fix flow sagas errors

This commit is contained in:
crptm 2017-07-04 03:59:27 +04:00
parent 63e7eb89e4
commit 65234a26c0
8 changed files with 566 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
"globals": {
"SyntheticInputEvent": false,
"SyntheticKeyboardEvent": false
"SyntheticKeyboardEvent": false,
"Generator": false

View File

@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ export type SaveWalletAction = {
payload: BaseWallet
export type WalletAction = UnlockPrivateKeyAction | SaveWalletAction;
export type InitWalletAction = {
export type WalletAction = UnlockPrivateKeyAction | SaveWalletAction | InitWalletAction;
export function unlockPrivateKey(value: PrivateKeyUnlockParams): UnlockPrivateKeyAction {
return {
@ -27,3 +31,9 @@ export function saveWallet(value: BaseWallet): SaveWalletAction {
payload: value
export function initWallet(): InitWalletAction {
return {

View File

@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ export class SendTransaction extends React.Component {
function mapStateToProps(state: AppState) {
return {
wallet: state.wallet
wallet: state.wallet.inst

View File

@ -1,19 +1,35 @@
// @flow
import type { WalletAction, SaveWalletAction } from 'actions/wallet';
import type { WalletAction, SaveWalletAction, InitWalletAction } from 'actions/wallet';
import BaseWallet from 'libs/wallet/base';
export type State = ?BaseWallet;
export type State = {
inst: ?BaseWallet,
balance: number,
tokens: {
[string]: number
const initialState: State = null;
const initialState: State = {
inst: null,
balance: 0,
tokens: {}
function saveWallet(state: State, action: SaveWalletAction): State {
return action.payload;
return { ...state, inst: action.payload };
function initWallet(state: State): State {
return { ...state, balance: 0, tokens: {} };
export function wallet(state: State = initialState, action: WalletAction): State {
switch (action.type) {
return saveWallet(state, action);
return initWallet(state);
return state;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
// @flow
import { takeEvery, call, put, select } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { delay } from 'redux-saga';
import type { Effect } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { cacheEnsAddress } from 'actions/ens';
import type { ResolveEnsNameAction } from 'actions/ens';
import { getEnsAddress } from 'selectors/ens';
function* resolveEns(action: ResolveEnsNameAction) {
function* resolveEns(action?: ResolveEnsNameAction) {
if (!action) return;
const ensName = action.payload;
// FIXME Add resolve logic
//// _ens.getAddress(scope.addressDrtv.ensAddressField, function(data) {
@ -28,6 +30,6 @@ function* resolveEns(action: ResolveEnsNameAction) {
yield put(cacheEnsAddress(ensName, '0x7cB57B5A97eAbe94205C07890BE4c1aD31E486A8'));
export default function* notificationsSaga() {
export default function* notificationsSaga(): Generator<Effect, void, any> {
yield takeEvery('ENS_RESOLVE', resolveEns);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
// @flow
import { takeEvery, put, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { delay } from 'redux-saga';
import type { Effect } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { closeNotification } from 'actions/notifications';
import type { ShowNotificationAction } from 'actions/notifications';
function* handleNotification(action: ShowNotificationAction) {
function* handleNotification(action?: ShowNotificationAction) {
if (!action) return;
const { duration } = action.payload;
// show forever
if (duration === 0) {
@ -16,6 +18,6 @@ function* handleNotification(action: ShowNotificationAction) {
yield put(closeNotification(action.payload));
export default function* notificationsSaga() {
export default function* notificationsSaga(): Generator<Effect, void, any> {
yield takeEvery('SHOW_NOTIFICATION', handleNotification);

