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2023-11-06 Nomos weekly
2023-11-06 2023-11-07 false Weekly update of Nomos

network privacy and mixnet





private PoS


  • Multi-staking - prepared a discussion doc drafting a couple of ideas such as: how we can hide stake/voting power using homomorphic encryption and the consequences of that approach. The bottom line is that with Carnot and its tree structure we cannot follow the generic Proof of Stake approach and hide the voting power at the same time. We need to modify the Proof of Stake to follow the number of votes rather than the voting power during the vote aggregation phase. This modification bears consequences that need to be studied carefully, as the probability of a failure or liveness issues might be higher: Notion link 
  • Rich Nodes Attack on Weighted Carnot worked out an attack that any private weighted-Carnot protocol will need to overcome: Notion link 
  • Private Weighted Voting w/ Ring Signatures a solution to the above attack that relies on ring signatures to break the connection between a vote and voter: Notion link 
  • From discussions on the above docs, started accumulating a summary of which behaviors to reward or penalize: List of Rewarded and Penalized Actions: Notion link 
  • Derived a probability distribution for the weights of committees for a scenario  when weights of nodes, modeled as random variables, are sampled in every voting round.
  • A derivation of a probability distribution for a scenario when weights of nodes are only sampled once (currently in progress).
  • Wrote a simulation code which would  allow us  to compare failure probabilities in the above  two scenarios with the (unweighted) original Carnot version.
  • Details for probability distribution for the weights of committees for a scenario when weights of nodes, modeled as random variables, are sampled in every voting round, are provided in 
  • Rewards for validators/delegators: the live document Notion link 
  • Research notes on rewards for validators/delegators: Notion link 
  • List of Rewarded or Penalized Actions: Notion link 

data availability


  • Finished the survey on the polynomial commitment schemes: Notion link  
  • PCS related libraries were examined. The structures and benchmarks used were reviewed. Resources related to this were added to the research notes above. 
  • This work in particular is a nice compilation: 
  • Studied on EC+Commitment data structures. 1D or 1.5D structure may be more suitable for data availability within the scope of the Nomos project: Notion link 



  • Nomos team will be at the offsite next week.