Great to see you! Help us out by [filing bugs or feature requests](#working-with-issues), assisting others in our [forums]( or by [contributing improvements](#contributing-improvements).
We use our [issue tracker]( for project communication, discussion and planning.
### Creating an Issue
Help others to understand your request:
* Be clear whether you [file a bug](#reporting-a-bug) or [suggest a new feature/improvement](#suggesting-a-feature)
* Be descriptive when reporting (what, where, when and how)
#### Reporting a Bug
Help us to understand and reproduce your issue:
* Attach your environment (browser, bpmn-js version)
* Attach steps to reproduce
* Attach code samples, configuration options or stack traces that provide the necessary context
If possible, try to build an example that reproduces your problem. Use [this JSFiddle]( as a starting point or put a running demo up on [GitHub](
#### Suggesting a Feature
* Provide the necessary context that allows us to understand how your proposal improves our library
The project development runs on top of the [diagram-js]( master branch. The following code snippet sets up both libraries linking diagram-js to bpmn-js.
We use pull requests for feature additions and bug fixes. If you are not yet familiar on how to create a pull request, [read this great guide](