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title tags date lastmod draft
2023-11-13 Vac weekly
2023-11-13 2023-11-13 false



  • vac:tke::codex:economic-analysis
    • Meeting with Codex on token allocation (@Matty)
    • Review Codex modeling and litepaper with Codex (all)
    • One-pager draft requested by Matt Nemer for fundraising purposes (@Matty)
  • vac:tke::status:SNT-staking
    • Managing snaphot for Status go-live this week (@Martin)
    • Reviewing and updating Cyprien's governance proposal draft (all)
    • Status growth modeling followup discussion (@Matty)
  • vac:tke::nomos:economic-analysis
    • Continuing research of PoS economics and token distributions (@Frederico)
  • vac:tke::waku:economic-analysis
    • Monitoring Sergei's research (@Martin)
    • Waku growth monitoring (@Martin)


  • wakurtosis:waku:gossipsub-topology-analysis
    • Generated shadow simulation topology slices
  • analysis-shadow:vac:shadow-gossipsub-analysis
    • Run 35K nodes simulation in shadow with low traffic
    • Implemented constant traffic in the node
  • analysis:nomos:simulation-analysis
    • sync with Moh and Nomos
    • Nomos sim team now has eveything to reproduce and fix the bug: exact configs and access to full runs
    • Suggested improvements to the data output that will reduce both the memory and disk overload of nomos simulation by orders of magnitude. Moh and Gusto agree that this will work.
    • Wrapped up the nomos analysis for now: waiting for the sims team to finish fixing the bugs
  • analysis-shadow:vac:shadow-gossipsub-analysis
    • Wrote an analysis script that can read graphs generated by Shadow runs
  • analysis-gsub-model:status:control-messages
    • started write up on old and new Waku-models
  • eng-10ktool:vac:bandwidth-test:
    • Add publishing waku messages with Kubernetes
    • Tried to fix Prometheus labeling
    • Keep investigating 0 rate anomaly with Kubernetes
    • Meet with Florin to talk about tool repositories
    • Ran 4.5k waku nodes with no traffic
  • vac:dst:software-testing:waku:test-automation-interop-testing
    • Merged 1st PR
    • Draft 2nd PR:
      • add more tests (17 ATOW)
      • framework improvements and adjustments as the number of tests increase
    • gowaku issues found:
    • nwaku issue found : container crashes when a message is published with malformed timestamp
    • rest-api-specs issue found: missing fields in the REST API schema
  • software-testing:waku:test-automation-nwaku
    • Updated last PR, missing reviewer responses.
    • Investigating assert false: Ivan took charge of that task; found it doesn't happen anymore (will write notes on the issue to resume investigation later)
    • Picking up pace with store tests.
    • Investigate a PEER_DIAL_FAILURE error in store; Happens when archive isn't mounted (unexpected); Not yet reported.
  • software-testing:waku:test-automation-go-waku



  • vac:maintainance/misc
    • Recorded new screen casts
    • Started working on presentation for Research Call
    • mostly working in the Discover bug
    • contacted dapp deployer
    • started a postmortem that I'm updating
    • just exported a full list of dapps and contact
  • status:governance-contract-mvp
    • reseach and development; proposal types
    • implemented delegation


  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-doc
    • Still researching techniques for harmonizing UTXO and based-account model for state separation (delays due to Istanbul trip)
    • Research for privacy enhancing (from state separation document): ring signatures (Dory, IPA) assuming Nova.
    • For Flexibility Operation: researching Verkle trees implementation in other blockchains.
    • Drafting document for privacy enhancing.
  • proofsystems:vac:research-existing-proof-systems
    • Researching techniques for proof creation and verification for Nova. (Goal 3)
    • Preparing for Zk hack
    • Preparing for ProgCrypto
  • proofsystems:vac:benchmarks


  • valpriv:vac:tor-push-poc
    • Got separate measurements for aggregate vs attestation, Pushed all duties' broadcasts on tor.
    • Managed to get libp2p logs from other nimbus fleet machine. Large files, need to process them
  • valpriv:vac:tor-push-paper
    • Ready to share the paper. Finishing adding new results
    • Updating presentations, simplifying the slides.
  • gsub-scaling:vac:unstructured-p2p-improvements-survey
    • revisited documents, and worked on presentation for logos research call on GossipSub Improvements.
    • Based on the feedback from the logos research call, revisited nim-libp2p documentation, codebase etc.
  • gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-improvements-paper
    • Started revisiting the GossipSub improvement paper to reflect current work and finalize writeup (Still work in progress. will need 1-2 more days to reflect in overleaf document).
    • Requested the DST team for initial simulation. I intend to use the outcomes to finalize test patterns.
    • published Vac blog post:
  • zk:codex:storage-proofs-open-problems-review
