Nadia Sotnikova 25376220e0 Updated and added new icons (#196)
Updated and added new icons to fix issues:

$pac (fixes #193)
actn (fixes #120)
arg (fixes #188)
bsd (fixes #157)
bts (fixes #159)
cmm (fixes #121)
ctxc (fixes #167)
dht (fixes #128)
dock (fixes #164)
fjc (fixes #189)
gmr (fixes #132)
gsc (fixes #184)
gzr (fixes #116)
hight (fixes #144)
iotx (fixes #183)
loom (fixes #163)
moac (fixes #174)
nexo (fixes #170)
ok (fixes #156)
pasc (fixes #130)
payx (fixes #175)
rap (fixes #192)
shift (fixes #158)
sib (fixes #190)
soc (fixes #171)
tern (fixes #124)
trtl (fixes #180)
wicc (fixes #166)
xin (fixes #165)
xsg (fixes #191)
2018-09-01 01:35:59 +07:00

11 lines
1.3 KiB

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