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eip title author discussions-to status type category created requires
1193 Ethereum Provider JavaScript API Ryan Ghods (@ryanio), Marc Garreau (@marcgarreau) https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-1193-ethereum-provider-javascript-api/640 Draft Standards Track Interface 2018-06-30 1102


This EIP formalizes an Ethereum Provider JavaScript API for consistency across clients and applications.

The provider is designed to be minimal, containing 4 methods: enable, send, subscribe, and unsubscribe. It emits 4 types of events: connect, close, networkChanged, and accountsChanged.

It is intended to be available on window.ethereum.



By default a "read-only" provider is supplied to allow access to the blockchain while preserving user privacy.

A full provider can be requested to allow account-level methods:

ethereum.enable(): Promise<Boolean>;

This shows a dialog to the user asking if they would like to authenticate any account(s) to the dapp.

Promise resolves with true or rejects with Error.


Ethereum API methods can be sent and received:

ethereum.send(method: String, params?: Array<any>): Promise<any>;

Promise resolves with result or rejects with Error.

See the available methods.



ethereum.subscribe(subscriptionType: String, subscriptionMethod: String, params?: Array<any>): Promise<String>;

subscriptionType is expected to be eth_subscribe or shh_subscribe.

See the eth subscription methods and shh subscription methods.

Promise resolves with subscriptionId: String or rejects with Error.

Results emit on subscriptionId using EventEmitter. Attach listeners with:

ethereum.on(subscriptionId, listener: (result: any) => void): this;

The event emits with result, the subscription result or an Error object.


ethereum.unsubscribe(subscriptionType: String, subscriptionId: String): Promise<Boolean>;

subscriptionType is expected to be eth_unsubscribe or shh_unsubscribe.

Promise resolves with success: Boolean or rejects with Error.

All EventEmitter listeners on subscriptionId will also be removed.


Events are emitted using EventEmitter.


The provider emits connect on connect to a network.

ethereum.on('connect', listener: () => void): this;

You can detect which network by sending net_version:

const network = await ethereum.send('net_version');
> '1'


The provider emits close on disconnect from a network.

ethereum.on('close', listener: (code: Number, reason: String) => void): this;

The event emits with code and reason. The code follows the table of CloseEvent status codes.


The provider emits networkChanged on connect to a new network.

ethereum.on('networkChanged', listener: (networkId: String) => void): this;

The event emits with networkId, the new network returned from net_version.


The provider emits accountsChanged if the accounts returned from the provider (eth_accounts) changes.

ethereum.on('accountsChanged', listener: (accounts: Array<String>) => void): this;

The event emits with accounts, an array of the accounts' public keys.


> 'EthereumProvider'


const ethereum = window.ethereum;

// A) Primary use case - set provider in web3.js

// B) Secondary use case - use provider object directly
// Example 1: Log last block
  .send('eth_getBlockByNumber', ['latest', 'true'])
  .then(block => {
    console.log(`Block ${block.number}:\n${block}`);
  .catch(error => {
      `Error fetching last block: ${error.message}.
       Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}`

// Example 2: Enable full provider
  .then(success => {
    if (success) {
      console.log(`Ethereum provider enabled enabled!`);

      // Example 3: Log available accounts
      .then(accounts => {
      .catch(error => {
          `Error fetching accounts: ${error.message}.
          Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}`
  .catch(error => {
      `Error enabling provider: ${error.message}.
      Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}`

// Example 4: Log new blocks
let subId;
  .subscribe('eth_subscribe', 'newHeads')
  .then(subscriptionId => {
    subId = subscriptionId;
    ethereum.on(subscriptionId, block => {
      if (result instanceOf Error) {
        const error = result;
          `Error from newHeads subscription: ${error.message}.
           Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}`
      } else {
        console.log(`New block ${block.number}:\n${block}`);
  .catch(error => {
      `Error making newHeads subscription: ${error.message}.
       Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}`
// to unsubscribe
  .unsubscribe('eth_unsubscribe', subId)
  .then(result => {
    console.log(`Unsubscribed newHeads subscription ${subscriptionId}`);
  .catch(error => {
      `Error unsubscribing newHeads subscription: ${error.message}.
       Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}`