View File

@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
// @flow
import { takeEvery, call, put, select } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import type { Effect } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { delay } from 'redux-saga';
import { saveWallet } from 'actions/wallet';
import { saveWallet, initWallet } from 'actions/wallet';
import type { UnlockPrivateKeyAction } from 'actions/wallet';
import PrivKeyWallet from 'libs/wallet/privkey';
function* unlockPrivateKey(action: UnlockPrivateKeyAction) {
yield put(saveWallet(new PrivKeyWallet(action.payload)));
function* init() {
yield put(initWallet());
// const node = select(node);
// yield call();
// fetch balance,
// fetch tokens
yield delay(100);
export default function* notificationsSaga() {
function* unlockPrivateKey(action?: UnlockPrivateKeyAction) {
if (!action) return;
yield put(saveWallet(new PrivKeyWallet(action.payload)));
yield call(init);
export default function* notificationsSaga(): Generator<Effect, void, any> {
yield takeEvery('WALLET_UNLOCK_PRIVATE_KEY', unlockPrivateKey);

flow-typed/redux-saga_v0.14.x.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
declare type ReduxSaga$Predicate<T> = (arg: T) => boolean;
declare interface ReduxSaga$Task {
isRunning(): boolean,
isCancelled(): boolean,
result(): any,
result<T>(): T,
error(): any,
done: Promise<any>,
cancel(): void
declare interface ReduxSaga$Buffer<T> {
isEmpty(): boolean,
put(message: T): void,
take(): T
declare interface ReduxSaga$Channel<T> {
take(cb: (message: T) => void, matcher?: ReduxSaga$Predicate<T>): void,
put(message: T): void,
close(): void
declare module 'redux-saga/effects' {
declare type Predicate<T> = ReduxSaga$Predicate<T>;
declare type Task = ReduxSaga$Task;
declare type Buffer<T> = ReduxSaga$Buffer<T>;
declare type Channel<T> = ReduxSaga$Channel<T>;
declare type Action = { type: $Subtype<string> };
declare type Pattern<T> = string | Predicate<T> | (string | Predicate<T>)[];
declare type Effect =
| TakeEffect<any>
| PutEffect<any>
| RaceEffect
| CallEffect
| CpsEffect
| ForkEffect
| JoinEffect
| CancelEffect
| SelectEffect
| ActionChannelEffect<any>
| CancelledEffect
| FlushEffect<any>;
// take
declare interface TakeEffectDescriptor<T> {
pattern: Pattern<T>,
channel: Channel<T>,
maybe?: boolean
declare interface TakeEffect<T> {
TAKE: TakeEffectDescriptor<T>
declare var take: {
<T>(pattern: Pattern<T>): TakeEffect<T>,
<T>(channel: Channel<T>): TakeEffect<T>,
maybe: {
<T>(pattern: Pattern<T>): TakeEffect<T>,
<T>(channel: Channel<T>): TakeEffect<T>
declare var takem: void;
// put
declare interface PutEffectDescriptor<T> {
action: T,
channel: Channel<T>
declare interface PutEffect<T> {
PUT: PutEffectDescriptor<T>
declare var put: {
<T: Action>(action: T): PutEffect<T>,
<T: Action>(channel: Channel<T>, action: T): PutEffect<T>,
resolve: {
<T: Action>(action: T): PutEffect<T>,
<T: Action>(channel: Channel<T>, action: T): PutEffect<T>
sync: void
// race
declare type RaceEffectDescriptor = { [key: string]: Effect };
declare interface RaceEffect {
RACE: RaceEffectDescriptor
declare function race(effects: { [key: string]: Effect }): RaceEffect;
// call & apply
declare interface CallEffectDescriptor {
context: any,
fn: Function,
args: any[]
declare type Collable0 = () => any;
declare type Collable1<A> = (a: A) => any;
declare type Collable2<A, B> = (a: A, b: B) => any;
declare type Collable3<A, B, C> = (a: A, b: B, c: C) => any;
