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Commit Messages

Contributors should adhere to our commit message guidelines.

The goal is to achive better readability of the projects commit log and eventually use the log as a low level change tracker.

feat(context-pad): add delete button
fix(modeling): assign valid semantic ids
fix(Viewer): correctly fire imported event
fix(core): handle missing BPMNPlane during import

It is important for semantic versioning during releases and for project change tracking.

General Syntax

<what>(<component>): <present-tense-description>


Closes #<issue-number>


* migration notes ]


Consider the following hints when writing commit messages

  • Classify what you did

    • fix commit fixes a bug, patches the project
    • feat commit adds a feature, increases the minor version
    • docs commit improves or adds documentation
    • refactor commit cleans up mess in a non-api-breaking manner
  • State the module your change applies to

    • viewer commit changes viewer code
    • context-pad commit alters context pad
    • modeling/BpmnFactory commit fixes a specific bug in the BpmnFactory (use in rare important cases only)
    • use lower case for modules, camelCase for files (according to file names)
  • beware of public api (everything that has been blogged about on bpmn.io)

    • mark breaking public api via BREAKING CHANGE: ...
  • try not to swallow bug fixes (fix) in feature commits (feat). People may wait for a fixes forever.


feat(modeler): add create diagram option

This commit adds the ability to create a new diagram in the modeler via


Related to #12
fix(modeling): generate valid semantic ids

IDs in XML documents must not start with a number as per XML spec.

This commit changes our id generation behavior to use semantic ids that
are prefixed with the elements type (never starts with a number):

Before: asdas123se8as
Now: StartEvent_asdas123se8as

Closes #108