// Example 5: Log when accounts change
const logAccounts = accounts => {
ethereum.on('accountsChanged', logAccounts);
// to unsubscribe
ethereum.removeListener('accountsChanged', logAccounts);

// Example 6: Log if connection ends
ethereum.on('close', (code, reason) => {
    `Ethereum provider connection closed: ${reason}. Code: ${code}`



The provider supplied to a new dapp MUST be a "read-only" provider: authenticating no accounts by default, returning a blank array for eth_accounts, and rejecting any methods that require an account with Error code 4100.

If the dapp has been previously authenticated and remembered by the user, then the provider supplied on load MAY automatically be enabled with the previously authenticated accounts.

If no accounts are authenticated, the enable method MUST ask the user which account(s) they would like to authenticate to the dapp. If the request has been previously granted and remembered, the enable method MAY immediately return.

The enable method MUST return a Promise that resolves with true or rejects with an Error. If the accounts enabled by provider change, the accountsChanged event MUST also emit.


The send method MUST send a properly formatted JSON-RPC request.

If the Ethereum JSON-RPC API returns a response object with no error, then the Promise MUST resolve with the response.result object untouched by the implementing Ethereum Provider.

If the Ethereum JSON-RPC API returns response object that contains an error property then the Promise MUST reject with an Error object containing the response.error.message as the Error message, response.error.code as a code property on the error and response.error.data as a data property on the error.

If an error occurs during processing, such as an HTTP error or internal parsing error, then the Promise MUST reject with an Error object.

If the implementing Ethereum Provider is not talking to an external Ethereum JSON-RPC API provider then it MUST resolve with an object that matches the JSON-RPC API object as specified in the Ethereum JSON-RPC documentation.

If the JSON-RPC request requires an account that is not yet authenticated, the Promise MUST reject with an Error.


The subscribe method MUST send a properly formatted JSON-RPC request with method subscriptionType (eth_subscribe or shh_subscribe) and params [subscriptionMethod: String, ...params: Array<any>]. It MUST return a Promise that resolves with id: String or rejects with an Error object.

The unsubscribe method MUST send a properly formatted JSON-RPC request with method subscriptionType (eth_unsubscribe or shh_unsubscribe) and params [subscriptionId: String]. It MUST return a Promise that resolves with result: Boolean or rejects with an Error object.

If the unsubscribe method returns successfully with a True result, the implementing provider MUST remove all listeners on the subscriptionId using ethereum.removeAllListeners(subscriptionId);.

If an error occurs during processing of the subscription, such as an HTTP error or internal parsing error then the Promise MUST return with an Error object.

The implementing Ethereum Provider MUST emit every subscription response result to the eventName of the subscriptionId.

If an error occurs or the network changes during the listening of the subscription, the Ethereum Provider MUST emit an Error object to the eventName of the subscriptionId.

If the implementing provider does not support subscriptions, then it MUST leave the subscribe and unsubscribe methods undefined.


If the network connects, the Ethereum Provider MUST emit an event named connect.

If the network connection closes, the Ethereum Provider MUST emit an event named close with args code: Number, reason: String following the status codes for CloseEvent.

If the network the provider is connected to changes, the provider MUST emit an event named networkChanged with args networkId: String containing the ID of the new network (using the Ethereum JSON-RPC call net_version).

If the accounts connected to the Ethereum Provider change, the Ethereum Provider MUST send an event with the name accountsChanged with args accounts: Array<String> containing the accounts' public key(s).


The name of the constructor of the Ethereum Provider MUST be EthereumProvider.

web3.js Backwards Compatibility

If the implementing Ethereum Provider would like to be compatible with web3.js prior to 1.0.0-beta37, it MUST provide two methods: sendAsync(payload: Object, callback: (error: any, result: any) => void): void and isConnected(): Boolean.

