* Fetch all token rates at once. Add option for displaying all token values.
* Ensure spinner always shows before equivalent values are ready.
* Fix up test.
* Add definition file for bn.js
* Remove types-bn
* make isBN a static property
* progress commit -- swap out bignumber.js for bn.js
* Swap out bignumber for bn in vendor
* Change modn to number return
* Start to strip out units lib for a string manipulation based lib
* Convert codebase to only base units
* Get rid of useless component
* Handle only wei in values
* Use unit conversion in sidebar
* Automatically strip hex prefix, and handle decimal edge case
* Handle base 16 wei in transactions
* Make a render callback component for dealing with unit conversion
* Switch contracts to use bn.js, and get transaction values from signedTx instead of state
* Get send transaction working with bn.js
* Remove redundant hex stripping, return base value of tokens
* Cleanup unit file
* Re-implement toFixed for strings
* Use formatNumber in codebase
* Cleanup code
* Undo package test changes
* Update snapshot and remove console logs
* Use TokenValue / Wei more consistently where applicable
* Add typing to deterministicWallets, fix confirmation modal, make UnitDisplay more flexible
* Clean up prop handling in UnitDisplay
* Change instanceof to typeof check, change boolean of displayBalance
* Fix tsc errors
* Fix token row displaying wrong decimals
* Fix deterministic modal token display
* Handle hex and non hex strings automatically in BN conversion
* Fix handling of strings and numbers for BN
* add web3 fixes & comments
* Display short balances on deterministic modals
* add more tests, fix rounding
* Add spacer to balance sidebar network name
* Fix tsc error
* Progress commit -- ethereumjs-wallet typings
* Add hdkey module + better wallet typing
* Add provider-engine typings
* Add jsdoc descriptions for hdkey constructor methods
* Fix missing return type
* Fix another missing return
* Make provider engine options optional
* Add priv/pubkey members to wallet instance
* Turn into SFC + Use ethereumjs-lib
* Use proper interface naming for V3Wallet
* Switch to ethereumjs-wallet
* Switch to ethereumjs-wallet and refactor using NewTabLink
* Use proper interface naming for V3Wallet
* Use proper interface naming for PublicKeyOnlyWallet
* Fix broken test, re-add scryptsy to make this PR pass
* Fix definition module for thirdparty wallets
* Decrease n-factor to 1024, checksum address of keystore
* Update typedef for react-dom from 15 to 16
* Lock react-dom, set typescript to 2.5.2
* Refactor BaseNode to be an interface INode
* Initial contract commit
* Remove redundant fallback ABI function
* First working iteration of Contract generator to be used in ENS branch
* Hide abi to clean up logging output
* Strip 0x prefix from output decode
* Handle unnamed output params
* Implement ability to supply output mappings to ABI functions
* Fix null case in outputMapping
* Add flow typing
* Add .call method to functions
* Partial commit for type refactor
* Temp contract type fix -- waiting for NPM modularization
* Misc. Optimizations to tsconfig + webpack
* Convert Contracts to TS
* Remove nested prop passing from contracts, get rid of contract reducers / sagas / redux state
* Add disclaimer modal to footer
* Remove duplicate code & unnecessary styles
* Add contracts to nav
* Wrap Contracts in App
* Add ether/hex validation override for contract creation calls
* First iteration of working deploy contract
* Delete routing file that shouldnt exist
* Revert "Misc. Optimizations to tsconfig + webpack"
This reverts commit 70cba3a07f4255153a9e277b3c41032a4b661c94.
* Cleanup HOC code
* Fix formatting noise
* remove un-used css style
* Remove deterministic contract address computation
* Remove empty files
* Cleanup contract
* Add call request to node interface
* Fix output mapping types
* Revert destructuring overboard
* Add sendCallRequest to rpcNode class and add typing
* Use enum for selecting ABI methods
* Fix tslint error & add media query for modals
* Nest Media Query
* Fix contracts to include new router fixes
* Add transaction capability to contracts
* Get ABI parsing + contract calls almost fully integrated using dynamic contract parser lib
* Refactor contract deploy to have a reusable HOC for contract interact
* Move modal and tx comparasion up file tree
* Include ABI outputs in display
* Cleanup privaite/public members
* Remove broadcasting step from a contract transaction
* Update TX contract components to inter-op with interact and deploy
* Finish contracts-interact functionality
* Add transaction capability to contracts
* Cleanup privaite/public members
* Remove broadcasting step from a contract transaction
* Apply James's CSS fix
* Cleanup uneeded types
* Remove unecessary class
* Add UI side validation and helper utils, addresess PR comments
* Fix spacing + remove unused imports / types
* Fix spacing + remove unused imports / types
* Address PR comments
* Actually address PR comments
* Actually address PR comments
* offline-send mvp
* cleanup unneeded imports
* - create pollOfflineStatus action, action creator, interface
* expand UnlockHeader when collapse-button is clicked, instead of div
* kick-off pollOfflineStatus upon SendTransaction mount.
