units';
const ALL_OPTION = 'All';
interface AllValue {
symbol: string;
balance: Balance['wei'];
interface DefaultOption {
label: string;
value: AllValue[];
interface Option {
label: string;
value: Balance['wei'] | AllValue[];
interface State {
equivalentValues: Option;
options: Option[];
interface Props {
balance?: Balance;
tokenBalances?: TokenBalance[];
rates: State['rates'];
ratesError?: State['ratesError'];
balance: Balance;
tokenBalances: TokenBalance[];
rates: RatesState['rates'];
fetchCCRates: TFetchCCRates;
ratesError: RatesState['ratesError'];
network: NetworkConfig;
isOffline: boolean;
offline: boolean;
interface CmpState {
currency: string;
export default class EquivalentValues extends React.Component<Props, CmpState> {
public state = {
currency: ALL_OPTION
private balanceLookup: { [key: string]: Balance['wei'] | undefined } = {};
private decimalLookup: { [key: string]: number } = {};
class Equiv extends React.Component<Props, State> {
private requestedCurrencies: string[] | null = null;
public constructor(props: Props) {
const { balance, tokenBalances, network } = this.props;
this.state = {
equivalentValues: this.defaultOption(balance, tokenBalances, network),
options: []
if (props.balance && props.tokenBalances) {
public defaultOption(
balance: Balance,
tokenBalances: TokenBalance[],
network: NetworkConfig
): DefaultOption {
return {
label: 'All',
value: [{ symbol: network.unit, balance: balance.wei }, ...tokenBalances]
public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) {
const { balance, tokenBalances, isOffline } = this.props;
const { balance, tokenBalances, offline } = this.props;
if (
nextProps.balance !== balance ||
nextProps.tokenBalances !== tokenBalances ||
nextProps.isOffline !== isOffline
nextProps.offline !== offline
) {
const defaultOption = this.defaultOption(
const options: Option[] = [
{ label: nextProps.network.unit, value: nextProps.balance.wei },
...Object.values(nextProps.tokenBalances).map(token => {
return { label: token.symbol, value: token.balance };
const equivalentValues =
options.find(opt => opt.label === this.state.equivalentValues.label) || defaultOption;
public render() {
const { balance, tokenBalances, rates, ratesError, isOffline, network } = this.props;
const { currency } = this.state;
public selectOption = equivalentValues => {
this.setState({ equivalentValues });
// There are a bunch of reasons why the incorrect balances might be rendered
// while we have incomplete data that's being fetched.
public render(): JSX.Element {
const { balance, offline, tokenBalances, rates, network, ratesError } = this.props;
const { equivalentValues, options } = this.state;
const isFetching =
!balance || balance.isPending || !tokenBalances || Object.keys(rates).length === 0;
// Currency exists in rates or the all option is selected
const rateExistsOrAll = rates[currency] || currency === ALL_OPTION;
let valuesEl;
if (!isFetching && rateExistsOrAll && !network.isTestnet) {
const values = this.getEquivalentValues(currency);
valuesEl = rateSymbols.map(key => {
if (!values[key] || key === currency) {
return null;
return (
<li className="EquivalentValues-values-currency" key={key}>
<span className="EquivalentValues-values-currency-label">{key}:</span>{' '}
<span className="EquivalentValues-values-currency-value">
} else if (network.isTestnet) {
valuesEl = (
<div className="text-center">
<h5 style={{ color: 'red' }}>
On test network, equivalent values will not be displayed.
} else if (ratesError) {
valuesEl = <h5>{ratesError}</h5>;
} else if (tokenBalances && tokenBalances.length === 0) {
valuesEl = <h5>No tokens found!</h5>;
} else {
valuesEl = (
<div className="EquivalentValues-values-loader">
<Spinner size="x3" />
const Value = ({ rate, value }) => (
<div className="EquivalentValues-values-currency">
<span className="EquivalentValues-values-currency-label">{rate}</span>{' '}
<span className="EquivalentValues-values-currency-value">
displayShortBalance={rateSymbols.isFiat(rate) ? 2 : 3}
return (
<div className="EquivalentValues">
<h5 className="EquivalentValues-title">
{translate('sidebar_Equiv')} for{' '}
<option value={ALL_OPTION}>All Tokens</option>
<option value="ETH">ETH</option>
{tokenBalances &&
tokenBalances.map(tk => {
if (!tk.balance || tk.balance.isZero() || !rates[tk.symbol]) {
const sym = tk.symbol;
return (
<option key={sym} value={sym}>
<div className="EquivalentValues-header">
<h5 className="EquivalentValues-title">{translate('sidebar_Equiv')}</h5>
// TODO: Update type
value={equivalentValues as any}
options={options as any}
{isOffline ? (
{offline ? (
<div className="EquivalentValues-offline well well-sm">
Equivalent values are unavailable offline
) : network.isTestnet ? (
<div className="text-center">
<h5 style={{ color: 'red' }}>
On test network, equivalent values will not be displayed.