declare type Collable4<A, B, C, D> = (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) => any;
declare type Collable5<A, B, C, D, E> = (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) => any;
declare type CollableR = (...args: mixed[]) => any;
declare type CallEffectArg<F> = F | [any, F] | { context: any, fn: F };
declare interface CallEffect {
CALL: CallEffectDescriptor
declare type CallEffectFactory<R> = {
(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable0>): R,
<A>(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable1<A>>, a: A): R,
<A, B>(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable2<A, B>>, a: A, b: B): R,
<A, B, C>(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable3<A, B, C>>, a: A, b: B, c: C): R,
<A, B, C, D>(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable4<A, B, C, D>>, a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D): R,
<A, B, C, D, E>(
fn: CallEffectArg<Collable5<A, B, C, D, E>>,
a: A,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D,
e: E
): R,
(fn: CallEffectArg<CollableR>, ...args: any[]): R
declare var call: CallEffectFactory<CallEffect>;
declare var apply: {
(context: any, fn: Collable0): CallEffect,
<A>(context: any, fn: Collable1<A>, args: [A]): CallEffect,
<A, B>(context: any, fn: Collable2<A, B>, args: [A, B]): CallEffect,
<A, B, C>(context: any, fn: Collable3<A, B, C>, args: [A, B, C]): CallEffect,
<A, B, C, D>(context: any, fn: Collable4<A, B, C, D>, args: [A, B, C, D]): CallEffect,
<A, B, C, D, E>(
context: any,
fn: Collable5<A, B, C, D, E>,
args: [A, B, C, D, E]
): CallEffect,
(context: any, fn: CollableR, args: any[]): CallEffect
// cps
declare interface CpsEffect {
CPS: CallEffectDescriptor
declare type CpsCallback = (error: any, result: any) => void;
declare var cps: {
(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable1<CpsCallback>>): CpsEffect,
<A>(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable2<A, CpsCallback>>, a: A): CpsEffect,
<A, B>(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable3<A, B, CpsCallback>>, a: A, b: B): CpsEffect,
<A, B, C>(fn: CallEffectArg<Collable4<A, B, C, CpsCallback>>, a: A, b: B, c: C): CpsEffect,
<A, B, C, D>(
fn: CallEffectArg<Collable5<A, B, C, D, CpsCallback>>,
a: A,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D
): CpsEffect
// fork & spawn
declare interface ForkEffectDescriptor extends CallEffectDescriptor {
detached?: boolean
declare interface ForkEffect {
FORK: ForkEffectDescriptor
declare var fork: CallEffectFactory<ForkEffect>;
declare var spawn: CallEffectFactory<ForkEffect>;
// join
declare interface JoinEffect {
JOIN: Task
declare function join(task: Task): JoinEffect;
// cancel
declare interface CancelEffect {
declare function cancel(task: Task): CancelEffect;
// select
declare interface SelectEffectDescriptor {
selector(state: any, ...args: any[]): any,
args: any[]
declare interface SelectEffect {
SELECT: SelectEffectDescriptor
declare var select: {
(): SelectEffect,
<S>(selector: Collable1<S>): SelectEffect,
<S, A>(selector: Collable2<S, A>, a: A): SelectEffect,
<S, A, B>(selector: Collable3<S, A, B>, a: A, b: B): SelectEffect,
<S, A, B, C>(selector: Collable4<S, A, B, C>, a: A, b: B, c: C): SelectEffect,
<S, A, B, C, D>(selector: Collable5<S, A, B, C, D>, a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D): SelectEffect,
(selector: CollableR, any[]): SelectEffect
// actionChannel
declare interface ActionChannelEffectDescriptor<T> {
pattern: Pattern<T>,
buffer: Buffer<T>
declare interface ActionChannelEffect<T> {