* Create sagas for polling offline status
* remove comment
* - create CONFIG_FORCE_OFFLINE action, action creator, interface
* Adjust OfflineToggle terms to "Force Online/Offline", and understand when forced offline and when really offline.
* - Assume offline in SendTransaction when either offline or forcedOffline
* - handle forceOffline action in reducer
- adjust state type / provide default state for forceOffline in config reducer
* adjust test to pass with different key name
* fix incorrect import
* - allow size to be specified in offline toggle
* - Decode and display nonce in confirmation modal
* - set default nonces when forced offline and have online connectivity based on transaction count
- pass nonce to generateCompleteTransaction
- refactor componentDidUpdate
* Allow optional nonce to be passed to generateCompleteTransaction
* - create stripHexPrefix function
* - cleanup sagas
* move getParam into helper util
* update address on component update
* - show spinner while transaction is being signed
- reset state when wallet instance changes (new wallet instantiated via UnlockHeader)
* center-align offline message
* Adjust force offline/online button text
* - validate nonces when offline
- only estimate gas when online
- don't show send tx button when offline
* - break generateCompleteTransactionFromRawTransaction into multiple functions.
- support offline generation in generateCompleteTransaction (and generateCompleteTransactionFromRawTransaction). Balance checking is now only done when not offline to support offline generation.
* Create Help component (to be used as a tooltip)
* Disable hardware wallets when offline.
* Hide Send Entire Balance when balance is falsy
* Show help icon in nonce field.
* - show helper instructions on how to broadcast when user is offline after generating a tx
- hardcoded gas limits when offline
- refactors
* create isPositiveInteger helper function
* fix nonce validation
* really fix nonce validation (specifically the input highlighting)
* remove stray // @flow's
* remove offline tab nav
* remove unused action arg
* address PR comments
* add redux-promise-middleware to package.json and update package-lock.json
* intergrate redux-promise-middleware and simplify rates by replacing saga with promise
* fix unrelated breaking test
* -improve user messaging when network request fails. \n Clean up rates actions and reducers
* Address tslint errors
* Refactor babel/types
* Refactor entry point
* Refactor actions
* Refactor api
* Full project refactor -- Broad type fixing sweep
* - completely fix merge conflicts
- handle various type errors
* Add tslint to package.json
* Dependency cleanup
* Fix module resolution
* Work on type definitions for untyped libs
* progress commit
* Add more definition typing
* various type additions
* Add unit types
* Fix sagaiterator + unit types
* various types added
* additional type additions
* Fix typing on Sagas
* remove flowfixmes; swap translate for translateRaw
* Get rid of contracts - awaiting Henry's contract PR
* Remove contracts from routing
* Fix most of actions/reducers
* refactor actions directory structure
* fix reducer action type imports
* Fix most of type errors pre-actions refactor
* fix action creator imports in containers
* Refactor more
* Refactor index of actions
* fix action imports; use module level index export
* package-lock.json updated
* Use action types in props
* Type up action creators
* Fix most of connect errors
* Typefixing progress
* More types
* Fix run-time errors
* Caching improvements for webpack
* Remove path resolve from webpack
* Update non-breaking packages to latest version
* Fix token typing
* Remove unused color code
* Fix wallet decrypt dispatch
* Set redux-form related props/functions to ANY, since we're stripping it out later on
* Revert BigNumber.js package changes
* Extend window to custom object for Perf
* Format Navigation
* Typecase keystore errors as any (since we shouldnt touch this)
* Push wallet context fix
* - find/replace value->payload in swap
- properly type swap state properties
- extract inline reducer into reducer function
* - type local storage retrieved items as generic
* - bind all RPCClient methods with fat arrow
* - reformat
* Change to enums for constants
* Change state into any
* Fix swap errors
* ensure that seconds are passed into state as integers
* Fix rest of errors
* use parseInt explicitly instead of type coercion
* Fix derivation-checker, remove flow command, add tslint command, add tslint-react, tell travis to use tslint instead of flow.
* Whoops, remove those tests.
* Remove unsupported (yet) config option.
* Fix precommit to target ts and tsx files.
* Fix some errors, ignore some silly rules.
* Revert jest to v19, use ts-jest and make all tests typescript. Fixes all but one.
* Get rid of saga tests
* Fix tslint errors
* Remove unused imports.
* Create and use .toPrecision forwarding method for `Unit`
* Error handling when unlocking trezor devices.
* Use translateRaw to fulfill string req;
* - Refactor rates actions and action creators to use standard network request state pattern (REQUESTED / SUCCE
- Only Request Rates once AccountInfo Component has mounted, instead of upon saga instantiation (uneeded overhead). This allows also us to issue subsequent fiat rates requests to update the "equivalent values" should the users session persist.
