
2.9 KiB

Project Setup

This document describes the necessary steps to setup a bpmn-js development environment.


On Linux/Unix? git, NodeJS and npm ready? Check out the small setup script below.

Manual Steps

Make sure you have git, NodeJS and npm installed before you continue.

Get Project + Dependencies

The following projects from the bpmn-io project on GitHub

and clone them into a common directory via

git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/PROJECT_NAME.git

Link dependent projects between each other to pick up changes immediately.

│   └─node_modules
│       ├─diagram-js <link>
│       ├─moddle <link>
│       └─bpmn-moddle <link>
│   └─node_modules
│       ├─moddle <link>
│       └─moddle-xml <link>
        └─moddle <link>

On Linux

Use npm-link or ln -s <target> <link>.

On Windows

Use mklink /d <link> <target> (docs).

Install Dependencies

Execute npm install on each of the projects to grab their dependencies.

Verify Things are O.K.

Execute grunt on any of the projects. Things should be nice.

Setup via Script

The whole setup can be automated through the following script.


echo cloning repositories

git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/diagram-js.git > /dev/null
git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/moddle.git > /dev/null
git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/moddle-xml.git > /dev/null
git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/bpmn-js.git > /dev/null
git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/bpmn-moddle.git > /dev/null

echo done.

echo setup diagram-js

cd $base/diagram-js
npm install > /dev/null

echo setup moddle

cd $base/moddle
npm install > /dev/null

echo setup moddle-xml

cd $base/moddle-xml
mkdir node_modules
ln -s $base/moddle node_modules/moddle
npm install > /dev/null

echo setup bpmn-moddle

cd $base/bpmn-moddle
mkdir node_modules
ln -s $base/moddle node_modules/moddle
ln -s $base/moddle-xml node_modules/moddle-xml
npm install > /dev/null

echo setup bpmn-js

cd $base/bpmn-js
mkdir node_modules
ln -s $base/moddle node_modules/moddle
ln -s $base/bpmn-moddle node_modules/bpmn-moddle
ln -s $base/diagram-js node_modules/diagram-js
npm install > /dev/null

echo all done.