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synced 2025-01-28 10:14:44 +00:00
Updated and added new icons to fix issues: $pac (fixes #193) actn (fixes #120) arg (fixes #188) bsd (fixes #157) bts (fixes #159) cmm (fixes #121) ctxc (fixes #167) dht (fixes #128) dock (fixes #164) fjc (fixes #189) gmr (fixes #132) gsc (fixes #184) gzr (fixes #116) hight (fixes #144) iotx (fixes #183) loom (fixes #163) moac (fixes #174) nexo (fixes #170) ok (fixes #156) pasc (fixes #130) payx (fixes #175) rap (fixes #192) shift (fixes #158) sib (fixes #190) soc (fixes #171) tern (fixes #124) trtl (fixes #180) wicc (fixes #166) xin (fixes #165) xsg (fixes #191)
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