Great to see you! Help us out by [filing bugs or feature requests](#working-with-issues), assisting others in our [forums]( or by [contributing improvements](#contributing-improvements).
If possible, try to build an example that reproduces your problem. You can use our playgrounds for [viewer]( or [modeler]( as a starting point or put a demo up on [GitHub]( for inspection.
The project development runs on top of the [diagram-js]( master branch. The following code snippet sets up both libraries linking diagram-js to bpmn-js.
In addition to our automatically enforced [lint rules](, please adhere to the following conventions:
* Use modules (`import` / `export (default)`)
* __Do NOT__ use ES language constructs (`class`, `const`, ...) in sources
__Rationale:__ People should be able to consume parts of the library with an ES module aware bundler such as [Webpack]( or [Rollup]( without the need to use a transpiler such as [Babel](
We use pull requests for feature additions and bug fixes. If you are not yet familiar on how to create a pull request, [read this great guide](