CR Connect Workflow Engine
Workflow Configuration instructions have been moved here
Workflow Processing
To do: Write an explanation of the following terms and how the system processes them.
- Workflow Specifications
- Task Specifications
- Workflow Instances
- Task Instances
- Camunda Forms
To do: Write an explanation of what BPMN is and how the system processes the diagrams.
To do: Write an explanation of what DMN is and how the system processes the diagrams.
Data Services
To do: Write some instructions on where data is stored and how new data services can be integrated into this platform
Custom Scripts
To do: Write some instructions on how to create and integrate new scripts
Adding/editing endpoints
To do: Write some instructions on how to add/edit endpoints with Connexion
Adding/editing BPMN and DMN diagrams
Migrating data
When data models are updated
When BPMN processes are updated