- Show '???' as account balance when balance is null
- Wallet initial state with balance as null instead of 0. We don't actually know what the balance is, and we shouldn't have 0 as a default as this may confuse users and doesn't accurately reflect their balance.
* - Display 'No rates were loaded.' in EquivalentValues when rates are null, instead of nothing.
- Remove unneeded imports.
* Remove unneeded imports and reformat.
* Fix error messaging (show error message instead of error Object)
* remove console.log
* inform flow how silly it is being
* fix wallet test to reflect balance being null by default
* figure out way to have flow understand that rates will not be undefined
* open external links in new tab
* handle case where balance is null in equivalanet values
* Remove unused imports.
* Create and use .toPrecision forwarding method for `Unit`
* Error handling when unlocking trezor devices.
* Use translateRaw to fulfill string req;
* hide buttons during send loading state
* fix transaction succeeded not clickable; provide error in action
* move BroadcastStatusTransaction into 'libs/transaction'
* use more succint Array.prototype.find
* rename resetState -> resetTransaction
* refactor and component componentDidUpdate logic
* rename disabled -> generateDisabled; comment componentDidUpdate
* add size to Spinner, use in ConfirmationModal; disable instead of hide buttons in Modal
* fix flow not understanding that an object wouldn't be null in this case anyway. silly flow
* various refactors; send entire balance working
* Add a little arrow icon.
* Replaced toEther function with toUnit to reduce the number of conversion functions wed need. Add tests for conversion functions.
* First pass at a styled confirm transaction modal.
* More data about data
* Hook up generated transaction with modal
* Fix modal position
* Add from address. Restyle a bit.
* Only show textareas and button if transaction has been generated.
* Remove need for param.
* Copy.
* Use non-relative path.
* Initial crack at transaction token support.
* Fix flow type
* Unit tests for contracts and erc20
* Convert contract class to ethereumjs-abi, caught a bug
* Add decodeArgs for contracts, decodeTransfer for erc20
* Show token value in modal
* Show value from transaction data in confirmation.
* Show address of receiver, not token contract
* Flow type
* Only accept bigs
* Unlog
* Use ethereumjs-abis method ID function
* Get transaction stuff out of state. Leave todo notes.
* Intuit token from transaction to address.
* Move generate transaction out of node and into libs/transaction.
* timeout -> interval
* Promise.reject -> throw
* Get default currency from network.
* Add more unit tests for decoding. Adopt the $ prefix for decoding calls.
* Use signed transaction in confirmation modal.
* relayout rpc code, start contract helper
* Dont ask for estimate if theres no value
* Split out conversion of ether to wei hex into lib function.
* big.js -> bignumber.js
### Re-implements:
* min/max validators on initial currency swap selection
* polling of order status
* timer that persists across refreshes via localStorage (computed based on `createdTime` and `validFor` amount)
* swap persists across refreshes once order is created.
* various type refactors
### New additions:
* *SimpleButton* (can be PRd separately on request)
* clear loading state after order create (via SimpleButton and font-awesome)
* buffers for non-BTC swaps (bity does not actually accept 0.01 BTC worth of ETH as they claim they do in their JSON response, so a magic number of 10% is added to the minimum).
* Empty component, routes setup.
* Shared components for all Contracts inputs. Dont do anything yet.
* Check in reducer work so far. Still WIP.
* Header styling
* Check in input work so far, splitting to new branch.
* Strip down contracts inputs. Split out into form and explorer
* Contract selector
* Constantized config actions to use in contract saga.
* Interact explorer UI, no functionality
* Convert to constants, hook up errors
* Deploy and style cleanup.
* Remove unnecessary class.
* Fix flow errors with css modules
* Attempt at fixing all newly introduced flow errors in the contracts branch.
* Removed unused validator.
* Remove action constants, fix flow specificity in reducers
* Fix unit tests
* Move network contracts out of redux / sagas, and read directly from state with a selector in mapStateToProps.
* Fix initialState -> INITIAL_STATE rename
* foreach push -> concat
* Convert Swap to consistent style
* Generate wallet reducer cleanup.
* Confirm empty action in swap reducer
* Union types. Fix gen wallet collision
* Fix not using all actions in reducer. Added reducer state for is fetching from bity. Added todo to make that a loader.
* Readme instructions.
* Remove common action constants.
* Bring all actions and reducers inline with readme instructions.
* Readme fixes
* address comments
* add types for swap action creators (and separate out to separate module)
* DRY up swapInformation and onGoingSwapInformation -> SwapInfoHeader.
* stop bity rate loading when Swap will unmount
* split out SimpleDropdown to separate module
* various additional refactors