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# Harbour-MVP
- Create a MVP for a decentralised p2p network of **TRUSTED** service node servers that recieves and executes meta-txs
- For any documentation, please add it to our [wiki](https://github.com/Meta-tx/Harbour-MVP/wiki)
**Project coordination**
- To learn, improve or work on about how we manage ourselves, head out to our [PM repository](https://github.com/Meta-tx/PM)
##### We need to decide on a date for the DEVCON roundtable, if you can't make it - we will hopefully livestream. Otherwise, please go through this table to show availability on the day. The meeting will be held during conference hours. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fCoLoDPgwX45CGeoGHBT1HdgZKdxRMhnaUwcXyI3Ljc/edit?usp=sharing
## Current progress: Uploading DEMOs
This is the recommended structure for uploading your video demo of what you have and the recommended contexts of what you add to the video documentation.
[Example demo submission](https://github.com/Meta-tx/Harbour-MVP/blob/master/DEMOS/Demo-example.md)
Once you have created your demo document, please PR it into this repo within the [DEMOs folder](https://github.com/Meta-tx/Harbour-MVP/tree/master/DEMOS). When projects start posting their demo pages, we will have EthMagicians thread where you can post them & discuss.
If you have no clue what this means, please watch [our first community call.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKOtWPopl8Q)
| MILESTONE | What needs to be done by this point | Summary Notes | Date of Milestone | |
| Meeting 0 | Define project requirements for MVP. Identify challenges involved in designing the network. Define requirements to standardise. | Attempt to build MVP network with trusted parties. Share a DEMO of what we have and share specifications of what we need to standardise. | 27th Sept 2018 | ✓ |
| Meta-tx Roundtable | Analyzed all DEMOs and documented standards. Come prepared to agree on a draft standard by the end of the meeting. | N/A | 29-2nd Nov 2018 | |
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