Error object and codes

If an Error object is returned, it MUST contain a human readable string message describing the error and SHOULD populate the code and data properties on the error object with additional error details.

Appropriate error codes SHOULD follow the table of CloseEvent status codes, along with the following table:

Status code Name Description
4001 User Denied Full Provider User denied enabling the full Ethereum Provider by choosing not to authorize any accounts for the dapp.
4010 User Denied Create Account User denied creating a new account.
4100 Unauthorized The requested account has not been authorized by the user.

Sample Class Implementation

class EthereumProvider extends EventEmitter {
  constructor() {
    // Call super for `this` to be defined

    // Init storage
    this._isConnected = false;
    this._nextJsonrpcId = 0;
    this._promises = {};
    this._activeSubscriptions = [];

    // Fire the connect

    // Listen for jsonrpc responses
    window.addEventListener('message', this._handleJsonrpcMessage.bind(this));

  /* Methods */

  enable() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        .then(accounts => {
          if (accounts.length > 0) {
          } else {
            const error = new Error('User Denied Full Provider');
            error.code = 4001;

  send(method, params = []) {
    if (!method || typeof method !== 'string') {
      return new Error('Method is not a valid string.');

    if (!(params instanceof Array)) {
      return new Error('Params is not a valid array.');

    const id = this._nextJsonrpcId++;
    const jsonrpc = '2.0';
    const payload = { jsonrpc, id, method, params };

    const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this._promises[payload.id] = { resolve, reject };

    // Send jsonrpc request to Mist
      { type: 'mistAPI_ethereum_provider_write', message: payload },

    return promise;

  subscribe(subscriptionType, subscriptionMethod, params) {
    return this.send(subscriptionType, [subscriptionMethod, ...params]).then(
      subscriptionId => {

  unsubscribe(subscriptionType, subscriptionId) {
    return this.send(subscriptionType, [subscriptionId]).then(success => {
      if (success) {
        // Remove subscription
        this._activeSubscription = this._activeSubscription.filter(
          id => id !== subscriptionId
        // Remove listeners on subscriptionId

  /* Internal methods */

  _handleJsonrpcMessage(event) {
    // Return if no data to parse
    if (!event || !event.data) {

    let data;
    try {
      data = JSON.parse(event.data);
    } catch (error) {
      // Return if we can't parse a valid object

    // Return if not a jsonrpc response
    if (!data || !data.message || !data.message.jsonrpc) {

    const message = data.message;
    const { id, method, error, result } = message;

    if (typeof id !== 'undefined') {
      const promise = this._promises[id];
      if (promise) {
        // Handle pending promise
        if (data.type === 'error') {
        } else if (message.error) {
        } else {
        delete this._promises[id];
    } else {
      if (method && method.indexOf('_subscription') > -1) {
        // Emit subscription result
        const { subscription, result } = message.params;
        this.emit(subscription, result);

  /* Connection handling */

  _connect() {
    // Send to Mist
      { type: 'mistAPI_ethereum_provider_connect' },

    // Reconnect on close
    this.once('close', this._connect.bind(this));

  /* Events */

  _emitConnect() {
    this._isConnected = true;

  _emitClose(code, reason) {
    this._isConnected = false;
    this.emit('close', code, reason);

    // Send Error objects to any open subscriptions
    this._activeSubscriptions.forEach(id => {
      const error = new Error(
        `Provider connection to network closed.
         Subscription lost, please subscribe again.`
      this.emit(id, error);
    // Clear subscriptions
    this._activeSubscriptions = [];

  _emitNetworkChanged(networkId) {
    this.emit('networkChanged', networkId);

  _emitAccountsChanged(accounts) {
    this.emit('accountsChanged', accounts);

  /* web3.js Provider Backwards Compatibility */

  sendAsync(payload, callback) {
    return this.send(payload.method, payload.params)
      .then(result => {
        const response = payload;
        response.result = result;
        callback(null, response);
      .catch(error => {
        callback(error, null);
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
          `Error from EthereumProvider sendAsync ${payload}: ${error}`

  isConnected() {
    return this._isConnected;

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