) : ratesError ? (
) : isFetching ? (
<Spinner size="x2" />
) : (
<ul className="EquivalentValues-values">{valuesEl}</ul>
<div className="EquivalentValues-values">
{this.generateValues(equivalentValues.label, equivalentValues.value).map((equiv, i) => (
<Value rate={equiv.rate} value={equiv.value} key={i} />
private changeCurrency = (ev: React.FormEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => {
const currency = ev.currentTarget.value;
this.setState({ currency });
// return the sum of all equivalent values (unit * rate * balance) grouped by rate (USD, EUR, ETH, etc...)
private handleAllValues = (balance: AllValue[]) => {
const { rates } = this.props;
const allRates = Object.values(balance).map(
value => !!rates[value.symbol] && rates[value.symbol]
const allEquivalentValues = allRates.map((rateType, i) => {
return {
symbol: Object.keys(rates)[i],
equivalentValues: [
...Object.keys(rateType).map(rate => {
const balanceIndex: AllValue = balance[i];
const value =
balanceIndex && !!balanceIndex.balance
? balanceIndex.balance.muln(rateType[rate])
: null;
return { rate, value };
// flatten all equivalent values for each unit (ETH, ETC, OMG, etc...) into an array
const collection = flatMap([
...Object.values(allEquivalentValues).map(v => v.equivalentValues)
// group equivalent values by rate (USD, EUR, etc...)
const groupedCollection = chain(collection)
.mapValues(v => Object.values(v).map(s => s.value))
// finally, add all the equivalent values together and return an array of objects with the sum of equivalent values for each rate
return Object.values(groupedCollection).map((v, i) => {
return {
rate: Object.keys(groupedCollection)[i],
value: v.reduce((acc, curr) => acc && curr && acc.add(curr))
private makeBalanceLookup(props: Props) {
const tokenBalances = props.tokenBalances || [];
this.balanceLookup = tokenBalances.reduce(
(prev, tk) => {
// Piggy-back off of this reduce to add to decimal lookup
this.decimalLookup[tk.symbol] = tk.decimal;
prev[tk.symbol] = tk.balance;
return prev;
{ ETH: props.balance && props.balance.wei }
// return equivalent value (unit * rate * balance)
private handleValues(unit: string, balance: Balance['wei']) {
const { rates } = this.props;
const ratesObj = { ...rates[unit] };
return Object.keys(ratesObj).map(key => {
const value = (balance as Wei).muln(ratesObj[key]);
return { rate: key, value };
private generateValues = (
unit: string,
balance: Balance['wei'] | AllValue[]
): { rate: string; value: Balance['wei'] }[] => {
if (unit === 'All') {
return this.handleAllValues(balance as AllValue[]);
} else {
return this.handleValues(unit, balance as Balance['wei']);
private fetchRates(props: Props) {
const { balance, tokenBalances, offline, fetchCCRates } = props;
// Duck out if we haven't gotten balances yet, or we're not going to
if (!props.balance || !props.tokenBalances || props.isOffline) {
if (!balance || !tokenBalances || offline) {
// First determine which currencies we're asking for
const currencies = props.tokenBalances
const currencies = tokenBalances
.filter(tk => !tk.balance.isZero())
.map(tk => tk.symbol)
@ -182,45 +239,9 @@ export default class EquivalentValues extends React.Component<Props, CmpState> {
// Fire off the request and save the currencies requested
this.requestedCurrencies = currencies;
private getEquivalentValues(
currency: string
): {
[key: string]: BN | undefined;
} {
// Recursively call on all currencies
if (currency === ALL_OPTION) {
return ['ETH'].concat(this.requestedCurrencies || []).reduce(
(prev, curr) => {
const currValues = this.getEquivalentValues(curr);
rateSymbols.forEach(sym => (prev[sym] = prev[sym].add(currValues[sym] || new BN(0))));
return prev;
rateSymbols.reduce((prev, sym) => {
prev[sym] = new BN(0);
return prev;
}, {})
// Calculate rates for a single currency
const { rates } = this.props;
const balance = this.balanceLookup[currency];
if (!balance || !rates[currency]) {
return {};
// Tokens with non-ether like decimals need to be adjusted to match
const decimal =
this.decimalLookup[currency] === undefined ? ETH_DECIMAL : this.decimalLookup[currency];
const adjustedBalance = convertTokenBase(balance, decimal, ETH_DECIMAL);
return rateSymbols.reduce((prev, sym) => {
prev[sym] = adjustedBalance.muln(rates[currency][sym]);
return prev;
}, {});
export default Equiv;
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import { AppState } from 'reducers';
import { getNetworkConfig } from 'selectors/config';
import { getShownTokenBalances, getWalletInst, TokenBalance } from 'selectors/wallet';
import AccountInfo from './AccountInfo';
import EquivalentValues from './EquivalentValues';
import Promos from './Promos';
import TokenBalances from './TokenBalances';
import EquivalentValues from 'components/BalanceSidebar/EquivalentValues';
interface Props {
wallet: IWallet;
@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ export class BalanceSidebar extends React.Component<Props, {}> {
name: 'Equivalent Values',
content: (
Reference in New Issue
Block a user