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2024-05-06 Nomos weekly
2024-05-06 2024-05-06 false Weekly update of Nomos

P2P Privacy


  • To specify adversary models, we analyzed and summarized two papers: 2013 P. Syverson & 2023 C. Diaz.
  • Based on the above research, we defined the adversary model in the Mixnet v2: Proof of Concept, focusing on adversaries with partial visibility. Still, specific attack models must be defined so that we can simulate them. Currently, we are attempting things in reverse: imagining attacks that partially or completely break the protections that our design aims to provide. It's still a work in progress in the same Notion page. Once this is complete, we can start implementing a simulation.
  • Based on the previous week's observations, we wrote a document containing a discussion on how to make the tagging attack less effective.
  • Analysis of anonymity and communication failures in the mix gadget (summary): Assuming that n nodes sample (with replacement) k nodes from the population with N nodes, where at most M nodes are adversarial, the fraction of k-subsets where all k nodes are adversarial, i.e., “anonymity failure” has occurred, is \left(\frac{M}{N}\right)^k on average. The fraction of k-subsets where at least one node is adversarial, i.e., “communication failure” has occurred, is 1 - \left(1 - \frac{M}{N}\right)^k on average. However, if n < N is finite, then deviation from these averages will be observed. For the fraction of k-subsets with anonymity failure, we derived an upper bound on the probability that the fraction of these k-subsets is greater than the average \left(\frac{M}{N}\right)^k by the factor of 1+γ. The upper bound is decreasing with increasing n and γ. A similar upper bound is derived for the fraction of k-subsets with communication failure. Work on the analysis of these bounds and verification by simulation is currently in progress.


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Data Availability


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  • DA Indexer implementation PR: Implemented AddIndex and GetRange functionality in Indexer service. When a list of VidCertificates is observed in a new Block, AddIndex is used to assign Metadata from VidCertificate to a blob that was attested. - When the user requests Range of Indexes for a given AppId, indexer collects available blobs for indexes and returns them in a list.
  • DA Indexer + Mempool + Cryptarchia integration test: DA functionality relies on multiple services working together; a test to see if currently implemented parts are working was created.
  • Some ideas and improvements were registered (low priority): Verified Certificate state and Investigate BlobDB storage.



  • Wealth concentration update: changes related to the introduction of the study structure, rearrangement based on new sections, and expanded explanations.


  • No updates this week.

Coordination Layer


  • Designed a bridge withdrawal implementation. In designing, we found some bugs in CL, namely, anoma's "single logic per resource" design is too limiting; it wasn't possible to see how to implement a simple withdrawal in that design. The fix that was made was borrowed from Zexe, replacing the single note constraint with two types of constraints: birth and death constraints. There is a single birth constraint and arbitrarily many death constraints. Birth constraints govern how a note from a particular application can be produced. Death constraints are provided by the user and configure how a note can be spent; only one of the death constraints needs to be satisfied in order to spend a note.
  • Created the withdrawal CL test case.
  • Updated the Proof Systems survey according to comments. Explanations have been added to some of the sections. Additionally, existing zkp libraries have been reviewed to identify which proof methods are used.
  • Coordination Layer Studies: a separate [section](A separate section for FRI has been added) for FRI has been added.


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Testnet + Insights


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User Tools


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  • No updates this week.