Nadia Sotnikova f6f35e403d Add and update icons (#181)
Created and updated icons for:

- aeon (Fixes #177)
- btdx (Fixes #143)
- colx (Fixes #135)
- dash (Fixes #151)
- drop (Fixes #154)
- gxlt (Fixes #148)
- hodl (Fixes #112)
- ht (Fixes #173)
- msr (Fixes #179)
- neu (Fixes #127)
- npxs (Fixes #172)
- ost (Fixes #129)
- safe (Fixes #114)
- stq (Fixes #122)
- tusd (Fixes #161)
- vrsc (Fixes #131)
- xmo (Fixes #178)
- xrp (Fixes #137)
2018-08-18 00:35:15 +07:00

14 lines
1.2 KiB

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<!-- Generator: Sketch 50 (54983) - -->
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