Using the LDAP service for checking user details in development mode - even if you are using the back door.
Added a new Flask fucntion load-example-rrt-data that loads the rrt workflow, and not the CRC wrokflows.
Modified the "load-example-data" in the tests to use some test data, rather than loading up all the workflows[
in CRC each time, with a parameter to load crc data if that is required - which is enabled for just a handful of tests.
(Tests run in 1/4 the time now)
Added the following columns:
* date_created - so we know when the file was created
* renamed workflow_version to just "version", because everything has a version, this is the version of the request.
* workflow_hash - this is just a quick way to see what files and versions are associated with the request, it could be factored out.
* study - a quick relationship link to the study, so that this model is easier to use.
* workflow - ditto
* approval_files - these is a list from a new link table that links an approval to specific files and versions.
The RequestApproval is logically sound, but still needs some additional pieces in place to be callable from a BPMN workflow diagram.
Altered the file service to pick up on changes to files vs adding new files, so that versions are picked up correctly as
users modify their submission - adding new files or replacing existing ones. Deleting files worries me, and I will need to revisit this.
The damn base test keeps giving me a headache, so I made changes there to see if clearing and dropping the database each time won't allow the tests to pass more consistently.
Lots more tests around the file service to make sure it is versioning user uploaded files correctly.
The "Test Request Approval Script" tries to find to assure the correct behavior as this is likely to be called many times repeatedly and with little knowledge of the internal system. So it should just "do the right thing".
PB_ENABLED can be set to false in the configuration (either in a file called instance/, or as an environment variable)
Added a check in the base_test, to assure that we are always running tests with the test configuration, and bail out otherwise. Setting TESTING=true as an environment variable will get this, but so well the correct ordering of imports. Just be dead certain the first file every test file imports is
Aaron was right, and we call the Protocol Builder in all kinds of awful places. But we don't do this now. So Carlos, you should have the ability to reuse a lot of the logic in the study_service now.
I dropped the poorly named "study-update" endpoint completely. We weren't using it. POST and PUT to Study still work just fine for doing exactly that.
All the tests now run and pass with the Protocol builder disabled. Tests that specifically check PB behavior turn it back on for the test, or mock it out.
updaing the user 'sso' endpoint to provide additional information for debugging.
Pulling information from ldap to stay super consistent on where we get our information.