cjdowner f8a0efa2d9 4 Nov 2017
## Release Notes:

Updated list of coins to include current top 50 on coinmarketcap #1
Removed Outline Icons from project
Updated filenames to include currency codes #3
Added @2x variants for the 32x32 size

- Bytecoin
- Digibyte #2

**New Additions:**
- Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
- Qtum
- OmsieGo (OMG)
- Cardano (ADA)
- BitConnect (BCC)
- Lisk (LSK)
- Hshare (HSR)
- TenX (PAY)
- Pivx
- BinanceCoin (BNB)
- Tron (TRX)
- Populous (PPT)
- MonaCoin (MONA)
- Basic Attention Token (BAT)
- BitcoinDark (BTCD)
- Kyber Network (KNC)
- Byteball (GBYTE)
- 0x
2017-11-04 14:12:15 +00:00

32 lines
2.1 KiB

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