ACTION_CHANNEL: ActionChannelEffectDescriptor<T>
declare function actionChannel<T>(
pattern: Pattern<T>,
buffer?: Buffer<T>
): ActionChannelEffect<T>;
// actionChannel
declare interface CancelledEffect {
declare function cancelled(): CancelledEffect;
// flush
declare interface FlushEffect<T> {
FLUSH: Channel<T>
declare function flush<T>(channel: Channel<T>): FlushEffect<T>;
// takeEvery & takeLatest
declare type Workable0<A> = (action?: A) => any;
declare type Workable1<A, B> = (b: B, action?: A) => any;
declare type Workable2<A, B, C> = (b: B, c: C, action?: A) => any;
declare type Workable3<A, B, C, D> = (b: B, c: C, d: D, action?: A) => any;
declare type Workable4<A, B, C, D, E> = (b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, action?: A) => any;
declare type WorkableR<A, B, C, D, E, F> = (
b: B,
c: C,
d: D,
e: E,
f: F,
...args: mixed[]
) => any;
declare interface TakeHelper {
<A>(pattern: Pattern<A>, worker: Workable0<A>): ForkEffect,
<A, B>(pattern: Pattern<A>, worker: Workable1<A, B>, b: B): ForkEffect,
<A, B, C>(pattern: Pattern<A>, worker: Workable2<A, B, C>, b: B, c: C): ForkEffect,
<A, B, C, D>(
pattern: Pattern<A>,
worker: Workable3<A, B, C, D>,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D
): ForkEffect,
<A, B, C, D, E>(
pattern: Pattern<A>,
worker: Workable4<A, B, C, D, E>,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D,
e: E
): ForkEffect,
<A, B, C, D, E, F>(
pattern: Pattern<A>,
worker: WorkableR<A, B, C, D, E, F>,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D,
e: E,
f: F, any[]
): ForkEffect
declare var takeEvery: TakeHelper;
declare var takeLatest: TakeHelper;
// throttle
declare var throttle: {
<A>(ms: number, pattern: Pattern<A>, worker: Workable0<A>): ForkEffect,
<A, B>(ms: number, pattern: Pattern<A>, worker: Workable1<A, B>, b: B): ForkEffect,
<A, B, C>(
ms: number,
pattern: Pattern<A>,
worker: Workable2<A, B, C>,
b: B,
c: C
): ForkEffect,
<A, B, C, D>(
ms: number,
pattern: Pattern<A>,
worker: Workable3<A, B, C, D>,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D
): ForkEffect,
<A, B, C, D, E>(
ms: number,
pattern: Pattern<A>,
worker: Workable4<A, B, C, D, E>,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D,
e: E
): ForkEffect,
<A, B, C, D, E, F>(
ms: number,
pattern: Pattern<A>,
worker: WorkableR<A, B, C, D, E, F>,
b: B,
c: C,
d: D,
e: E,
f: F, any[]
): ForkEffect
declare module 'redux-saga/utils' {
import type {
} from 'redux-saga/effects';
declare type Task = ReduxSaga$Task;
declare type Channel<T> = ReduxSaga$Channel<T>;
declare type Is = ReduxSaga$Predicate<*>;
declare interface Deferred<R> {
resolve(result: R): void,
reject(error: any): void,
promise: Promise<R>
declare interface MockTask extends Task {
setRunning(running: boolean): void,
setResult(result: any): void,
setError(error: any): void
declare var TASK: '@@redux-saga/TASK';
declare var SAGA_ACTION: '@@redux-saga/SAGA_ACTION';
declare function noop(): void;
declare var is: {
undef: Is,
notUndef: Is,
func: Is,
number: Is,
array: Is,
promise: Is,
iterator: Is,
task: Is,
observable: Is,
buffer: Is,
pattern: Is,
channel: Is,
helper: Is,
stringableFunc: Is
declare function deferred<T, R>(props?: T): T & Deferred<R>;
declare function arrayOfDeffered<T>(length: number): Deferred<T>[];
declare function createMockTask(): MockTask;
declare var asEffect: {
take<T>(effect: Effect): ?TakeEffectDescriptor<T>,
put<T>(effect: Effect): ?PutEffectDescriptor<T>,
race(effect: Effect): ?RaceEffectDescriptor,
