2020-12-17 13:47:23 +01:00

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# Project Setup
This document describes the necessary steps to setup a `bpmn-js` development environment.
## TLDR;
On Linux, OS X or Windows? [git](http://git-scm.com/), [NodeJS](nodejs.org) and [npm](https://www.npmjs.org/doc/cli/npm.html) ready? Check out the [setup script section](https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js/blob/master/docs/project/SETUP.md#setup-via-script) below.
## Manual Steps
Make sure you have [git](http://git-scm.com/), [NodeJS](nodejs.org) and [npm](https://www.npmjs.org/doc/cli/npm.html) installed before you continue.
### Get Project + Dependencies
The following projects from the [bpmn-io](https://github.com/bpmn-io) project on GitHub
* [bpmn-js](https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js)
* [diagram-js](https://github.com/bpmn-io/diagram-js)
* [bpmn-moddle](https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-moddle)
and clone them into a common directory via
git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/bpmn-js.git
git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/diagram-js.git
git clone git@github.com:bpmn-io/bpmn-moddle.git
### Link Projects
[Link dependent projects](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/link) between each other to pick up changes immediately.
│ └─node_modules
│ ├─diagram-js <link>
│ └─bpmn-moddle <link>
#### On OS X, Linux
Use [npm-link](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/link) or `ln -s <target> <link>`.
#### On Windows
Use `mklink /d <link> <target>` [(docs)](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753194.aspx).
### Install Dependencies
Execute `npm install` on each of the projects to grab their dependencies.
### Verify Things are O.K.
Execute `npm run all` on each project. Things should be fine.
### Setup via Script
The whole setup can be automated through setup scripts for [Linux/OS X](https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js/blob/master/docs/project/setup.sh) and [Windows](https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js/blob/master/docs/project/setup.bat).
### Running a single modeler instance
To test changes that you might have made in [bpmn-js](https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js) or in any of the libraries it depends on,
you can run a single test that will instantiate a modeler with all the core modules.
* Open the [file testing the modeler](https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js/blob/master/test/spec/ModelerSpec.js#L49)
* Change
it('should import simple process', function() {
it.only('should import simple process', function() {
(This ensures only this single test is run)
* Execute `npm run dev`
* Open your browser to <localhost:9876/debug.html>
* Interact with the modeler and see your changes reflected