
3.0 KiB


A lightweight wallet implementation. At the moment it supports key creation and conversion between various formats.

It is complemented by the following packages:

Motivations are:

  • be lightweight
  • work in a browser
  • use a single, maintained version of crypto library
  • support import/export between various wallet formats

Features not supported:

  • signing transactions
  • managing storage (neither in node.js or the browser)



  • generate([icap]) - create an instance based on a new random key (setting icap to true will generate an address suitable for the ICAP Direct mode)
  • fromPrivateKey(input) - create an instance based on a raw key
  • fromV1(input, password) - import a wallet (Version 1 of the Ethereum wallet format)
  • fromV3(input, password) - import a wallet (Version 3 of the Ethereum wallet format)
  • fromEthSale(input, password) - import an Ethereum Pre Sale wallet

For the V1, V3 and EthSale formats the input is a JSON serialized string. All these formats require a password.

Instance methods:

  • getPrivateKey() - return the private key
  • getPublicKey() - return the public key
  • getAddress() - return the address
  • toV3(password, [options]) - return the wallet as a JSON string (Version 3 of the Ethereum wallet format)

All of the above instance methods return a Buffer or JSON. Use the String suffixed versions for a string output, such as getPrivateKeyString().

Remarks about toV3

The options is an optional object hash, where all the serialization parameters can be fine tuned:

  • uuid - UUID. One is randomly generated.
  • salt - Random salt for the kdf. Size must match the requirements of the KDF (key derivation function). Random number generated via crypto.getRandomBytes if nothing is supplied.
  • iv - Initialization vector for the cipher. Size must match the requirements of the cipher. Random number generated via crypto.getRandomBytes if nothing is supplied.
  • kdf - The key derivation function, see below.
  • dklen - Derived key length. For certain cipher settings, this must match the block sizes of those.
  • cipher - The cipher to use. Names must match those of supported by OpenSSL, e.g. aes-128-ctr or aes-128-cbc.

Depending on the kdf selected, the following options are available too.

For pbkdf2:

  • c - Number of iterations. Defaults to 262144.
  • prf - The only supported (and default) value is hmac-sha256. So no point changing it.

For scrypt:

  • n - Iteration count. Defaults to 262144.
  • r - Block size for the underlying hash. Defaults to 8.
  • p - Parallelization factor. Defaults to 1.

The following settings are favoured by the Go Ethereum implementation and we default to the same:

  • kdf: scrypt
  • dklen: 32
  • n: 262144
  • r: 8
  • p: 1
  • cipher: aes-128-ctr