call(effect: Effect): ?CallEffectDescriptor,
cps(effect: Effect): ?CallEffectDescriptor,
fork(effect: Effect): ?ForkEffectDescriptor,
join(effect: Effect): ?Task,
cancel(effect: Effect): ?Task,
select(effect: Effect): ?SelectEffectDescriptor,
actionChannel<T>(effect: Effect): ?ActionChannelEffectDescriptor<T>,
cancelled(effect: Effect): ?{},
flush<T>(effect: Effect): ?Channel<T>
declare var CHANNEL_END: {
toString(): '@@redux-saga/CHANNEL_END'
declare module 'redux-saga' {
import type { Middleware } from 'redux';
import type { Effect } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import typeof * as Effects from 'redux-saga/effects';
import typeof * as Utils from 'redux-saga/utils';
declare export type Predicate<T> = ReduxSaga$Predicate<T>;
declare export type Task = ReduxSaga$Task;
declare export type Buffer<T> = ReduxSaga$Buffer<T>;
declare export type Channel<T> = ReduxSaga$Channel<T>;
declare export interface SagaMonitor {
effectTriggered(options: {
effectId: number,
parentEffectId: number,
label: string,
root?: boolean,
effect: Effect
}): void,
effectResolved(effectId: number, result: any): void,
effectRejected(effectId: number, err: any): void,
effectCancelled(effectId: number): void,
actionDispatched<A>(action: A): void
declare type Saga0 = () => Generator<*, *, *>;
declare type Saga1<A> = (a: A) => Generator<*, *, *>;
declare type Saga2<A, B> = (a: A, b: B) => Generator<*, *, *>;
declare type Saga3<A, B, C> = (a: A, b: B, c: C) => Generator<*, *, *>;
declare type Saga4<A, B, C, D> = (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) => Generator<*, *, *>;
declare type SagaR = (...args: mixed[]) => Generator<*, *, *>;
declare export type SagaMiddleware<S, A> = Middleware<S, A> & {
run(saga: Saga0): Task,
run<A>(saga: Saga1<A>, a: A): Task,
run<A, B>(saga: Saga2<A, B>, a: A, B: B): Task,
run<A, B, C>(saga: Saga3<A, B, C>, a: A, B: B, c: C): Task,
run<A, B, C, T4>(saga: Saga4<A, B, C, T4>, a: A, B: B, c: C, d: T4): Task,
run(saga: SagaR, ...args: any[]): Task
declare export type Emit<T> = (input: T) => void;
declare export default function createSagaMiddleware<T>(options?: {
sagaMonitor?: SagaMonitor,
emitter: (emit: Emit<T>) => Emit<T>
}): SagaMiddleware<*, *>;
declare export type Unsubscribe = () => void;
declare export type Subscribe<T> = (cb: (input: T) => void) => Unsubscribe;
declare export type Logger = (level: 'info' | 'warning' | 'error', ...args: Array<any>) => void;
declare export function runSaga<S, SA, DA>(
saga: Generator<*, *, *>,
io: {
subscribe?: Subscribe<SA>,
dispatch?: (input: DA) => any,
getState?: () => S,
sagaMonitor?: SagaMonitor,
logger?: Logger,
onError?: void
): Task;
declare export var END: { type: '@@redux-saga/CHANNEL_END' };
declare export function eventChannel<T>(
subscribe: Subscribe<T>,
buffer?: Buffer<T>,
matcher?: Predicate<T>
): Channel<T>;
declare export function channel<T>(buffer?: Buffer<T>): Channel<T>;
declare export var buffers: {
none<T>(): Buffer<T>,
fixed<T>(limit?: number): Buffer<T>,
dropping<T>(limit?: number): Buffer<T>,
sliding<T>(limit?: number): Buffer<T>,
expanding<T>(limit?: number): Buffer<T>
// deprecate
declare export var takeEvery: void;
declare export var takeLatest: void;
declare export var throttle: void;
declare export function delay(ms: number, rest: void): Promise<boolean>;
declare export function delay<T>(ms: number, val: T): Promise<T>;
declare export var CANCEL: '@@redux-saga/cancelPromise';
declare export var effects: Effects;
declare export var utils: Utils;